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...yeah, that's the last update. I know if you've either looked through the entire Patreon or you've been here a long time, you've probably seen this (or at least the first iteration of it!) Yes, this is still how it ends after all this time. Hope you guys enjoyed seeing these, we'll resume actual pages soon!

All that's left is just finishing up the last updates - we're actually pretty relatively close! The only reason page updates have been slower is because we have a handful of incomplete updates between complete ones and we need time to finish them up! Thanks for understanding if our posts are a little more spaced out!

Once we're closer to the end of V4... I will start posting V5 stuff. Yes, it's already in early development. I've done some concept art and a lot of designs and even started on the official thumbnails! It's kinda crazy how you guys don't know anything about V5 after all this time. I hope you'll enjoy it the more you see of it going forward! <3




Its honestly so impressive how you guys are getting this done so quickly? Its so cool! You and your entire team is so talented :3