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I'm going to try Dropbox temporarily. Let me know what you think about it. 


The Walking Dead 10x11 Full Reaction.mp4

Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!


Dave Hampton

Dropbox is probably fine. I have seen other content on there before without problems. It did freeze up on me at about the 55 minute mark but I was able to watch the rest on YouTube. The picture was also not as clear as the YouTube version but maybe it would have been with more time to process or if I downloaded it. In regards to your question about Alden and Earl I do not have a problem with them not wanting Mary to see her nephew. I might let her see him in a supervised situation but I am fine with them not wanting to. I think Mary was there when they left her nephew based on flash backs but I could be mistaken and/or interpreting them wrong.


Yeah I'm not too pleased with the player on it. The processing on Google Drive just drives me insane so I'm trying to find what would be best for everyone.