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Matrix Revolutions Reaction! - Google Drive


Thomas Corp

The statement you made at the opening: "maybe what I have envisioned in my head and what's actually gonna take place is maybe not entirely the same." I think perhaps that's the primary reason why most people hated this movie. Me, I saw both Reloaded and Revolutions for the first time back to back on tv over a decade ago now, and therefore I didn't have time to build up hype in my head and/or just spend any time thinking, "what the hell's gonna happen next or how the hell are they gonna wrap this up." The battle of Zion as well as the final clash between Neo and Smith are the two standout moments of the film. It's refreshing to see you enjoyed not just the supporting characters such as the kid, Link's wife Zee and Mifune the head guy in the machine gun robot, but that you also expressed an appreciation for the more skeptical characters like Locke AKA the guy from Dollhouse and Roland AKA the grumpy captain as you put it. The character arc of Smith is still my favorite part of the whole trilogy, also credit where credit is due, Ian Bliss as Bane the man who Smith hijacked was excellent as well, and like you said he captured Hugo Weaving's expressions, mannerisms and speech patterns remarkably well. The Matrix Revolutions is my favorite one of the trilogy despite the fact that it is almost always viewed as the worst one of the trilogy by almost all of the fans. So It was quite a pleasant surprise to see how much you enjoyed this film and it made me very happy. I thank you for that.


Can I just say how nice it is to see someone else who likes the Zion battle as much as I do? A lot of people say this is the weakest of the trilogy but I'll take it over the second one just because of that (and I'd take a big battle over lots of conversations about "choice", which didn't come across as deep as the writer hoped. As with all your reactions, I liked seeing which characters you got attached to. :) I don't know if this is intentional or not but Part 3 is only available in 360p, by the way.