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 Themes: Dom/Sub, Marathon Sex, Fucked Silly

Summary: The mage didn’t know what to expect when he summoned a devil for his ritual, but a hot girl in a pink magical girl outfit certainly wasn’t on the list. He’s not complaining, since the whole point of the ritual involves having sex and finishing right at midnight as the new year begins. She's not complaining because he has the most innate magical power she's ever seen in a mortal man. And, if they miss the timing and have to hop to the next time zone to try again, that works, too. Or the next one… 



The culmination of years of work comes in an instant as the summoning circle flares up and Kenta feels an oppressive presence start to fill the room. It’s working. He’s completing the summon. He can hardly believe it… and yet, at the same time, he knows he’s earned this.

All his life, he’d been told he was special. That he was meant for great things. From a very early age, Kenta had been taught the secrets of the universe. Or so he was told, anyways. In truth, he had been used. It had taken ten long years before he’d stumbled upon the truth… upon his true nature.

He was a battery. That was all they wanted him for. He had the magical potential they sought, so they pulled him out of the orphanage and ‘adopted’ him. Except, they never truly adopted him in the eyes of any governing body. They just paid the orphanage to say he went missing and abducted him.

For a decade, they’d trained him to in magic. But where he’d thought he was learning everything they had to teach, in actual truth, he was only learning what he needed to know for their purposes. That being how to grow his magical power and how to be the perfect sacrifice when the time came for them to use him up like the battery he was.

Only… they underestimated him. He didn’t just have magical potential… he had a LOT of magical potential. And he’d taken to their training methods like a fish to water, wanting nothing more than to make his so-called ‘family’ proud. He’d expanded his innate magic tenfold in five years, and a hundredfold in ten. By the time he learned the truth, he was technically stronger than the family patriarch. He was stronger then all of them combined.

He was just… untrained. But that didn’t mean he didn’t have control. They didn’t want their battery to blow up on them, so they’d taught him control. It was one of the few things they’d actually taught him, in fact. Even still, when Kenta found out that he’d been betrayed, that his entire purpose was to die so they could feed on his magic… it had taken every ounce of his control not to explode then and there.

Instead, he’d channeled his fury and power into something just as deadly… but not for him. That day, the family who had bought him from the orphanage died. Every single one of them. And only Kenta remained.

In the years since, he’d become something of a self-taught magus. Using the hidden teachings they left behind; he’d grown leaps and bounds in both power and skill. He’d never stopped growing his innate magical power either, even though he now knew why they wanted him to focus so much on that part over learning spells or rituals.

Still… he lacked for one thing specifically. Companionship. It had been years since he’d connected with another person. If not for his need for food and drink and thus the trips to the grocery store, it would have been years since he talked to another person. That was why Kenta was doing this. That was why he had performed this summoning ritual. For all his power, for all his strength… he was lonely.

“Here I am to answer your summons! Hehe, that sure is a lot of power Mr. Magician! You’ve called forth Satan Pink, so let me hear your wish and maybe I’ll grant it~”

… Was this his subconscious’ fault? Looking down at the ritual circle, Kenta confirms that the only thing he’d made abundantly sure of was that he would summon a female devil. He hadn’t specified further than that. And yet… he’d apparently summoned a Magical Girl instead? Except… the teachings were clear. Devils were willing to grant wishes. And while she WAS dressed like a magical girl, she’d called herself Satan Pink and mentioned granting his wish.

The final nail in the coffin is the fact that he can feel her presence. Her power is oppressive as it fills the room all around them both. She’s strong… very strong.

Deciding to just go with it, Kenta straightens his back and rolls his shoulders before squaring them.

“Alright then. My name is Kenta. No last name. And my wish… is that you become my woman, Satan Pink.”

He doesn’t even hesitate. All of the books he’s read said that girls like a certain level of confidence. Meanwhile, Satan Pink goes still on the spot, staring at him for a moment before slowly smiling.

“Oh-ho… you’re a cute one, aren’t you Kenta?”

He flushes at that. From the look of things, they can’t be that far apart in age! Except no… the books said that devils could be deceptive in appearance. So there was every possibility that this… magical girl was actually thousands of years old. Still, it didn’t matter. He didn’t care.

“Cute enough to agree to my proposal?”

