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The brand new product from the Fallustore!

The Oricubile!!!

Give us 3 weeks and a million dollars and we'll transform one of your wall into a mouth-bed!

Only a million dollars!!! And for to be honest, it's even less!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only 969 696.96$

"Mon amour... Tu es tellement belle en bleu..."

"Abigail... Where is our bed and... Why is the wall now a big mouth!?"

"I exchanged our bed for an Oricubile, the brand new mouth-bed from FallusDesign Global Industries. Comon! Get it... The water's fine... I mean the saliva... The saliva is fine..."

"I don't know about this... Where's our old bed!? I want our old bed back!"

"Gave it to Silver. I'll tell her to bring it back."

"NO! I do not want our old bed. I want a new one."

"I don't get it, why don't you like this ne-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHH"



"Bigail!? BIGAIL!?"




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