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"Silver! Come on out!"

"Finally... This cage is NOT made for humans..."

"In these dark financial times, with the recessions and the Obamas and the taxes... You are lucky you get a cage at all!"

"How can I be lucky to be in a cage!? This makes no sense!"

"Hmmm... You know what, you are right. Life outside the cage is awesome. Speaking of life outside the cage, it's Sexy Shovel Duty Time!"

"Sexy shovel...??? Shovel what?"

"Snow, of course."

"It's winter already!?"

"You have been in that cage for a long time, pumpkin. Now get dressed!"

"What is that!? A bikini!?"

"Yes but don't worry, it's a Christmas-themed bikini. It will keep you warm. And don't forget your hat!"

MrArgent nonchalantly placed the santa's hat on Silver stupid head. He then opened the door and pushed her outside. He followed her, as for to explain her duty.

"Just shovel from here... To... You know..."


"Good girl."


"The longer the private road to your mansion, the more powerful a man you are. And it's exactly 6.9 miles, by the way."  

"I can't do it... I'm already freezing..."

"Let me give you a hand..."




Sheesh! Silver can’t expect Penguin to have to trudge through the snow like some kind of peasant! Of course she needs to shovel him a path!


Have you ever seen this!? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y-hfG-6OFA It explains Penguin's wanderer spirit!