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"So... How did you get my number!?"

"Phoebe gave it to me. She told me that if I wanted to make it in Fallu City, I needed to know the very famous Abigail, also known as Bigail, also known as Behgail, when she is in her sheepgirl mode."

"Phoebe hates me. You are a friend of Phoebe!? Are you her mom!?"

"No... I rescued her from... She was kidnapped... You don't know that?"

"I don't remember. But you know what, she's right. I'm pretty much the most popular girl in this city. This is a nice place! I feel like I've been here before..."

"Yeah! I bought it with the reward money. You have that feeling because of the japanese architecture that makes Fallu City what it is. All the buildings and houses respect the Feng Shui and that is why sometimes, we see a lot of the same backgrounds. Please, sit down! I'll get you guys some drinks!"

"Thank you for letting me bring my lawyer with me. I always feel safer when he is there to protect me with his knowledge of the laws."

"No problem! Be right back!"

"What do you think, Penguin!? Should we trust her!?"

Penguin answered with his usual bravado:


"You are only saying this because of her gigantic breasts."


"Well... That is a convincing argument... Alright... I'll trust her... But only until she gives me a reason as for not to trust her anymore... At that point, I won't trust her anymore."


Miranda came back with a normal sized can of Coke and a tiny little can of Coke. No diet, no Zero, no bullshit, ORIGINAL COKE. ICE COLD.


"Here you go guys! The dinner is almost ready! Should I call you Abigail or Bigail!?"

"My full name is Abigail LaPertinente but please, call me Bigail!"

"Good! And this little guy is!?"

"Penguin. Penguin LePingouin. Attorney at lawyer."

"Cute! Just call me Miranda! I'll be right back with the food!"

"I think you were right, Penguin... She might be one of the good ones..."


"You are a myzojonistic! Do you know that there is a person, A SOUL, hidden, somewhere, inside those gigantic tits!?"


"You only think with your cloaca. You are exactly like all the other male penguins."


"SHHHhh... She's coming back!"

For to be continued



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