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Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 2 Reaction! - Google Drive


Harry Utton

Omg I didn't even realise it was July! So ready for this!


I’ve been dreading your reaction to Finnick’s fate; it knocked me for six when I read it (its brutal) and I put off watching the film for a while because I didn’t want to see it lol

George Alexander

What a movie ! primrose has a blast !

Dylan Cooper

Can't wait to get into this! :D

Stephen Ray

There's no point in killing off characters that you don't like. Nobody remembers when random bad guy gets killed. When someone has a character development arc then gets killed off, you feel it. Sorry, Finnick. I enjoyed watching this along with you. Thanks for doing this.

Dylan Cooper

You're right about the letter scene at the end being filmed due to Philip Seymour Hoffman's death. I was very sad to hear of his passing in the middle of the films coming out, he was a great and much-loved actor. Finnick is my favourite character in this series, so when I first read his death scene I was absolutely distraught, and I'm still not over it. Your reaction to it was heartbreaking to watch too. My favourite scene in this movie has got to be when Katniss is shouting at Prim's cat, I also think that's the best acted scene by Jennifer Lawrence. Just a perfect display of pent up grief and anger, she's phenomenal. I'm glad that you seemed to connect with a few characters, even if they weren't the main ones, Effie and Haymitch are brilliant characters and I loved that little kiss they had towards the end. It's been really fun watching this series with you, and like Harry Potter I'm really gonna miss these reactions! Thank you so much for these truly entertaining reactions, and I'm looking forward to whatever film series you watch next!


Thanks for these reactions! I feel you about Philip Seymour Hoffman; it was Alan Rickman for me, and it's such a big part of my experience of films now. I have also begun to love Woody Harrelson, and only through your rewatches did I realise that he played Haymitch as well! So ... thank you :).


I feel like the main characters being the least interesting is becoming a trend in these movie series so far. Harry Potter had Snape, Ron, Luna, etc.. Dark Knight had Gordan, Alfred, etc.. and now Hunger Games with Haymitch, Effie, Finnick, etc. I didn't really care much for Katniss personally and the relationship with Peeta felt so forced and cringy to watch. I'm sure it's probably better done in the books. Anyways, thanks for the reactions and looking forward to the next series.


The books are terrific being told from Katniss perspective gives her part of the triangle a much clearer focus. I remember being stunned when Prim died about how dark these books had become and grateful that the films kept that bleakness. Katniss is not meant to be likeable. Jennifer Lawrence is terrific in this role. Haymitch and Effie are more fleshed out in the books of course, but I liked both actors performances. Haymitch's don't be a stranger leaves their future relationship open for any future you like.

