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Classic Who "Day of the Daleks" Parts 1&2 Full Reaction - Google Drive

Classic Who -Day of the Daleks- Parts 1&2 Full Reaction.mp4



One thing about watching the special edition - at least you didn't have to put up with the bloody awful Dalek voices in the original version! It's as if after five years away nobody could remember how to do them... And hey, the world didn't stop turning when you watched the special edition of The Dalek Invasion of Earth, and missed out on the pie-tin spaceship in all its glory! I do have to say though - and please don't take this the wrong way - I was amused by your apology for lack of a big reaction to the Daleks, given the fact you missed their first appearance in the episode completely and gave them no response at all! (You'll have spotted that in the edit, I'm sure). It did raise a smile!

James Fish

Thank you for another outstanding reaction. I have absolutely no objections to you checking out the special edition, it's a far more engaging version of the story. The laser gun effects are a lot better, when Jo 'zoops' forward in time, it looks better & there are lots of little touches to scenes, particularly the action scenes. The original looks rather flat in comparison (although I wouldn't say unwatchable). The biggest change is the Dalek voices. The Daleks had not been in it for a few years at this stage & although they sound like Daleks, the voices are notably different in the original - it seems like there are longer pauses between syllables when they speak. I don't think they got it quite right! Feel free to check out the original version just to see the differences, but I think you made the right choice for this reaction. Thanks again & see you next time!