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Unless something drastically changes, it looks like The Dark Knight Trilogy will be the next movie series I react to!!
If anyone is new, the movie reactions come out the first of every month. Fantastic Beasts will be out tomorrow and The Dark Knight Trilogy will be on January 1st!!
Hope you're excited!!



Hell yes! Dark Knight trilogy is absolutely amazing


They're certainly not bad movies, but i was never a Batman fan. I like Batman Begins the best out of the three. There is some cool acting in the second one, but the film doesn't send me into paroxysms of delight as it does so many others. I hope you enjoy them a lot, Jess.

Ana Decaprio

Gary Oldman + Heath Ledger are AMAZING. i have to rewatch them first


For me, the best thing about the Dark Knight trilogy is the beautiful vision that the director Christopher Nolan had for his iteration of Batman. The compelling storytelling employed, the artistic cinematography & directing and of course the stellar performances of the cast come together to create an epic journey through all three movies. All 3 movies should send you in a whirlwind of emotions, telling the story of in my opinion the greatest comic book superhero of all time. I really hope and do think you will enjoy it immensely, and I absolutely cannot wait for your reaction. On a side note, the music by Hans Zimmer is brilliant, and The Dark Knight is the best superhero movie of all time.


I'm so glad you're doing the reactions to The Dark Knight Trilogy. I think you're going to fall in love with it. Can't wait to watch with you over the next few months