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Themes: Big Dick, Threesome, Breeding, Fucked Silly

Summary: Part 2 of The Princess of Arasaka. After her successful takeover of the company, Hanako disappears from public view for months. In an attempt to find out what happens, Michiko tracks down her aunt to the Arasaka compound. But when she's caught spying on her aunt getting the pounding of her life, she soon finds out why they were so quick to keep this a secret.  


Michiko Arasaka tried to stay out of the family drama as a general rule. Seeing as avoiding the family business was all but impossible once her grandfather discovered her existence, she’d gone ahead and embraced working for the Arasaka Corporation with all her heart. It allowed her to continue to lead Danger Gal as well, the private investigation, bodyguard, and security company that she had founded decades ago.

So long as she was on the Board of Directors for Arasaka and showing her loyalty to the company, her grandfather allowed her to have her side project without any attempts to sabotage it or take it over.

Meanwhile, Michiko did her best to stay away from Yorinobu and Saburo’s conflicts. She was cordial enough with Hanako, but getting in the middle of her uncle and grandfather was a recipe for disaster and something Michiko wanted to avoid as best she could. She didn’t really care whether Yorinobu inherited Arasaka after Saburo was gone, truthfully. Nor did she know whether Saburo would ever truly BE gone.

And yet here they were. The unthinkable had happened. Saburo Arasaka was in fact dead. Passed away in his sleep, it would seem. And Yorinobu… Yorinobu had willingly stepped down as his father’s heir in the aftermath, making a proud proclamation about going off to do his own thing. But then, who did that leave to lead the company? Who did that leave to take the suddenly vacant Arasaka Throne?

Certainly not Michiko. She didn’t really want it truth be told. Thankfully there was someone with prior claim over her, otherwise she might have been forced to take it anyways. Hanako Arasaka, her aunt and high-level executive within the Arasaka Corporation. If Saburo was Emperor and Yorinobu was the reluctant Prince, then Hanako was the demure, obedient Princess.

… And now she was in charge of it all. To say the sudden shift in power had taken Michiko off guard would be an understatement. But then to be fair, it had taken everyone off guard. What was strange was that shortly after Hanako’s ascension, only a couple of months into her new rule, Arasaka’s new Empress had vanished from the public eye.

Oh sure, she was still very much present in the day to day running of the company, and her touch could be felt on every decision that Arasaka made, but she was suddenly in seclusion for some reason and no one could figure out why.

And now Michiko was here. For the first time in months, her aunt had invited her over to her estate for a visit. Michiko could have tried to find a way to politely decline, but she couldn’t help herself. Her curiosity was through the roof and she just HAD to know what was going on.

The security had let her in without complaint, but the estate itself was quiet. She finds herself walking through silent halls, passing by a few of the servant staff but they just keep their heads down and avert their gazes, avoiding her eyes and remaining mute.

Michiko is directed to where Hanako is waiting for her of course, but that’s all she’s given… and when she finally steps into the hallway she’s been guided to, it’s downright silent. But then, that’s probably because the rooms here are no doubt soundproofed.

She’s very, very tempted to check out each of the rooms that line the hallway, but she knows for a fact that it’s the one at the end where she’ll find Hanako. And she can’t imagine her aunt would appreciate her snooping. As such, the CEO of Danger Gals bites her lower lip and steadily makes her way down the hall. Something tells her to go slowly and so she does, carefully turning the door’s handle and opening it just a crack… only to flinch badly when certain sounds assault her from within the room.


“YES! HARDER! Fuck me like you mean it, V! Fuck me like the big dicked stallion you are! Don’t you d-dare stop! Guh! I want another baby! I want you to breed me again, to make me bear your child once more!”

The sounds of flesh slapping against flesh is one thing. Hanako’s lewd cries and begging are another entirely. Peering into the bedroom, Michiko’s eyes widen at what she sees. There’s a naked man on top of her aunt, his body mostly natural much to her surprise. Or at least, all of the cyberware is VERY well disguised as his back muscles ripple with every thrust he makes into Hanako’s cunt.

Meanwhile, Hanako Arasaka… is on her back, legs up in the air, toes curling as her pussy is stuffed with a massive dick. All that Michiko can really see of her aunt is Hanako’s long legs, fat ass, puckered butthole, and stretched cunt as her taint gets slapped with a truly humungous pair of balls. But then to be fair, whoever this guy was… this ‘V’ she thought she’d heard… he would have to have a pair of utterly massive gonads to be doing what he’s doing right now.

