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Chef's Kiss Ch. 26 (Fate/Grand Order)

  • Stick with Shirou's POV 63
  • Switch to Rin's POV 11
  • Switch to Sakura's POV 15
  • Switch to Ritsuka's POV 72
  • 2023-12-28
  • —2024-01-10
  • 161 votes
{'title': "Chef's Kiss Ch. 26 (Fate/Grand Order)", 'choices': [{'text': "Stick with Shirou's POV", 'votes': 63}, {'text': "Switch to Rin's POV", 'votes': 11}, {'text': "Switch to Sakura's POV", 'votes': 15}, {'text': "Switch to Ritsuka's POV", 'votes': 72}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 10, 8, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 28, 16, 21, 31, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 161}


A/N: Shirou and Nero's night of passion continues, but not without interruption.


Shirou doesn’t take long to think about how ‘Round Two’ is going to go. He just lets his instincts guide him into all but lunging atop Nero. Grabbing the Roman Emperor by her ankles, he pushes her long legs back above her head, folding her body up even as he dives in, his cock lined up perfectly and thus impaling her pussy right there on the spot.

Nero’s eyes widen for a moment, before a gurgling groan leaves her lips. Her cunt squelches from their previous go in the bath, her pussy still creamed with his last load of seed. Shirou doesn’t let that stop him from giving it to her just as vigorously as before, however. He fucks Nero into the bed with all his might, taking her in a mating press and pounding her hard and fast.

His hands leave her ankles after a moment, instead moving to her breasts and hair, groping one of her tits while holding her blonde locks firmly so he can lean down and kiss her deeply. Nero’s feet remain high in the air on either side of him though, her toes curling. Meanwhile, her own arms wrap around his neck so she can kiss him back just as hard.

One cannot quite call it submission on Nero’s part. She is still every bit the Emperor, and Shirou feels that in her every action. Even under him in such a compromising position, the blonde swordswoman manages to thrust her hips upwards to meet his every thrust. Her body undulates and gyrates with an athleticism that only someone who has fought every day of their life could achieve.

They lose themselves in one another for a time, with Nero giving of herself freely and happily. The Roman Emperor seems to relish in the opportunity to take a load off, so to speak. Her enemies might be at her doorstep, her empire might be fractured by the cause of the Singularity, but in this moment she lets those worries and concerns wash away from her, focusing solely on enjoying the pleasure that Shirou is bringing her.

She cums upon his cock often over the next little while, with Shirou grunting and having to focus to avoid tipping over the edge too early himself. Her hot, tight cunt clenches down around his member almost rhythmically, milking him of his load… but he holds himself back, showing ample restraint as he continues thrusting away inside of her. He has his pride as a man, after all…

Of course, just as he’s thinking that, there’s a disgruntled clearing of the throat from right next to the bed, bringing their rough fornication to a grinding halt. Pulling away from Nero, though not all the way out of her, Shirou whips his head to see a blushing Artoria Pendragon standing next to the bed. Saber has her arms crossed over her insubstantial chest, even as she watches the two of them.

Nero freezes beneath him at the other woman’s presence, before narrowing her eyes.

“… How did you make it past my servants? They would have given their lives before letting you defeat them.”

Indeed, and they would have heard the sounds of fighting if Saber had entered the Emperor’s quarters like a normal person. But of course, Shirou already knows how Saber did it. She’s not a ‘normal person’. She’s not human like Nero is. She’s a Heroic Servant, meaning that she could turn incorporate at will. Kind of like Caligula had tried to do back on the battlefield earlier that day.

Sniffing haughtily, Saber just smirks.

“Your maids are fine. I did not have to interact with them to arrive here. I can always reach my Shirou’s side, no matter where he is.”

Nero’s eyes narrow at that and she hums in consideration. Shirou expects her to remain irritated and agitated by Saber’s presence, but instead she actually seems to relax more once she knows no one was harmed in order for Saber to reach them.

“I see. YOUR Shirou, you say? I had wondered.”

Saber’s eyes narrow at that, even as Nero smirks smugly with their shared face. Straightening her spine, the blue-clad Servant huffs.

“I am Artoria Pendragon, Sovereign of Camelot and King of Knights. And yes, Shirou Emiya is mine.”

