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Themes: Ghost Sex, Gangbang, Fucked Silly

Summary: Based on this image. After the Mystery Gang breaks up, an unlikely duo sticks together... Velma Dinkley and Daphne Blake. You never would have expected them to get along without the boys to act as a buffer, but they both harbor a secret... a desire to find some REAL supernatural shit and get their backs and minds blown out. It takes a while... and a lot of false positives, but eventually the pair of slutty investigators find what they're looking for. 


“You sure about this, Vel?”

“Oh yeah… this time… this time for sure Daph. Promise.”

Huffing slightly, Daphne Blake gives her companion a look, the gorgeous ginger clearly not really believing those words. In response, Velma Dinkley, the bespectacled resident genius of the ‘crime-fighting’ duo, winces slightly but then plasters as confident a smile as she can manage on her face.

“Jinkies Daphne… have I ever led you wrong before? Wait, don’t answer that!”

Daphne just scoffs, but there’s a smile on her face all the same, even as the two carefully make their way down the hall.

If you’d told anyone in Mystery Incorporated that when they finally all broke up and moved on with their lives, Daphne and Velma would be the two to stick it out… they would probably have been shocked. Even though the group of five had known each other since they were children and even though the pair of women were the only female members of the group… they were so different from one another that they’d never truly been all that close.

Velma was closer to Shaggy than she was Daphne, while Daphne was closer to Fred. Meanwhile, Scooby was the glue holding them altogether from as early as any of them could remember. But in the end, when the time had arrived for the gang to breakup… Shaggy and Scooby had gone off on their own of course, as expected. Fred though, had clearly thought he and Daphne could have something special that she in turn hadn’t. And so even though they’d never actually dated to begin with, the pair had broken up.

In the aftermath, it had just been Velma and Daphne. An odd duo to anyone on the outside looking in, but it made sense if you knew some key context. In the end, it really did come back to gender. They were both women, but that wasn’t what really brought them closer together. No, what REALLY brought them closer together… was that they were both PERVERTED women.

As evidenced by how they were dressed right now, in fact. Walking through an abandoned, reportedly haunted house like they’d done a thousand times before back with the boys… if said boys could see them now, they’d be shocked.

After all, Daphne’s hourglass figure was not currently hidden beneath a purple top and dress, pink pantyhose, purple headband and green scarf like normal. Instead, while she still had some pink thigh-high stockings on, along with high heels and her purple headband… she’s also wearing a sheer, see-through nightie that does nothing to cover up her purple thong or the fact that she’s not wearing a bra and her gorgeous tits are all but hanging free.

Velma is even more exposed than Daphne though. Gone is the baggy orange turtleneck and the red skirt. Instead, the bespectacled genius is wearing nothing save for a bright red thong, a pair of shin-high orange socks, and a set of red high heels that match Daphne’s purple heels perfectly. Her own massive rack is just hanging out in the open like it’s everyone’s business, not even ‘hidden’ behind a sheer nightie like Daphne’s.

Why were the two female members of Mystery Incorporated walking through a supposedly haunted house late at night in just their underwear? Simple, really. Both Velma and Daphne had a secret perverse desire to find some REAL supernatural shit and get fucked by it. Whether it was werewolves, vampires, or ghosts, the two didn’t care. They both had hoped all their lives to stumble across real supernatural phenomenon… so they could fuck it.

Needless to say, Daphne had been shocked when Velma had finally revealed this to her. As the smartest member of Mystery Incorporated, Velma had always claimed she didn’t believe in ghosts or any of the other supernatural shit that they proved was just some fraudster again and again and again. But in truth, the bespectacled brunette had always harbored a desire to find the real thing just like Daphne did.

And so here they were. Hoping against hope that finally, they’d found a truly haunted house.

“I’m serious, Daph. This place… it might be the real deal. And it might be exactly what we were looking for as well. Remember what I told you about this house’s history?”

Daphne slowly nods. This place… it used to be rented by a fraternity. A bunch of college guys who held massive parties and orgies and what not every weekend. Unfortunately, tragedy had struck. During one such ‘closed door’ party, i.e. a huge orgy filled with the entire fraternity and their sister sorority, a gas leak had filled the house with carbon monoxide and effectively killed everyone inside.

