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Themes: Dom/Sub, Pet Play, Mind Break

Summary: Inspired by this image. Being a naturally talented heiress had always left Mitsuru Kijiro feeling mostly unchallenged, especially by the men her age. That was until HE walked in and began to shatter every expectation. So of course she'd challenge him to see if he was worthy. And after what started as friendly fencing spar gets intense, Mitsuru learns he's much more than she could imagine and she'd do anything to have him, including surrender herself. 


“P-Please… please take me as your pet.”

Mitsuru Kijiro never thought she’d find herself in this position. Indeed, if you’d asked anyone what they thought of the indomitable, naturally talented heiress, they would have described her calm, confident, very mature, and always in control. She was widely viewed as a very responsible, very intelligent young woman for her age.

Sure, some of her detractors might have described her as arrogant, conceited, and cold-hearted. Such terms as ‘overconfident’ might have even been thrown around behind her back a few times. But that was just it. It was always behind her back and never to her face. Why? Because for Mitsuru to actually be overconfident, that would imply that her confidence was misplaced and it wasn’t.

… Until now.

When Minato Arisato had first shown up at her school, Mitsuru had been curious but only in a vague, otherwise detached sort of way. And then she’d heard more and more about him. Apparently the young man was relatively detached from the world around him. Some called him calm and passive. Some called him lazy. It was the rumor that he was mute that had really caught Mitsuru’s attention… along with the fact that he’d joined the Fencing Club where she reigned supreme as the undisputed Queen.

The truth about Mitsuru was that being a naturally talented heiress all her life had left the red head feeling mostly unchallenged, especially by boys her age. Even as she’d gotten older and the boys her age had become young men her age, she’d still felt like most of them weren’t worth her time. At first glance, Minato Arisato seemed the same way. Unambitious, unmotivated, lazy scum.

Perhaps not as bad as the guys who wanted to get into her panties sure… but still plenty bad. And to have someone like him tainting her Fencing Club… Mitsuru wouldn’t stand for it. But of course, she was well aware of her reputation and she didn’t want to look too much like a tyrant. That’s why she had Minato meet with her privately long after the club finished for the day, before demanding a duel with him. She’d told him in no uncertain terms that when she won, he was to drop out of the Fencing Club and never return.

They’d sparred. Fought, really. What had started out as a not-so-friendly spar where Mitsuru intended to show Minato his place had quickly become something far, far more intense. See, Minato wasn’t mute. He would respond to anyone who asked him a question. His answers were just usually less than satisfactory, being one or two words even when the question wasn’t actually a ‘Yes or No’ sort of question.

He also really did seem to be constantly drowsy, always on the verge of falling asleep. His passivity in particular irked Mitsuru.

But that all changed in an instant once she got him into a proper fight. At the start, he didn’t seem to care overly much… so Mitsuru naturally pressed her advantage. But at some point the heiress must have flicked Minato’s switch because the quiet young man had gone from barely trying to aggressive as can be before she could even blink.

… She’d lost. For the first time in longer than she could remember, Mitsuru Kijiro had lost at something. More than that, she’d lost at FENCING. She hadn’t lost a fencing match since she was a child and her instructors could still beat her. As she’d grown up, she’d even surpassed all of them, until she’d proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that she didn’t need them anymore.

She was unstoppable. Undefeatable. Indivisible. Until Minato Arisato came around. He won their private spar, leaving Mitsuru collapsed on her knees panting heavily with eyes wide and wild. And then… he’d left without a word. By the time she’d calmed down her racing heart, he was just gone and Mitsuru… Mitsuru was left with an entirely different view of the world. One where she wasn’t the strongest. One where… one where someone better than her had FINALLY arrived.

That led to today. Mitsuru had asked Minato to meet with her privately again, late in the afternoon. And once they were alone, she’d wordlessly begin taking off her clothes. He hadn’t stopped her. He hadn’t grown flustered or embarrassed, nor shocked or surprised. He’d just watched her silently. It only spurred Mitsuru forward. Obviously, he’d been expecting this. Obviously, this was what was supposed to happen now.