… Hang on a second, did Hanako say ANOTHER baby? Michiko’s eyes widen as she glances back along the hallway of doors and wonders if she’ll find a nursery through one of them. She’s almost tempted to check when she gets a ping on her cyberdeck.

Come in already, niece. And close the door behind you, no need to give the servants more than an earful than they’ve already gotten~

The message from her aunt, who is still squealing at the top of her lungs and begging to be bred, causes Michiko to flush in embarrassment at being caught looking. Still, for a moment she does consider fleeing… but even if some of her curiosity has been satisfied already, she’s now even more intrigued then ever before, just in different ways.

And so, letting out a shaky breath, Michiko Arasaka slips into her aunt’s bedroom, closing the door behind her with a decisive click. The man, V… he twitches but doesn’t stop fucking Hanako. Almost like he clocked Michiko the moment she showed up. But then, maybe he did. Hanako wouldn’t just let anyone fuck her like this. She wouldn’t entrust just anyone with her secrets either.

V had to be Arasaka Security. Absolutely had to be. And if he could be trusted with Hanako’s secrets… no not just her secrets, but her body as well… then Michiko should be able to trust him too.

They continue on despite her presence, with V driving his cock deep into her aunt with punishing force over and over again. Michiko tries not to let it get to her. They’re ignoring her, but they’re well aware of her presence so it’s not like she’s doing anything wrong. And… she has to admit, it’s rather hot watching the man rail Hanako like this. This is the former Princess, now Empress of Arasaka. But she’s being treated like a piece of fuckable meat. Like a broodmare.

It's kind of sexy. Which is bad, because Michiko has an image to maintain. Danger Gals is all about empowered women being just as tough as men. Sure, maybe once upon a time there was a clear difference in the physical strength of a man and a woman. But with cyberware, that was no longer true. Augmenting your body was the great equalizer and these days any woman could be as strong as any man and you wouldn’t know it until she tore you limb from limb with gorilla arms or sliced you in half with mantis blades.

… And yet, something about watching V fuck her aunt like a beast speaks to something deep and primal and buried in Michiko Arasaka. To the point that when he finally finishes, his seed all but overflowing out of Hanako’s cunt in the process, Michiko freezes and realizes her hands have… wandered.

She’s still openly touching herself when V finally pulls out of Hanako and turns to face her. Caught, Michiko blushes as the fairly handsome man gives her a simple smile and begins walking over. His confidence is certainly something. He walks right up to her, towering over her, and gives her a raised eyebrow.

… Michiko drops to her knees without him having to say a word. Reaching out, the blue-haired woman takes his messy cock in hand, holding it by the base and leaning forward to begin cleaning his dick off in the process.

Why is she doing this? Why is she just… giving in like this?

“Do you like him, Michiko? My very own stud? It’s because you recognize a real man when you see one.”

Having risen from the bed, the Empress of Arasaka pads her way over, V’s seed still leaking out of her cunt as she comes to stand next to him. A hand on his shoulder, Hanako smiles wickedly down at Michiko as she continues to clean V’s cock.

“We’re both rather old these days, aren’t we niece? Even if we don’t look it… even if we will never look it, it doesn’t change the fact. And we’ve both been on top for a very long time, haven’t we?”

… She’s not wrong. From a certain point of view, no they haven’t. Saburo has always been above them, after all. But that doesn’t change the fact that they’re both titans of industry in their own right. People don’t really realize it, but Hanako and Michiko have just as good business sense as anyone. Danger Gal has flourished under Michiko’s leadership over these past few decades. And Hanako… well, Hanako is her father’s daughter.

“It feels good to give up control once in a while. And V here… V is very good at showing a woman just how good that can feel. That’s why… I thought I’d offer you a session with him. So that you could find out what it was like being treated as his own… personal… Joytoy~”

That last word, Joytoy, sends a twitch through V’s throbbing mast. The silent man had never actually lost his erection truth be told. She’d helped him to keep it in fact between her grip on the base of his cock and her tongue and lips on his length.

Michiko, meanwhile, lets out a shaky, shuddering breath. She shouldn’t. There was no pride to be had in being likened to a Joytoy. It was a… degrading and humiliating profession. Michiko was better than that… wasn’t she?

