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The Walking Dead 10x18 Full Reaction - Google Drive


Dave Hampton

I loved this episode. I know you did not want to talk about ships but I will. I have only quickly read one article about this episode but the person who wrote it was a Carol and Daryl shipper and they did not like this episode. I love Carol and Daryl's friendship but I have never shipped them romantically. I obviously know many have shipped them that way and that is fine not everyone has to have the same opinions. I really liked Daryl and Leah in this episode. I have shipped Daryl and Connie in the past. I think Connie is still alive so the future should be interesting if Leah is too. I too am worried about Dog in present day scenes (I have Shiva PTSD). The flash back scenes are nice to not have to worry. I thought this episode highlighted Daryl very well. The argument between Daryl and Carol at the end was tough to watch but well done. Overall a very good episode in my opinion.