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"Jesus Christ!? You might have spent too much time on Earth, Zenuvel..."

"What!? I didn't learned about Jesus Christ here... Jesus Christ is known in the entire universe, Bigail."

"... I knew that."

"Wanna come test it with me!?"

"Is it dangerous to test spaceships!?"

"I'll let you wear one of my vaginium spacesuit."

"Let's do it. Comon Penguin!"

Our very favorite heroine, our very favorite plushie penguin and our very favorite aliengirl made their way into Zenuvel's spaceship.

"Why are you using your feet as for to control the ship!?"

"What else should I use!?"

"Your hands."

"That's ridiculous. Feet are much sexier than hands."

"Woah... My whole life was a lie?"

"What do you know about lightspeed, Bigail!?"

"Uhhhh... Lightspeed!?... Uhhhhh... Is... The... Speed... Of... Light...???"



"So if you know that, you know all about the effects of travelling at that speed?"

"... ... ... Of course. But maybe you could refresh my memory... For the people at home?"

"Travelling at that speed, the tiny little thingies that make up the universe like quarks and shit like that, will have a tiny effect on the most sensitive place on your body... Your genitals, as we pass through them."

"I don't get it."

"There will be a vibration effect... Felt by.... Your genitals..."

"I still don't get it."

"Let me show you."

Zenuvel activated the lightspeed and both women started moaning and screaming in pleasure, especially Bigail. She was basically losing her mind, feeling like she was being fucked by the universe. Zenuvel had been travelling at lightspeed for 6000 years so she was used to it.


The morale of the story is that faster you go, the more.



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