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Hail Barbarians! 

The past year has been a very intense one for all of us. Today we're going to celebrate its conclusion.  

Let's mark the occasion by showing you some new Age of Barbarians Chronicles screenshots, look, a shooting star is in the sky above the maiden. Make your wish, light fires, drink and celebrate, and let the flames of your wicker man light up the clouds in the sky! That's right!





I take it the cutscene with the girl at camp is currently unfinished?


Just started playing this, cleared first level onto the world map area. First, off I like having an inventory. Compared to your other games although there is a bug that happened every time when entering another area. On the first stage map, your character becomes naked. Which great and all but still prefer to use my own discretion for that. So had to take off outfit and put it on again to trigger the outfit look. It could of also messed with the armor's provided bonus as well. No idea without any stats sheet in the inventory screen. Seeing the increases firsthand myself for my character. I do admit I like making more use out my mouse/rollerball in this version. Yet this overall tbh is extremely unplayable for me. I found it hard just to go through some doorways. Even went off the map like Mario 3, unless was meant like a secret. Didn't really care to exploit it. I would certainly make more use out of those mouse controls. I think be alot easier to loot items by left clicking. The same way for in game object identification. Adding arrows prompts on the ends of doorways when discovered would go a long way. That can also use the mouse the same way to transverse to other room. So, players like me don't get bugged or spend 10-20 seconds trying to exit a doorway. Some are fine but others can be a real pain in the ass. Generally, happens only on the right or left sides, paths up and down seem fine. For other issues, button maps don't work right. Appears some keys still function as original intended. So, they overlap each other. Should use same Keys layouts throughout the whole game as well. I honestly really don't like needing to use completely different keys. On start menus and options. Switching from Arrow keys to W-S-D-A keys. Along with interaction and enter key. When really no reason for it, besides making things more complicated. Doesn't seem to be a save function either which is extremely important. Depending how much the game is done. Might have auto saves but still prefer manual. Although doesn't matter at this point since unable to load my games. Tried clicking everywhere and pressing every key. On character load menu. No idea how to even reload a game. Also, after completing first level and entering the world map. I really have no idea what to do next. Nothing explaining anything with no quest log. Might be a bug but didn't seem like I could enter anywhere. You also move extremely slow on the map. Hitting sprint key might have helped but couldn't get it to work. Could have fixed it probably in option but had to go to main menu. Which breaks my game load so saw no point in doing it. So maybe you can move faster on the world map with sprint key?. I think adding more ques in general would also help alot. Any prompts at the start of words explaining stuff like short tutorials. How to successfully parry and perform special moves. Like you or you guys did in your other games with the trainer. Or having some human practice dummies would be nice. Giving players an opportunity to sharpen there skills. Also, not sure what those two things cycling above your head are. One appears to be seducing? not sure about the other. The screen ratio is messed up so bad for me. Was unable to see any health bar for my character. Could barely even see the NPC companion bar. Whatever bar was at the top, that I could barely see. So, you guys will need a resolution setting. Or windowed, wide screen and full screen settings. Which can usually line everything up on screen.

Crian Soft

There is a special area in the Dicord for bugs and suggestions, however thanks for the list of reports you provided. As for the map, the movement is deliberately slow, you can increase the movement through the use of mounts, which are currently not yet available. The areas that can be explored are the Skaranian camp south of the starting position, the three caverns to the north and some camps located south of the river.