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For the entirety of it's over 1000 year existence, THE CODEX and the researchers who have spent their lives adding to its pages have strived to include histories and information that come from reputable, often first-hand, sources. Some information in this entry was not provided by such a source. The photograph above was sold to THE CODEX institution by a female pirate who claims to have been shipwrecked in Gehenna. While her stories should be treated as no more reputable than tales told by the myriad of sailors across the world, they do match the the findings of the 11th expedition sent to the Northern Shores of Gehenna, namely the existence of race of giant humanoids as well as a giant feline which she claims to have killed. Regardless of the truthfulness of her claims, after cross referencing her photo from a previous photo entry in THE CODEX from the year 492 A.C, the institution has determined that the photograph provided is likely an accurate depiction of The Northern Shores of Gehenna as the region appears now.

DATE PUBLISHED: 1008 A.C (After Cataclysms)

The first exploratory expedition to The Northern Shores of Gehenna began in 492 A.C, during which time it was determined that further exploration of the region would not be a wise use of  finances for The Coastal Empire, which was at the time involved in numerous wars with it's neighbors. Little information was gathered on this expedition other than what was already known. The Northern Shore was a wasteland stained with ruins from the old world, and guarded by a species of giant crab-like creatures which roamed the landscape, altering it without reason. The only known photo of The Northern Shores Gehenna in existence was taken on this expedition. The next 10 expeditions have all ended in failure with a 100% fatality rate for all explorers and field researchers involved.

This photo provided to the institution by a female sailor gives a rare and valuable look into how things have progressed in Gehenna since the first expedition. The landmarks suggest it is the same region that was captured in the first photo, but with a few key differences. 

The giant crabs residing in the region seem to have transformed the land beyond all recognition. Flat roads and tunnels are now replaced with vast mountain ranges, waterfalls and lagoons. 

While previously barren, save for a few hearty species of plants, the land is now home to a variety of plants and animals all alien in appearance.

Most notably however, are reports from people living in the region claiming to be descendants of settlers who arrived not long before the first expedition. The report that Gehenna has not only been flourishing, but expanding beyond its original borders, forcing many to relocate. If these reports of expansion are true, it could be of great concern to the already overcrowded Coastal Empire.




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