That bit of brashness startles a laugh out of Satan Pink, but after a moment she saunters forward towards him. Kenta isn’t too alarmed. He hadn’t put any sort of containment component in the summoning ritual, despite the books recommending it. He didn’t want to start off this new relationship on the wrong foot… if a new relationship was what came of it.

Coming to a stop in front of him, looking at him in amusement, Satan Pink giggles.

“Are you a good kisser, Kenta?”

Kenta flushes but doesn’t try to lie.

“I don’t know. I’ve never kissed anyone.”

His honesty is rewarded by a hungry sort of grin on Satan Pink’s face… and then suddenly, that statement is no longer true because she’s kissing him with a voraciousness that surprises Kenta. Her arms wrap around his neck and Kenta feels like he can hardly keep up. It feels petulant to say, but he really wasn’t ready and he’s pretty sure he gives a poor showing by the time they finish.

And yet… when they pull apart, despite feeling like he just got the shit kissed out of him rather than him kissing her, Satan Pink looks… ravenous.

“Mm… I accept your offer, Kenta. I’ll be your woman for tonight~”

Kenta narrows his eyes at that.

“… I want more than tonight.”

“Hehe, greedy boy… we’ll see what tomorrow brings, shall we?”

Yes. Yes they would. Especially since the whole point of this was to perform a sex ritual right at midnight. Because tonight… tonight was New Year’s Eve. And tomorrow would be New Year’s Day.

Clothes go flying and Kenta soon finds himself on his back as the powerful female devil he’s managed to summon climbs on top of him. She’s impaled herself upon his cock a moment later, her magical girl uniform gone and her incredibly voluptuous body revealed in its entirety. Honestly, it all happens so fast that Kenta barely gets to enjoy the view before he’s having to focus on the task at hand.

It’s not so simple as fucking the devil tonight. The ritual requires it to be midnight and for them to cum at the exact same time. If they orgasm together at the stroke of midnight as the New Year begins, then not only will Kenta get a boost of power, but he’ll have tied their destiny together irrevocably. It’s not slavery or mind control or anything like that, to be clear. It’s simply… a connection. Soulmates don’t exist, at least not naturally. But something similar to a soulbond CAN be made with the right circumstances. Ties of destiny are possible to manufacture, it’s just really, really hard.

Still, a mutual climax at the stroke of midnight was some pretty powerful stuff. More than enough to bind him and Satan Pink together, to make sure they had a shared destiny with one another. He figured he could make sure it was a positive connection from there. After all, he had no intention of turning the woman he’d just lost his virginity to into a fated enemy or something.

The only problem is… he summoned her with thirty minutes until midnight left. And now she’s taken control of this experience. All he can really do is grab onto her hips for dear life and thrust up into her as she bounces up and down on his cock. It feels good… really good. Holding out for midnight isn’t going to be easy, not when she’s going so damn hard.

Kenta still tries. Minutes pass by as he holds on by a thread. Meanwhile, Satan Pink is clearly having the time of her life, moaning up a storm and riding him like a hellion. But then, she IS a devil. Kenta grits his teeth and focuses on holding back his release. Only, he also needs to make sure she cums at the exact stroke of midnight too.

Making her orgasm doesn’t prove to be too hard. She’s on a hair trigger and more than happy to cum all over his cock again and again, making his concentration even more difficult in the process. But making sure she cums right when he needs her to… that’s the kicker.

Midnight grows ever closer. Kenta’s vision swims. Until finally… he can’t hold back anymore. He doesn’t know exactly what time it is, but it has to be close enough, he figures. And so… he goes for it. Reaching up, he grabs Satan Pink by her tits and gives them a good, hard squeeze. At the same time, he slams up into her from below and begins to cum. To his credit… it works. She climaxes hard as he fills her with his seed, pumping no small amount of magic into the exchange as well.

Unfortunately, nothing else happens beyond their mutual explosive orgasm. Even as his magic suffuses her womb, it dissipates without any further progress. He doesn’t feel a connection form between them, he doesn’t feel like they now share a destiny. Nothing.

As they both come down from the release, Kenta looks over at the clock, his vision clearing up enough to make out the time. 11:59 PM. One minute off. So close… but close only counted in horseshoes and hand grenades. He’s still hard of course, and she’s still raring to go… but the clock ticks over to midnight and Kenta knows his opportunity has been lost.

