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Over the month I've been writing down some tier change ideas in a notebook. I will be doing that over the next few days. Due to me moving and fixing my house up to sale  over the next few months, Ill be allowing lower tiers to get access to high grade works to draw more people in and support me. 

I need to start challenging myself again with smaller quick practice doodles, at least post one one a day if I can. I haven't decided on the subject matters yet. Maybe do a theme week or something for the Patrons to pick and be more active. I would love more feedback on here to keep me going. I NEED THE MOTIVATION GUYS!!!! 

Anyways. expect changes the next few days. I need to find a way to force me to post more on here and I can manage a daily doodle if the concept is simple (and if I can keep myself simple) for these practices. When everything is set up, I will make a post where you can comment your practice doodle ideas. 



Lets give this a shot and start a practice (if not I'll do something on my own to post). Free for all. Any suggestions for practice sketches?


I definitely agree you should do Themed Pictures! Something for a month that you would like, Maybe do all of them as small doodles and then Patreon supporters can vote which ones get colored! As for Themes they can be suggested but you eventually pick in the end :D


Not a bad idea. Themes picked. Small daily doodles (any creature/human). Patreons can vote which one to be completed for that month. Hopefully this will bring some variety.


Oh themed pics sound fun! I know a few artists will have different core themes that suit each month to keep things interesting and to not burn themselves out. You should also get back to doing some personal projects again. So maybe once the month finishes out, you pick your top 3-5 sketches that you really enjoyed and we get to vote for what becomes a finished piece.


Another good idea Sirhcx. Would be nice to pick my top favorites and then put a vote. Wouldn't overwelm people on voting too.