And so the beautiful heiress, trembling with emotion, had stripped naked and revealed that beneath her clothing, she was wearing nothing but a collar around her neck. Then, attaching a leash to said collar, she’d gotten down on her hands and knees and offered the handle of the leash to Minato, saying those fateful words.

“P-Please… please take me as your pet.”

When Minato doesn’t respond for a solid minute, Mitsuru begins to tremble. Maybe… maybe she’s not being subservient enough? Or maybe he’s expecting an apology? Maybe even both. Yes, she’ll assume it’s both.

Laying the handle of the leash down before her, Mitsuru goes from kneeling to prostrating herself before Minato, pressing her forehead into the floor of the fencing room and raising her ass slightly into the air.

“I’m sorry… I p-promise I won’t behave so rudely ever again! Please… this one is unworthy of even h-having a name! I beg of you… please take me as your pet as penance for my transgressions against you, Master!”

There. She’d stuttered a bit at the start there but finished rather strong… or so she hopes. In the end, all Mitsuru can do is wait. She listens with bated breath for a sound… any indication of what Minato is going to do. If he walks away from her now, the heiress isn’t sure what she’ll do next. She needs him. She needs him to need her… or at least to want her. If not like this, then how could he possibly want her instead?

“… Okay.”

Mitsuru goes still as Minato finally responds in that quiet way of his. One word… but in this case, one word is all she needs. Especially when he follows it up with actions, leaning down and picking up the handle of her leash, wrapping it around his hand and making a fist. Mitsuru’s breath hitches as she’s tugged up out of her prostrating position, forced back onto her knees with her ass resting on her heels. She looks up at him and he looks down at her expressionlessly.

No… maybe not expressionlessly? Why he certainly seems to be completely apathetic to the situation, Mitsuru likes to think she knows better! She’s pretty sure she sees some expectation in those eyes of his. Anticipation, m-maybe? Yes… he wants her to prove herself. She has to show that she can take the initiative to ensure her Master’s happiness! A slave would just obey, but a pet… a pet is expected to have her own agency!

Reaching out with shaking fingers, the red head begins to unbutton and unzip her new Master’s pants. She makes sure he’s not angry with her every few seconds as she does so, but Minato doesn’t stop her from extracting his cock from its confines. He’s not quite throbbing yet, but he is growing aroused at a steady rate. Taking that as a good sign, Mitsuru hurries to put him in her mouth, moaning as she begins to suck on his cock.

She’s never done this before. But she wouldn’t be who she is if she went in completely blind. She’d done her research ahead of time on… on all of this. Hours upon hours of research that would likely have been quite the scandal if anyone saw her internet search history. She’d read up on all the best ways to please her Master if he took her as his pet, and also practiced on a few phallic shaped objects of differing sizes to try and prepare herself for his actual cock. It didn’t matter if Minato was big or small… it wasn’t his dick that Mitsuru found herself falling in love with after all, but rather his quiet intensity and hidden competence.

That said, Minato is thankfully of average size. As such, she’s able to keep her teeth well away from his member even as it grows fully hard in her mouth, gurgling a little bit as she still tries to take him to the base and finds herself gagging a little bit. But Mitsuru doesn’t let that stop her. She’s always been a go-getter and this is no different. Especially since she’s on her knees naked before her Master wearing nothing but a collar. She can’t afford to disappoint him here. No matter what.

“Glughk… Glughk… Glughk…”

Looking up into Minato’s eyes, she thinks she sees approval in his expressionless gaze. Certainly, for all that he doesn’t say a word, his cock is throbbing now and he’s clearly enjoying her mouth around his cock. Mitsuru can feel his member pulsing in between her lips and when she reaches up and begins fondling his balls as well, she feels them churning. He’s going to cum eventually… soon, more than likely.

Mitsuru doesn’t hold back. She does everything she can with her inexperienced virgin mouth to please her new silent Master. Until finally… it happens. Minato lets out one single grunt and proceeds to cum in her mouth. Mitsuru tries to be prepared for it, but she still chokes a little. She manages to swallow most of her Master’s load and all in all she does a spectacular job for her first time ever fellating a man. But a little trickle of cum still manages to seep out of the side of her mouth, forcing her to wipe it away with the back of her hand as she pulls off of Minato’s cock and looks up at him apologetically.