Miz Mons (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-23 22:36:02 Finnick is THE BEST. A lot of people get upset over Prim’s death (and they should) but for me it was Finnick – I absolutely lost it when I hit that part in the books. He had such great character development; I loved how the author built up the perception of his public persona as a playboy Victor, but then revealed him to be a very scarred, sweet person who was essentially having to play that role in order to keep Annie safe. “Mockingjay Part 1” uses his story as the signal cover for the scene when Gale & the others are rescuing the victors, but in the books it’s a pre-taped confessional and nothing gets glossed over and it is totally heart-breaking. As Book Katniss says, “I want to interrupt the taping and beg Finnick’s forgiveness for every false thought I’ve ever had about him.” He was a gem. Haymitch is also amazing. I loved Woody Harrelson as Haymitch, though it’s worth pointing out that Book Haymitch and Movie Haymitch are vastly different. Book Haymitch is so far gone in alcoholism; there was a whole sequence in “Catching Fire” where Katniss and Peeta are trying to train Haymitch for the Quarter Quell, but his body is too broken to handle it. I do feel bad that his entire backstory didn’t make it to film. That might be reason enough for you to read the books, though I remember from the Harry Potter reactions that reading is not that fun for you…still I hesitate to spill all of Haymitch’s story just in case… Now, the movies had a gift in Effie and Haymitch, and should have done even more with it. Effie’s character in the last two films is a combination of other book characters; Effie was barely in the last book, but Elizabeth Banks was so great in bringing her to life that it made total sense to continue developing Effie’s character completely independent of the book. I can’t imagine the Effie & Haymitch of the books ever ending up together, but I loved the rapport between Woody Harrelson & Elizabeth Banks, and wish there had been more scenes with them. As far as Gale goes, I also liked him and agree with your thoughts after the film. In the books, I think both Peeta and Gale’s characters represent – in a literary sense – the two philosophies that Katniss is torn between: Peeta is peace and Gale is vengeance. (This is all book stuff, didn’t really come across in the films.) So I think the love triangle falls pretty flat on screen. Another thing that wasn’t made all that clear in the films, is that Gale was – possibly – personally responsible for the bomb that killed Prim, and that was the nail in the coffin for him as far as Katniss was concerned. Oh, Gale. For the most part, the movies did a great job of hitting all the plot points and telling the story (particularly “Catching Fire”) but unfortunately so much character backstory/history/inner life was left out. Bizarrely, I don’t think the supporting characters like Haymitch suffered so much for that, but Katniss and Peeta’s characters did. Without those inner lives and their backgrounds, Katniss’s motives are often unclear and she can come off as very grating, while Peeta just comes off as bland. (And Peeta ties with Finnick for my favorite character so if I’m saying it…damn.) I was always surprised that the first film barely touched on the defining event(s) of Katniss’s character: the death of her father (at a younger age than in the films) and her family’s near-death by starvation when her mother fell into a debilitating grief because of it. Peeta giving Katniss the bread was more than a nice gesture; he helped saved her life and the lives of her family. The books are written in the first-person from Katniss’s perspective, so the movies were never going to be able to fully translate to screen, but I feel like they did the best they could. Thanks for reacting to these movies! It’s always fun to watch your reactions, but I was also really curious to see how someone who hadn’t read the books would react to them. As a huge fan of the Boy With the Bread and the Girl on Fire, I’m sorry their personal stories didn’t connect with you, but glad you enjoyed the overall story and the other awesome characters, particularly Haymitch and my man Finnick. Thank you for sharing – it was a fun watch!
2018-07-02 03:08:00 Finnick is THE BEST. A lot of people get upset over Prim’s death (and they should) but for me it was Finnick – I absolutely lost it when I hit that part in the books. He had such great character development; I loved how the author built up the perception of his public persona as a playboy Victor, but then revealed him to be a very scarred, sweet person who was essentially having to play that role in order to keep Annie safe. “Mockingjay Part 1” uses his story as the signal cover for the scene when Gale & the others are rescuing the victors, but in the books it’s a pre-taped confessional and nothing gets glossed over and it is totally heart-breaking. As Book Katniss says, “I want to interrupt the taping and beg Finnick’s forgiveness for every false thought I’ve ever had about him.” He was a gem. Haymitch is also amazing. I loved Woody Harrelson as Haymitch, though it’s worth pointing out that Book Haymitch and Movie Haymitch are vastly different. Book Haymitch is so far gone in alcoholism; there was a whole sequence in “Catching Fire” where Katniss and Peeta are trying to train Haymitch for the Quarter Quell, but his body is too broken to handle it. I do feel bad that his entire backstory didn’t make it to film. That might be reason enough for you to read the books, though I remember from the Harry Potter reactions that reading is not that fun for you…still I hesitate to spill all of Haymitch’s story just in case… Now, the movies had a gift in Effie and Haymitch, and should have done even more with it. Effie’s character in the last two films is a combination of other book characters; Effie was barely in the last book, but Elizabeth Banks was so great in bringing her to life that it made total sense to continue developing Effie’s character completely independent of the book. I can’t imagine the Effie & Haymitch of the books ever ending up together, but I loved the rapport between Woody Harrelson & Elizabeth Banks, and wish there had been more scenes with them. As far as Gale goes, I also liked him and agree with your thoughts after the film. In the books, I think both Peeta and Gale’s characters represent – in a literary sense – the two philosophies that Katniss is torn between: Peeta is peace and Gale is vengeance. (This is all book stuff, didn’t really come across in the films.) So I think the love triangle falls pretty flat on screen. Another thing that wasn’t made all that clear in the films, is that Gale was – possibly – personally responsible for the bomb that killed Prim, and that was the nail in the coffin for him as far as Katniss was concerned. Oh, Gale. For the most part, the movies did a great job of hitting all the plot points and telling the story (particularly “Catching Fire”) but unfortunately so much character backstory/history/inner life was left out. Bizarrely, I don’t think the supporting characters like Haymitch suffered so much for that, but Katniss and Peeta’s characters did. Without those inner lives and their backgrounds, Katniss’s motives are often unclear and she can come off as very grating, while Peeta just comes off as bland. (And Peeta ties with Finnick for my favorite character so if I’m saying it…damn.) I was always surprised that the first film barely touched on the defining event(s) of Katniss’s character: the death of her father (at a younger age than in the films) and her family’s near-death by starvation when her mother fell into a debilitating grief because of it. Peeta giving Katniss the bread was more than a nice gesture; he helped saved her life and the lives of her family. The books are written in the first-person from Katniss’s perspective, so the movies were never going to be able to fully translate to screen, but I feel like they did the best they could. Thanks for reacting to these movies! It’s always fun to watch your reactions, but I was also really curious to see how someone who hadn’t read the books would react to them. As a huge fan of the Boy With the Bread and the Girl on Fire, I’m sorry their personal stories didn’t connect with you, but glad you enjoyed the overall story and the other awesome characters, particularly Haymitch and my man Finnick. Thank you for sharing – it was a fun watch!

