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I know its past valentines. >.<

I forgot to share this on here.

Whoops! Like and share tumblr post if you can please <3 





It was fun somewhat. I think i'm getting bored of my little pony cannon fanart atm. I need something fresh. BUT WHAT! Think I'm going to make another art blog for non mlp fan art. I want to be able to post non pony things without upsetting the pony fans. 

Anyways, made a little this money fromt he artpack, back to commissions. :D 

Art coming soon!




Xaldon Ajide

... you could try starting a comic series, I'd be interested of course. doesn't have to be mlp.


Mmmm, not a bad idea but I've tried doing comics in the past and everytime I had a hard time finishing them unless they were in sketch mode only. I guess I get too bored of it to easily.


In all honesty Moon, I'd like you to keep everything in one blog. I'd think otherwise if the fandom was as heavy hitting as it once was or you still cranked out pony stuff left and right. I think most of us still actively follow you because we like what you create as an artist, not just because of a theme.


I'm debating it, I really like the name I have and Moonbrush. But also afraid of it. I fear the stuff I want to draw would be lost/unnoticed/too disturbing in the pile of pony and or people stop following me cause all they want from me is pony porn. I want people to love my art for what it is, not its theme. I guess it because I could never get anywhere with it at first, before getting "whorse famous" I guess its mainly fear.


if people stop following you just because you're not doing mlp as much then it means they really didn't really care to begin with, it'll be their loss but expanding will bring in different followers to replace them.