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It feels so good for to be part of a team, like a sport team. It's great as for to your social and other human-on-human interactions stuffs.

I know that feeling now because I am part of Victoria's cheerleading squad.

Well not really but yes also.

I can't be a cheerleader, per se, because of my bad health, weak body, horrible cardio, negative mindset, poor communication skills, inexistant will to do things, inferior coordination and my addiction to mutiny and rebellion when part of a group. Victoria also explained to me that when I'm in a group of girls, I get too "Excited" and everything turns to being sexual or being violent. Mostly violent, for to be honest.

Well, for to be even more honest, Victoria didn't banned me from the team... I just can't deal with their "No Smoking" rule.

But don't worry my friend, because I got in anyway. Victoria named me "Main Sock Smeller", which mean I take care of the captain's feet. I take off her boots and then smell her slightly sweaty socks for a very long time. After that very long time, I take them off, as for to smell her bare feet, for a very long time.

It is a very prestigious job and I'm very proud for to be a part of the team.




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