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Please give me your questions for the next Harry Potter Q&A!!!! Leave them in the comments below! 


Dylan Cooper

Out of all the movies so far, what one scene has been your favourite? Also, are there any questions you have in mind at this point in the series that you hope the last 3 films will answer?


Who is your favourite Harry Potter Villain? Quirrel Lockhart (he was a dick) Tom Riddle Bazalisk Peter Petigrew Voldermort Barty Crouch Jr. (David Tennants character) Umbridge Lucius Malfoy Bellatrix Lestrange I think that's all of them XD

Monty Magpie

What was your favorite moment or scene from the movie? What did you think about Bellatrix Lestrange using Avada Kedavra (the killing curse) on Sirius?

Jeff Clark

Did the death of Sirius, a major character, surprise you relatively soon after his introduction? Has it changed your ideas of who is "safe"? And would you rather fight a dragon sized pixie or 10 pixie sized dragons?


After Cedric's death in no.4 and Sirius's death in no.5, which major deaths do you predict will occur in the rest of the series? Who and how?


Okay, this time I'm not going to miss out on asking questions! Been super busy this summer, so couldn't get in the last one, but I enjoyed that QnA a lot too. These are so awesome, as are your reactions. To make up for it, I ended up with a few questions this time, hope that's okay. :P (If you just want to pick one or two they're placed in order of how much I want them answered) 1. What did you think of Harry's moodswings throughout the movie? I remember reading the book as a child and being super annoyed at him (this was before I was a teenager), but later I've grown a bit more sympathetic too him, even though I'm not very fond of "teenage drama where people just doesn't sit down and talk things out", considering how much he was put through. Still, I'm not sure how I feel about it. 2. You finally got to know some more info about Snape! Yay! What were your thoughts on that brief glimpse into Snape's memories? And also, what do you think of Snape in general now? In this movie he was not very present, but what we saw he was his usual, charming and asshole self, but we also got some background, and we had him actually working for the order, which surprised Harry. 3. What are your thoughts on Dumbledore now? I know you've talked a bit in the past about how Dumbledore obviously plays favorites with Harry (which.... yes), but in this movie we got to see how that doesn't always turn out well for Harry himself, considering the treatment he got from Dumbledore this movie, even if Dumbledore's reasoning for doing what he did made sense. What do you think? 4. How much did you hate Umbridge? Looking forward to the QnA and to the next movie reaction! These are definitely highlights of the month for me! :D

Mark McKeown

Who is your fav Weasley?? =]


After seeing a bit of snapes backstory, do you believe James Potter to be a bad person despite the way everyone else talks highly of him. And do you think a bit more negatively of Harry because of his fathers actions?

George Alexander

Thanks for wearing the T-shirt I got you :D!! How did u find the bigger team/group in this movie, Do you prefer just having the 3 main guys on a quest or did u enjoy having more faces such as Neville, Ginny and Luna involved.

Michael Morand

So happy that you're really getting into the series! A fairly simple question which I could probably guess the answers to but which character is your favourite in these categories: fave student, fave teacher, fave villain, fave parent/other adult, and fave creature or animal?


I'd like to hear some more about what you think about one of my favorite characters, Luna "Loony" Lovegood. Also, Order of the Phoenix FMK: Sirius Black Arthur Weasly Remus Lupin Looking forward to The Half-Blood Prince!

Dave van der Kuyp

Not sure if you would ever do it, but if at the end of all this you become curious and read the books to see what's different. Do you think you that could happen and would you be interested in making reviews for them, just to compare? (Might have been asked and answered already, I missed a few Q&As. )


So, you're my first patreon and I subscribed just to see these Harry Potter videos :D I've binged the entire series with you over 2 days. I'm away from home right now, and I don't have friends as of yet, so it's been a little lonely, but watching these with you has made me feel like i'm watching something with a friend. Oh this is supposed to be a Q&A: Okay, my question is: The Patronus Charm, at full power, takes the form of an animal that's different for each witch/wizard. (Herminoie is a cat, Luna a Rabbit, Ron a Dog etc), what do you think your patronus would be?

Dave Ford

Great reaction - saw you really pay attention when Harry accidently tapped into some of Snapes memories - now you've seen some of Snape's backstory - including him being bullied and being a Death Eater and double agent - any thoughts on where his future story may be going?


So...Dumbledore, daft or dangerous? Sorry couldn't resist