At least it had probably been relatively painless? Though all that fucking had probably sped up their intake, killing them all faster as they’d passed out one by one. Terrible for sure… but Velma was right. If anywhere was going to be haunted with THEIR kind of ghosts, it would be here. Still…

“I’m just saying, V. If we don’t get any action in the next thirty minutes, I reserve the right to take you back to my room, strap you to the bed, and use that new double-sided dildo on you until we’re both squealing all night long. Deal?”

Blushing at the mental imagery, Velma jerkily shakes her head.

“Y-Yep. D-Deal.”

Daphne smirks and resists the urge to reach out and cop a feel of Velma’s ass, even as they both step into the foyer. Dressed as they are, if any horny frat boys with unfinished business ARE still floating around, they should be prime bait for them and-


Pausing, Daphne looks over to see Velma pouting at her and rubbing her bum.


Raising her hands in surprise, Daphne shakes her head.

“I didn’t pinch your ass, Vel. I mean, I thought about it, but I didn’t actually do it.”

Did she? No, she definitely hadn’t-


The ginger bombshell’s eyes shoot wide open and she lets out a squeal of her own as someone spanks her fat ass HARD, sending her half a foot into the air. Whirling around though, Daphne doesn’t see anyone there, much to her surprise and confusion.

… Wait…

A wanton moan from Velma’s direction has Daphne turning back around again. What she sees all but confirms it. The bottom-heavy glasses-wearing short stack is currently leaning back into what looks like thin air… but very obviously isn’t. Not with how her naked breasts are being compressed and fondled by invisible hands, or how the front of her thong is currently being pulled out from her body to let invisible fingers dip into her sex.

Even as Daphne is registering this fact, a pair of big, strong hands wraps around her from behind too, groping her own tits through her sheer nightie. She moans as she finds herself pressed back against a broad, chiseled chest. But when she looks back over her shoulder… there’s nobody there. Doesn’t change the fact that she’s being fondled, however. Nor does it change the way a more feminine pair of hands yanks down her purple thong before a tongue drives itself deep into her cunt.

“Hey… Velma…”

“Y-Yeah Daphne?”

“… I think we found real ghosts.”

Velma, blushing profusely, nevertheless reaches up and pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose in thought for a moment.

“W-Well. Either that or it’s a bunch of people with invisibility belts messing with us.”

Daphne gives her friend-with-benefits an incredulous look at that. Even Velma has to avert her eyes as she acknowledges how ridiculous that attempt at explaining this CLEARLY supernatural phenomenon really was. Still, Daphne doesn’t blame her. All their lives they’ve been solving mystery after mystery, only to find out that it’s fraudsters and swindlers behind each and every potential supernatural occurrence they’ve ever encountered.

But suddenly, now they’re here… and Daphne feels very hard, very hot, very real… but also very not-there cocks slapped into her palms. As she begins jerking off seemingly empty air, she can see Velma doing the same. In fact, the two of them will apparently be able to see each other the entire time. That’s kind of hot, because Daphne can tell… they’re surrounded by men and women. Well, ghost men and ghost women that is.

“Velma… on the off chance that these really are the ghosts of that fraternity and their sister sorority… do you think that they have unfinished business making them linger?”

“That… on the assumption that ghosts ARE real… then y-yes, I suspect that they would have unfinished business making them linger.”

“And… do you think that unfinished business is… sex?”

“J-Jinkies… based on all the clues w-we’ve uncovered so far… I-I’d say that’s a pretty safe bet as well, Daph!”

The fraternity and sorority that had died while having a sexy, fun-filled, lust-fueled orgy all those years ago… their spirits are still here, today. And… they need Daphne and Velma’s help!

“Well then it’s up to us to help them out, Velma!”

“I think you’re right, Daphn-mmph!”

Blinking, Daphne looks over to see Velma suddenly forced onto her knees, her mouth wide open… but not in the way might expect one to have their mouth open to talk. Rather, Velma’s mouth is wide open in the way one would expect to see it open if say… a big fat cock were in it. Of course, said cock is a ghost’s cock and thus invisible, but Velma still moans around it and swirls her tongue this way and that, applying her saliva to the spirit’s mast like there’s no tomorrow.

Daphne, meanwhile, lets out a lewd cry as the female ghost eating out her cunt finally tips her over the edge, making her lean forward as she shakes and spasms, experiencing her first orgasm… at the hands and talented tongue of a ghost. She soon finds herself forced onto her knees as well, her hands still wrapped around ghost cocks.