“I’m sorry, Master. I failed to swallow all of it. Please punish this worthless pet as you see fit.”

Minato just stares at her, unmoving. Glancing between him and his cock, Mitsuru bites her lower lip in consideration. Maybe… he wants her to punish herself? No. That’d be silly. Rather, instead… he probably just doesn’t care. Maybe she’s being too hard on herself. For all that Minato Arisato is quietly intense and scarily competent, he’s still a young man. So more than likely…

“A-Ah. Never mind. You would rather just fuck me already, wouldn’t you Master? Please then… please fill this worthless sow pet’s hole with your cock.”

Turning around as best she can with the length of leash connecting her neck to Minato’s hand, Mitsuru gets on all fours like a bitch in heat and then reaches under herself, spreading her pussy lips wide while also arching her back. Silence reigns for a moment… and then Minato kneels behind her and grabs her by the hips with his free hand, giving the leash a tug with his other.

A moment later and he’s inside of her. Mitsuru is caught off guard by the sudden loss of her virginity. She knew it was coming, of course. She knew he was about to fuck her. She just didn’t know he’d be so f-fast and unhesitating about it.

“A-Ah… g-guh… Master… really was looking forward to fucking me, w-wasn’t he? Please Master… d-don’t hold back on this pet’s account…”

Mitsuru gurgles as Minato just grunts again, before proceeding to fuck her harder. His cock pistons in and out of her slippery but tight cunt and Mitsuru moans, pushing her hips back into his thrusts to meet his crotch again and again.


“I-I hope… I hope Master enjoys his pet’s cunt. I hope I’m tight e-enough for you…”

There was no way she shouldn’t be, of course. Mitsuru was in the best shape of her life. She was fit and athletic, while also having all the proper curves of a woman. Of course, there was every possibility that her Master wouldn’t want a woman like her. One that had built her body into a weapon instead of a soft, feminine figure made for being fucked and pleasured. He might even have her quit the Fencing Club and stop working out so she’d soften up for him.

She’d do it if he told her to. But for now, Minato seemed plenty happy with her mixture of curves and toned physique. His fingers dig into her hip and he tugs on the leash, even as he drives into her sopping wet cunt with great force again and again. Gasping, partially choking, and all around moaning beneath him, Mitsuru just does her best to be the best pet she can be. Obviously she’s never had to do such a thing before, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t give it her best shot.

Of course, there’s not much she can do but be a receptacle for her Master’s lusts at the moment. On her hands and knees like a dog, Mitsuru takes all of Minato’s cock time and time, gurgling and moaning as her back arches from his tugging at the leash. She shamefully cums for him multiple times before he cums again, his cock bringing her to orgasm time and time again.

She feels bad. She feels shameful, truth be told. But… she also feels so, so very good. All her life, Mitsuru has both been in control and out of control. As heiress, she’s not really been able to make all of her own choices. But at the same time, as a genius, she’s been given a lot of room to make what choices she can make. This though… this is a true choice. A real choice that will have real, long-term consequences.

Mitsuru doesn’t care though. She wants to be Minato’s pet. She wants to prove to him that she can be his loyal hound. If she can place herself at his feet and stay there, she will be very, very happy. No matter what he wants from her, she’ll do it for him. Though… as she moans and cums for him for the umpteenth time, only to receive a single grunt in response, Mitsuru realizes she’s going to be interpreting a lot of her Master’s desires for him.

Though one thing she doesn’t have to interpret is him tipping over the edge and cumming inside of her. Mitsuru’s eyes light up and then partially roll back in her head as she gasps happily and cums hard alongside him one last time. Being filled by her Master, even if she’s not on birth control, is everything she ever could have hoped for. They both shudder, with Mitsuru quivering and spasming beneath him until it’s done.

Then, she immediately spins around the moment he pulls out of her, taking the initiative once again and beginning to clean his cock. She suspects she’ll be doing a lot of taking initiative with her handsome Master going forward. But Mitsuru doesn’t mind that. She doesn’t mind it one bit.



I really enjoyed this quite a bit, more than I thought I would honestly. I had almost no idea what Persona 3 was, actually. I suppose I'm just a bit of a sucker for Pet Play, probably the reason I'm such a big fan of Kightshade.