In the end, Hanako lets out an uncharacteristic giggle and suddenly reaches down, grabbing Michiko by her shoulders and forcing her to her feet. She doesn’t wait for Michiko to give a verbal response, instead spinning her around so that V is at her back. As his big, strong hands grab hold of Michiko’s hips, the Danger Gals CEO’s breath hitches.

“Last chance, niece. Last chance to back out and call this whole thing off~”

She should. But she stays quiet. And…


A yelp leaves Michiko’s lips as some unspoken signal from Hanako has V tearing her clothes clean off her body. Her dress rips away with ease, leaving her completely naked in an instant. His hands fall upon her actual bared hips now, and his cock… his cock drives straight into her moistened cunt without hesitation, without mercy, and without warning.

It’s her own fault, Michiko belatedly realizes. She hadn’t even known she was doing it before now, but as his member pierces straight through to her core, she finally recognizes that her own body had betrayed her. Her legs had been parted; her ass had lifted into the air. She’d effectively been presenting herself to the man to be fucked. No wonder he’d just gone for it like that.

Michiko moans as he fucks her in that standing position. Her cyberware means she has more than enough strength to keep to her feet. She’s not going to collapse that easily. But it also means she COULD fight her way out of this if she wanted to. She just doesn’t want to.

Hanako smiles at her knowingly, even as those golden fingers the Empress of Arasaka is known for, run along Michiko’s cheeks.

“That’s better, isn’t it? To just give in and let him rut with you. You’re his broodmare and he’s your stallion, Michiko.”

Michiko whines.

“I… I can’t g-get pregnant… it’s not a g-good time.”

Hanako scoffs at that and her golden fingers dig into Michiko’s face a little bit.

“Of course not, my dear. It’s never a good time for women like us. There’s always some project that requires our focus, always some fire that needs to be put out in one of our companies. Michiko Arasaka, you are sixty-nine years old. I’m seventy-eight. If this were even fifty years ago, our time would already have passed us by. But it isn’t. We are blessed to live in a time period where age is just a number and in no way, shape, or form, capable of holding us back.”

Michiko’s eyes are wide as she stares at her aunt. Hanako’s words resonate with her in a way she never would have expected.

“We’ll cover for each other, darling. Pregnancy can be a little distracting, but I made it work, did I not? And now you have a little baby cousin I can’t wait to introduce you to.”

The reminder that Hanako had already had one child with the man currently fucking Michiko sends a shiver down her spine. Why was that so fucking hot? Why was she so damn aroused? In the end… did it really matter?

“Just give in, sweetheart. Let V here make you a mother. Take it from me… every last part of the process is quite pleasurable~”

He’s already inside of her. Does Michiko even have the liberty of saying no? No, that’s just her making excuses. Trying to shed the responsibility. In the end…

“Y-Yes! Alright, yes! I want it! I want to be fucked and knocked up and bred! FUCK! Fucking impregnate me already!”

She’d thought V was already fucking her pretty fast. Only in the wake of her declaration does Michiko realize he was actually going SLOW. Suddenly, the well-hung man is picking up speed and pounding into her so hard from behind that if not for her cyberware, she’s pretty sure he’d break something. But Michiko is a tough cookie these days, not least because of all of the modifications her body has been through.

Hanako beams at her, the Empress of Arasaka looking mighty pleased by her niece’s choice. But Michiko barely has the time to note that before the pleasure completely overwhelms her. She now understands what Hanako meant by V treating her like his own personal Joytoy. Gurgling, Michiko cums again and again upon the man’s cock, orgasming for him damn near nonstop after a certain point. Embarrassing, but what can you do?

Until finally, with a grunt from V himself, she feels it happen. She feels his seed spill into her womb as he discharges a positive deluge of his cum. He cums and cums, basting her insides with his sticky semen and making her cry out as she climaxes right alongside him.

She’d been so sure she wouldn’t collapse from him fucking her standing up. And yet, despite the strength in her legs, she falls to her knees the moment V pulls out of her and stops holding her in place. Collapsing there, Michiko shudders her way through the last of the explosive orgasm, her entire body trembling.

Then, she looks up to see Hanako and V both gazing down at her, the matching smiles of predators on their faces. And she knows instinctively that this… this is just the beginning.


That black guy

Fun fact : Michiko use to date Adam Smasher when she was 18 (in their 2020) , he used a robot body called a gemini that looked like Elvis but with blonde hair ( that was revealed before Johnny bravo existed )