However, she’s not just kneeling on the cold wood floor of the frat house’s foyer. No, she feels something beneath her. She’s straddling someone and his cock goes up inside of her without so much a ‘by your leave’.

Looking over at Velma, she’s clearly got the same thing going on now that Daphne is actually searching for it. They’re both being bounced up and down on ghost dick, invisible hands grasping their hips and sliding them up and down. Daphne doesn’t know about Velma, but she’s getting wetter and wetter, not just from the good hard dicking, but just… the whole experience in general.

A ghostly hand grabs hold of her hair, knocking loose her headband and letting her ginger locks flow free. But then it gathers them up into a tight ponytail and yanks her head back, causing Daphne to gasp and her mouth to open wide enough for a cock to thrust forward past her lips.

“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”

“Hulghk! Hulghk! Hulghk!”

The frat boys are none too gentle with them, but Daphne doesn’t mind and she can tell Velma doesn’t either. They’re lucky enough to be facing each other right now, meaning they can see everything happening to the other one… even if they can’t see anything but one another. Still, Daphne gets to watch Velma jerk off a pair of invisible dicks with her hands while her breasts are groped, fondling, and slobbered all over. And since she’s experiencing the same thing, she imagines Velma is getting to watch as well.

The men are content with plugging Daphne and Velma’s holes, with even their asses not staying untouched forever. Indeed, both women are pushed forward at a certain point so that another cock can slide up into their backdoors, stuffing their asses with dick as much as their mouths and cunts are.

However, the ghostly women from the sorority… they’re all over the two of them. Playing with their tits, sucking their nipples, licking along their bodies. Daphne even watches as Velma squeals around the ghost cock in her mouth while having her clit tugged out from her stretched wide cunt by an invisible set of teeth. Then, Daphne is also squealing as she feels the same exact thing happen to her.

If anything, the sorority girls are hornier than the fraternity bros! Daphne never would have thought it possible, but there it is all the same. Eventually, once the ghostly cock in her mouth has had his fill of her, she finds it replaced by a pussy that she has to lick instead, her makeshift ponytail taken and her face shoved up into an invisible woman’s crotch.

Daphne’s hoping for some sort of spunk, but maybe that was a little too much to expect. Getting filled and covered in ectoplasm might have sounded hot on the face of it, but it probably wouldn’t have been very healthy, if ectoplasm was even real in the first place.

But no, as Daphne and Velma are fucked, railed, plowed, and pounded by the orgy of ghosts all throughout the night, there’s no real discharge… at least not on the part of the ghosts. Needless to say, the two living women in the equation are letting out all sorts of bodily fluids, squirting their pussy juices all over the place as they’re fucked again and again by ghost after ghost after ghost.

Until finally… as day breaks over the horizon and sun begins to shine through the glass windows on the front of the house… Daphne and Velma are finally left alone. Or rather, more accurately… they’ve finally worked their way through every single ghost and helped the fraternity and their sister sorority finally finish their unfinished business.

Thank you…

The quiet whisper on the wind reaches both girls’ ears and even delirious with pleasure as they are, Daphne Blake and Velma Dinkley each find themselves adopting happy, satisfied smiles as they hear that gratitude.

For a few minutes, the two of them just lay there with each other in the incredibly messy foyer. Finally though, Velma speaks in a raspy whisper due to all the hollering, squealing, shrieking, and screaming as she came her brains out throughout the night.

“… J-Jinkies…”

Turning her head to look at her friend, Daphne grins.

“We did it, V. We proved the existence of ghosts.”

Turning her own head to look at her, Velma slowly nods before reaching up to fix her glasses. Somehow, despite having a tendency to lose her spectacles at the drop of a hat, Velma hadn’t lost her glasses at any point in the night. However, they HAD wound up comically askew as she got her brains screwed out by ghost after ghost.

“… Y-Yeah. Yeah Daph, I think we did.”

Daphne’s grin transforms into something wicked and she reaches out to nudge Velma with her shoulder.

“Wonder what ELSE might be real…”

That gets the genius young woman thinking. And once Velma gets thinking, Daphne knows she just has to follow along for the ride of a lifetime. Sitting back, feeling satiated for the moment, Daphne wonders what the future might hold for them now.

One thing is for sure. She can’t WAIT.


JT Graham

Make this a series my guy plz.

Smile Dip

Well, you know how it is. A patron will need to make it a prompt, and everyone else will need to vote for it.