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Jealousy, in a love-love couple, in completely natural and armless. Most people do not appreciate when their loved one is being seduced by another. Delphine is jealous sometimes but it is armless. We'll just have a long, boring discussion after the fact. Followed by a week of punishments and slavery. That, at least, is not boring.

I'm never jealous. Ok I can be jealous sometimes. Ok I am very jealous. And when I get jealous, and I will, I destroy everything and everyone. But I'm not that jealous. It takes a lot for to make me jealous. I have a very high tolerance for jealousy. I'm basically never jealous.  But when I am, it is not armless. There will be some kicks. A lot of kicks. Followed by months of slavery and punishments. But this hardly ever happens so. I'm stable and mature mostly. More than I am jealous. But I'm not.



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