Finnick is THE BEST. A lot of people get upset over Prim’s death (and they should) but for me it was Finnick – I absolutely lost it when I hit that part in the books. He had such great character development; I loved how the author built up the perception of his public persona as a playboy Victor, but then revealed him to be a very scarred, sweet person who was essentially having to play that role in order to keep Annie safe. “Mockingjay Part 1” uses his story as the signal cover for the scene when Gale & the others are rescuing the victors, but in the books it’s a pre-taped confessional and nothing gets glossed over and it is totally heart-breaking. As Book Katniss says, “I want to interrupt the taping and beg Finnick’s forgiveness for every false thought I’ve ever had about him.” He was a gem. Haymitch is also amazing. I loved Woody Harrelson as Haymitch, though it’s worth pointing out that Book Haymitch and Movie Haymitch are vastly different. Book Haymitch is so far gone in alcoholism; there was a whole sequence in “Catching Fire” where Katniss and Peeta are trying to train Haymitch for the Quarter Quell, but his body is too broken to handle it. I do feel bad that his entire backstory didn’t make it to film. That might be reason enough for you to read the books, though I remember from the Harry Potter reactions that reading is not that fun for you…still I hesitate to spill all of Haymitch’s story just in case… Now, the movies had a gift in Effie and Haymitch, and should have done even more with it. Effie’s character in the last two films is a combination of other book characters; Effie was barely in the last book, but Elizabeth Banks was so great in bringing her to life that it made total sense to continue developing Effie’s character completely independent of the book. I can’t imagine the Effie & Haymitch of the books ever ending up together, but I loved the rapport between Woody Harrelson & Elizabeth Banks, and wish there had been more scenes with them. As far as Gale goes, I also liked him and agree with your thoughts after the film. In the books, I think both Peeta and Gale’s characters represent – in a literary sense – the two philosophies that Katniss is torn between: Peeta is peace and Gale is vengeance. (This is all book stuff, didn’t really come across in the films.) So I think the love triangle falls pretty flat on screen. Another thing that wasn’t made all that clear in the films, is that Gale was – possibly – personally responsible for the bomb that killed Prim, and that was the nail in the coffin for him as far as Katniss was concerned. Oh, Gale. For the most part, the movies did a great job of hitting all the plot points and telling the story (particularly “Catching Fire”) but unfortunately so much character backstory/history/inner life was left out. Bizarrely, I don’t think the supporting characters like Haymitch suffered so much for that, but Katniss and Peeta’s characters did. Without those inner lives and their backgrounds, Katniss’s motives are often unclear and she can come off as very grating, while Peeta just comes off as bland. (And Peeta ties with Finnick for my favorite character so if I’m saying it…damn.) I was always surprised that the first film barely touched on the defining event(s) of Katniss’s character: the death of her father (at a younger age than in the films) and her family’s near-death by starvation when her mother fell into a debilitating grief because of it. Peeta giving Katniss the bread was more than a nice gesture; he helped saved her life and the lives of her family. The books are written in the first-person from Katniss’s perspective, so the movies were never going to be able to fully translate to screen, but I feel like they did the best they could. Thanks for reacting to these movies! It’s always fun to watch your reactions, but I was also really curious to see how someone who hadn’t read the books would react to them. As a huge fan of the Boy With the Bread and the Girl on Fire, I’m sorry their personal stories didn’t connect with you, but glad you enjoyed the overall story and the other awesome characters, particularly Haymitch and my man Finnick. Thank you for sharing – it was a fun watch!