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Toy Story 4 Reaction! - Google Drive



what tier do we need to be for crazy hair videos? haha I guessed Rex... i was right yay

Thomas Corp

So the first Toy Story is my earliest movie going memory, I went to see it with my aunt when it first came out when I was four, I also first saw the second one with her as well. Timing didn't quite work out for us to see the third or fourth ones together, but we called each other up after we had seen them and talked for hours about them so that made up for it. Rewatching this I got very emotional being reminded just how much my aunt loved Forky, like how people think that Grogu is one of the cutest most adorable characters ever that was how my aunt felt about Forky. God was she nuts about Forky. Yeah all four of these movies make me cry as well, the first two more so now that I’m an adult. The third was probably the most emotionally brutal and the incinerator scene was one of the most traumatic experiences I’ve ever had in a movie theater. You and me are essentially on the same page regarding the ending for this one in that my personal thought was yeah it does make me sad, but it’s more akin to a happy kind of sad, very bittersweet and ultimately it felt like the appropriate ending for the film and presumably the franchise. So I guessed your favorite character was Slinky, and when you said Rex I said, “Ah! Didn’t think about Rex, yeah I can see that” Sorry to hear you had a crazy morning with your hair by the way. That actually made me laugh at myself hearing how chaotic a time you were having with your hair; I’m saying to myself, “Well, I guess that’s one benefit of having little to no hair left on my head is that I don’t have to go through stuff like this. Not entirely sure that makes me feel better or not about how little hair I got left, but it is something.” So glad you enjoyed the movie; this was a very enjoyable reaction. Thank you so much.

Jack's World

Yep this movie was the last one my summer camp went to see before we were shut down & I can say with confidence the entire row of staff in the theater had their eyes welling with tears each for their own reason. The ending act of this film broke my soul & made me go find my still functioning Woody from when I was a little kid & cherish it that little bit more 🥺❤️