“What’s wrong? You look disappointed. Oh, Happy New Year by the way~”

Glancing up at Satan Pink, Kenta hesitates… because he can see it in her eyes… she knows what he was after. Is she going to take issue with his efforts? He wasn’t trying to hurt her or anything, but he did try to tie their destinies together without her knowledge. Except clearly, she knew all along…

“Hehe… are you sad because midnight has come and gone? But then… it’s only New Year’s Day in one part of the world…”

Suddenly, she snaps her fingers. Kenta’s eyes widen as they both teleport out of his carefully prepared room with a woosh of magic. He can’t even react in time, that’s how fast it is. Suddenly, they’re elsewhere… another time zone, he belatedly realizes.

“Care to try again?”

Kenta’s eyes narrow and he growls as he grabs the female devil by her hips and raises himself up into a seated position. No clue what time it is… but damn it all, if she’s going to dangle an opportunity right in front of him like this, he’s not going to pass it up. With that thought echoing through his mind, Kenta sets to work fucking Satan Pink as hard and fast as he can, working his way towards another orgasm for both of them as his magic empowers him.


He had to be the strongest human she’d ever met. Magically speaking of course. And Serafall Leviathan had met a lot of human magicians in her day. She was the Satan in charge of Foreign Affairs, after all. But Kenta… Kenta was different. As they fuck again, she can’t help but admire his raw determination. As well as his massive… magical stores.

She knew who and what he was almost immediately after being summoned, of course. After all, when an entire family of human magicians goes up and smoke, you tend to investigate. Reports of a ‘battery’ turning on his ‘caretakers’ and subsequently squatting in their emptied clan compound had come across Serafall’s desk years ago. Frankly, she’d been all too happy to leave him be. The practice of training up orphans for the sake of sacrificial batteries was detestable and disgusting. Humans truly could be just as evil and sick and twisted as devils when they put their minds to it.

Of course, she never expected the young man to summon her on New Year’s Eve like this. As they fuck away for a second time, she’s greatly enjoying herself. And not just because of the amount of magic he’s pumping into her, trying to get his little ritual to take hold. He might not be the most experienced of lovers, but he more than makes up for it in enthusiasm and eagerness. He has to make her cum at the same time he does, at the stroke of midnight… so he’s very incentivized to make this pleasurable for her.

Alas, they fail again… this time a minute too late instead of a minute too early. But Serafall doesn’t hesitate to pop them to the next relevant time zone so they can go again. Each time he cums inside of her, he’s pumping her with more of his magic… and it is delicious.

Serafall groans as this time, Kenta takes her to her back. She could have stopped him, but she lets him be on top this time, even as she ponders her options.

Unfortunately, his prodigious magical strength is not the product of a Sacred Gear. It’s all natural… which means she can’t just convert him and add him to her peerage. If she did, he would lose all of his human magical potential and have to start from the ground up as a devil. And while he’d probably make a fine devil… it wouldn’t be fair to make him start over from level one when he was already level nine-hundred and ninety-nine.

At the same time, Serafall was loathe to give him up now that she’d sunk her claws into him. Oops, missed another stroke of midnight. She teleports them again, even as Kenta growls in frustration while pumping that third load of magically charged seed into her overflowing womb.

… Yes, she ultimately decides. Best to give him what he wants because in the end, it’ll also give her what she wants. But she’s not going to make it easy. They fuck a fourth, fifth, and sixth time before she finally grants Kenta his true wish. Her, Serafall Leviathan, becoming a human man’s woman. Hah.

Still, she lets it happen. They both cum together at the stroke of midnight… and Serafall’s eyes roll back in her head as she feels their destinies intertwine. Someone like her having a destiny with someone as young as Kenta… it would never have happened naturally. But now? Now they are as one. They won’t be able to escape each other. From now on, they’re connected at the hip, basically.

Even if they did everything in their power to avoid each other, destiny and fate would conspire to bring them back together. No matter what.

It’s what Kenta wanted. The boy now had a Great Satan on speed dial, effectively. And to her mild surprise, Serafall finds she doesn’t mind the arrangement much either. It might even be rather enjoyable~


Osiris Sundavr

I wonder if she will try to tie Sona’s destiny to Their’s next new year?

Colin Peden

I agree with Muesli, I was kinda hoping for that "Mind Break" tag to show up. I would still have voted for this story, because it's Serafall, and I love reading stories with her. The story was enjoyable, and has potential for at least a sequel. If it does get a sequel, the mind break should happen then.