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There is something deeply special between King Ezekiel and Carol. I love how they were able to take these two characters and draw so many similarities between the two. There’s been a lot unspoken between Ezekiel and Carol. I think there’s a deep understand between the two of them and this scene just brought it all to the forefront. 

Once upon a time, Carol was not okay. I’m still not entirely sure if she’s okay now. But she became broken. We’ve seen her take the entire world on her shoulders. We’ve seen her do the unspeakable so others wouldn’t have to. And of course, we’ve seen her put on an act time and time again. 

I think when Carol went to go see Ezekiel, she knew exactly what she was going to say. She knew that she needed to convince him to put on an act once again. His people needed him. Just like the way Rick’s group/the people from Alexandria needed her. She eventually got to a place where it was too much and fittingly Ezekiel was part of the reason she was able to pull away from that. She got to a point where she was okay and I think a big part of that is because of him. 

Now of course we can give Ezekiel some leeway here. He pretty much lost everything in the course of one episode. Not only did he lose so many of his people and his beloved Shiva but he genuinely thinks their deaths are his fault. Struggling with that kind of guilt is insanely hard to get over. (Just look at Daryl) I think it will be a long time before he will even smile again. 

What I did love was Carol and Ezekiel’s exchange at the end when he told her that she made him feel real. That just struck such a chord with me. It seems like maybe both of them can be “real” with each other….just maybe not to the rest of the world. And maybe that’s okay. Maybe it’s what the people of the kingdom need right now. This was an insanely emotional scene delving into the hearts of two characters who have now lost so much and I loved every second of it. 



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