Suddenly, Nero looks far too innocent, like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth.

“Oh? And yet… he’s currently filling me up with his phallus quite effectively. It would seem that he’s decided to upgrade from a King to an Emperor… and in more ways than one! Umu~”

Nero’s eyes dart down to Saber’s chest at that, her smugness reaching brand new levels. For a moment, Shirou thinks Saber might blow a gasket and he starts to consider how best to step in. However, before he can decide, Saber suddenly looks smug in her own right.

“You misunderstand me, Nero Claudius. Shirou is mine, yes… but I am his as well. As are most of the women you feasted with this evening. You think I am here to try and take back my man? Of course not. I am merely here to welcome you into the ranks of Master’s harem… sister.”

Wait, what? Shirou can’t help but be a little taken aback. Flummoxed, even. Nero is just as surprised as he is by this sudden turn of events… but in the end, she actually recovers before him! After gaping at Saber in shock for a brief moment, the Roman Emperor glances to him and upon seeing the truth writ across his own flabbergasted way, she lets out a little chuckle.

“Oh-ho! So that’s how it is?! And here I thought I was claiming this man for myself… but instead, I find myself claimed! Is that it?”

Still standing there at the side of the bed, Saber nods decisively.

“That’s exactly it. Welcome into the fold, Nero Claudius. Know that you only have one chance to escape now… for if you taste Master’s cooking, it will all be over for you.”

Okay, wait. Saber didn’t sound like she was teasing the other blonde anymore. In fact, she sounded gravely serious. Even Nero seemed to pick up on that, giving her doppelganger a curious stare for a moment before smirking easily.

“Well, I have no desire to escape… so I suppose my fate is sealed. Still, if that is all you had to say Artoria Pendragon… perhaps you should leave your Master to finish claiming me?”

Saber pauses for a moment… before studying their position a bit more carefully. In the end, she scowls.

“… no.”

Nero raises an eyebrow rather smugly at that.


In an instant, Artoria has tossed aside her clothing. She makes it seem like she’s just pulled them off in one smoot motion, but in reality she dissipates them into nothing, leaving her naked as she climbs onto the bed right then and there.

“Are we not sisters in Shirou’s harem now? As such… you should have no problem sharing him with me. And if you will not share him… then perhaps you will take care of my rising ardor, since it’s all your fault.”

And with that, Saber climbs atop Nero’s face, much to Shirou’s bug-eyed surprise. The prim and proper King of Knights wastes no time in promptly sitting on her doppelganger’s face. Perhaps she expects Nero to get up in arms about this treatment, but Shirou knows better by this point. Nero Claudius is a very sexually open creature, and when Saber’s eyes widen slightly in surprise a moment later before she lets out a reluctant little moan, Shirou knows that the Roman Emperor has already gotten to work down below.

Seeming slightly aggrieved at how easily Nero is going with the flow… and perhaps more jealous than she’d cared to admit about the other woman’s attributes, Saber takes to taking that envy out on said attributes. Her hands fall down upon Nero’s naked tits and she begins to all but maul and squeeze the Roman Emperor’s breasts. Shirou almost worries that she’ll go too far for a second… after all, Nero is still only human, even for as abnormal a woman she is. But no, Saber has enough presence of mind not to squeeze to the point of injury.

Still, there’s no doubt in Shirou’s mind that she’s making sure Nero feels it, and not in a good way either. Which is why it’s surprising to Shirou that Nero’s pussy walls clench all the harder around his cock. Maybe it shouldn’t be though. At her heart, Nero Claudius seems to be rather hedonistic. So really, is it that shocking that she would have a masochistic bent to her as well?

Before Saber can catch on to how much Nero is enjoying her rough, nigh-brutal treatment, Shirou reaches forward and wraps a hand around the Heroic Servant’s neck, pulling her in for a kiss. Even with all that talk about his harem and Nero being a part of it, he can tell that Saber needs some form of affirmation. Maybe it’s because of the position she found them in, or maybe it’s just because Shirou didn’t stop Nero from taking him to her bed in the first place.

