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I'm sowwy for only posting one thing today... My pill withdrawal is killing me... At least I made an animation for you guys instead of some crap for the general populace...  My brain is like... Boiling or something... But not in a nice way... Got a lot of problem with my creativity so go ahead and send me your requests so I can work without my fantastic imagination in the way.

The itching and tinnitus has gotten better :)
The headache and the bodyache had gotten worse :(
According to the interwebs (Which never lies) I'm amost halfway done with the symptoms.

Probably work on request tomorrow or the day after that. A lot of you have never asked for stuff before... Why? It's free. It's fun. It's fapable and most importantly: It's almost like a little bit like the end of the world... So why not have fun and try to do something that will stay in the interwebs forever, even after all humans died and nobody is there to use the interwebs anymore, except Mouton.

I love you.



Don't worry about it, sweetness. You produce a ton of stuff when you're up, so we should be able to cope with a bit of downtime XOXOX


Yeah I should delete that post because I still worked all night XD Working is good for my moral XD I love my job SO MUCH!!! Thank you still xxx


Take care of yourself. Lots of love!