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Coming soon into a console videogames near you!

SUPER MATHEO SISTERS ONLINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In story mode, take control of Matheo or her much better sister, Deluigi, and save the world from the all-powerful queen of all koopas, Bowsigail. The most beautiful of all the turtlegirls.

In online mode, it's just a free-for-all of killing and chaos.

With over 69 000 weapons, 69 000 cars and 69 000 pronouns, you won't get bored anytime soon.

"So? How are we going to kill that crazy turtle bitch!?"

"Rumor is, she is usually on a bridge over lava, jumping and vomiting fireballs. What I'm going to do is sneak under her or jump over her and reach that axe-lever-thingy."


"Yes. This will surely deactivate the bridge. Bowsigail will then fall into the lava."

"Isn't Bowsigail in love with lava!? Her castle is like inside a fuckin volcano. Does lava even hurts her!?"

"... Right... Then we'll just kill her with our guns."

"Thank you, fourth amendment!"

Said Deluigi, kissing her golden AK-47, the most American of all guns.

***This is kinda a renewing of the story Super Matheo Online story I had before on DA***



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