Either way, Shirou doesn’t know, nor does he care. He kisses Saber deeply and passionately because he loves her, even as he continues to fuck Nero silly down below. And together, the three of them fuck the night away. It isn’t until later that Shirou realizes he’s basically had a threesome with twins. They’re just so different from one another in the end…


The next day, they rise bright and early in order to get a head start on the day. Saber hadn’t snuck away the night before, so she gets somewhat blindsided by how Nero’s maids work, with all of them coming in to help pamper their Emperor and her lover. To be fair, the maids are just as blindsided by Saber’s presence. It’s obvious from the bewildered looks on their faces that they don’t quite know what to make of a younger looking version of their Emperor suddenly being right in front of them.

They recover quickly enough though, cooing over Saber and pampering her extra hard because they seem to think she’s Nero’s younger sister or something. Needless to say, the King of Camelot is less than amused and more than a little mortified by this.

Still, Shirou himself heads for the Palace Kitchens first thing after all of that and takes over making breakfast. By the time everyone is assembled, he’s got all of Nero’s cooks and chefs eating out of the palm of his hand and with their help has cooked up quite the breakfast feast for the Emperor and his girls.

The following meal isn’t too grand of an event. Everyone loves Shirou’s cooking just as much as usual, with Nero’s eyes lighting up upon first bite. She gives Saber a nod then and says she now understands what the other woman meant the night before… and that she’s all too happy to have been captured along with the rest of them.

This prompts further blushes and some half-hearted scowls from the others, but Nero pays them no mind, sitting smugly right by Shirou’s side and even letting him feed her by hand for a few bites. Privately, Shirou is just happy as ever to have fed his cooking to another person. In his heart of hearts, he considers himself a chef above all else, after all.

Alas, such times cannot last forever. After breakfast is finished, they all head out anyways, moving alongside Nero and her soldiers towards the frontlines of the conflict with the United Roman Empire. The expeditionary force that Nero commands has been put together rather hastily, but Shirou doesn’t doubt that the Roman Emperor’s troops are slowly diminishing in quality and experience across the board.

In the end, he and the others have to pick up the slack alongside Nero, as the Roman Emperor insists on leading from the front regardless of the threat to her life. Of course, with four Master-Servant Pairs at her sides, she’s got more than enough support to handle any threats that come their way.

Acting Director Roman had reiterated his desire for them to reach the frontlines of the war in the hopes that the Servant holding this Singularity’s Grail, or even Lev Lainur himself might be found there. So, together they seek to reach Gaul, where the frontline and heavy fighting is said to be.

Of course, along the way they face enemy forces multiple times, making it clear that something like ‘frontlines’ in this civil war are less than static. There are roving bands of ‘soldiers’ from the United Empire constantly pillaging the Roman Countryside, razing hamlets and towns and destroying fields and farms wherever they can find them.

By the time they actually reach Gaul, Nero has become so impressed with their fighting skills that she’s named them all her new generals, offering each and every one of them titles and positions of prestige in her court. She’s even gone so far as to claim she would make them all landed nobility once the war was over, talking on about how she had territories picked out for each of her ‘harem sisters’.

Knowing what he knew now, that when the Singularity vanished Nero and all of her people would go back to their own time, Shirou doesn’t feel quite so guilty about lying to her about the nature of the Singularity. She has a life of her own to get back to after all, and she’ll forget all about them once they manage to retrieve the Grail.

Shirou just hopes it’s not inside a pretty, misunderstood woman… again.

“Aha! Here we are at long last! Gaul! Your Emperor has arrived!”

As Nero leads them and the expeditionary force into the troop camp, beleaguered heads lift to reveal weary faces that then light up in happiness and hope at the sight of their Emperor standing before them in the flesh. Of course, some of that hope turns to confusion when a few notice Saber as well, but no one is about to look a gift horse in the mouth, really.

“Never fear! Now that I and my new Generals have arrived, victory is assured! Aid has reached you and the craven fiends of the United Empire shall know despair like never before! Stand with me, sons and daughters of Rome! Stand with me!”

As one, the camp rises to their feet and thrusts a fist into the air, cheering in the face of Nero’s confidence. Shirou just smiles, hoping that they can deliver on Nero’s promises. But then to be fair, between all of them… it shouldn’t be hard. With how much firepower they’ve brought to this fight, even if the enemy side has more Servants like Caligula, Shirou believes beyond a shadow of a doubt that they can secure victory…


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