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Did you even know that Sebastien (YOU) works for MrArgent now!?

Sebastien always wanted to reallocate his career into the career reallocation industry and when MrArgent offered him a chance to start working for him, Sebastien accepted.

His first job was so easy. But he failed. The candidate totally escaped the career reallocation. He must now face his new boss.

"MrArgent will see you now."

Said the latex secretary. I say latex secretary because her entire body was clad in latex except for her mouth and eyes. Her arms were tightly secured behind her back in a very restrictive monogloves and she was wearing a phone headset.

Sebastien entered and was surprised to see that it resembled more some kind of crypt or church. The walls were at least 24 feet tall and huge stained glass windows, helped by some torches, barely lit the place. There were no desk and no computer and everything was made of brick and stone. Clearly, the Argent Agency is not just a business... It is a spiritual entity that will endure for millenias.

Right in front of the big wall was a swivel chair and either MrArgent or someone wearing his famous hat was sitting in it. Sebastien couldn't tell because he was facing it's back.

"Sebastian, Sebastian, Sebastian..."

Said MrArgent, swivelling his chair in the most dramatic and suspenseful manner ever.


Let out Sebastien, completely impressed by everything: The swivel, the reveal, the little catgirl he was petting... Everything was so perfect. Purrfect. No I'm better than this sorry.

"I heard you failed, Sebastian..."

"I did sir... I'm so sorry..."

"Well... That's okay... Try harder next time. I believe in you. You can do it."

"Uh... Really? That's it!?"

"What? What do you want me to do? Kill you? Your failure cost me exactly 0$."

"But... Uh..."

"I just bought the swivel chair after I finally caught this rare tiny Nekogail and I really wanted to show you."

"Well... Nekogails ARE super rare!!! Congrats sir!"

"You can leave now."

"Of course. Thank you sir!"

"Tell the secretary to come in after you. She haven't seen my swivel move yet.

"Of course sir!"

MrArgent swivelled back towards his windows and said, contemplatively:

"The city..."
https://www.deviantart.com/mrargent for to read all his sexy stories and watch all his cooperations with other artists!!!

I only thought about adding a collar halfway, explaining why there is none in the beginning lol




A tiny Nekogail?! Life is good for me! Now I need a tiny Mousejasmine for her to play with.