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Hi there! ٩(◉ᴥ◉)۶

heh, I finally managed to get the comic done, it's my longest yet I think ^u^

Thank you all for your patience, I know it took waay too long, because I really wanted to make it live up to the expectations! (a lot of people really liked the original basement comic)

I think for this month, i will only offer sequences in the poll, because i kinda need a break from drawing panels for a bit ^u^ (also, lets keep it realistic: the month has only like 15 days left, and another comic would be insane in such a short time x.x )

I also want to apologise for the long break again, I think it was the longest I ever had on here, not posting for 2 weeks in a row! I really needed to focus on the comic and wanted to release it all at once and also got a little trapped in all the details x.x

My time management is back on track now, so there will be more regular content now that this big project is done ^u^

You can click on the pdf below to read the comic, please notice that I did 2 versions:

Cut Version – No body hair in the Story, because some people really dont like it.

Uncut Version – Same content, but with the addition of pubic hairs.

The google drive will also be updated soon, I will drop a link later today :3




One thing I do like are the tears. Signs of denial and resistance.


This is awesome, love the spitbug comics and makes me remember your first one welcome to the hive which this one feels the same which you flesh out the transformation so good but the artwork has gotten so better even if the hive one was good.


What a throwback and lots of juicy new lore!


Love it! Spitbug 2024 💕 I'll anxiously wait for my transformation!


Am I missing something? Where's the link?


I'm on phone so I can't veiw pdfs I think


Where again can i find the Google drive link / the sss Password for the drop box ?