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Poll Winner

Themes: Anal Sex, Dom/Sub, Rough Sex

Summary: In an AU where the last of humanity did escape to the moon, 2B is selected by one of the current colonists to be his personal pleasure droid, an honor of the highest measure amongst YoRHa androids. And so, she is recalibrated and shipped off to the moon base to meet her new master, who finds her 2Booty to be absolutely irresistible. Maybe its not what she expected, but she's not complaining. 


“So then. You’re YoRHa No.2 Type B. Kind of a mouthful, isn’t it?”

Standing there in the center of the room with her hands clasped behind her back and her legs shoulder width apart, 2B considers how to respond to that statement for a second. In the end, she dips her head submissively.

“I have also been called 2B, Master. Though you may address me in whichever way you desire.”

A few feet away from her, towering over her by around a head, her new human master hums at that consideringly.

“2B… I like it. We’ll go with that.”

2B dips her head again in wordless acknowledgment, before resting and waiting for her next order.

If you’d told the all-purpose battle android that this was where she would end up, 2B would never have believed it. She was created to battle the machine lifeforms that had invaded Earth on behalf of the surviving humans that had been evacuated to the Moon. This was her duty. However, at its core… her purpose was to serve humanity. This could not be denied.

Still, humanity had always seemed so far off. Distant. The Moon was outside of Earth’s atmosphere, after all. And yet… somehow, 2B had been noticed. And so she was here, standing before the human who had requisitioned her to become his personal pleasure droid. Needless to say, this was the greatest honor that could be bestowed upon her. To be repurposed to serve humankind directly? It was the single thing that every YoRHa android longed for.

And now she was here. Having been recalibrated and in some cases upgraded in order to properly serve her new Master, 2B had subsequently been shipped off to the moon, where she’d been presented to the human who had asked for her. Now there were in his bedroom, with her standing in the middle of the room as he slowly circles around her, observing her.

2B stands at five and a half feet in heels. She still wears her old battle uniform and standard-issue blindfold, even if she will have no chance to use either in combat ever again. Still, it would seem that her high-slit turtleneck dress and white leotard drew the eye of her Master, because while her body has been… altered in order to satisfy his needs, her uniform remains exactly the same.

Meanwhile, the human is everything she’d always imagined he would be. Tall, broad-shouldered, and healthy looking. He has a strength to him that might not match up to the strength of an android or a machine lifeform, but clearly means he’ll live a long and productive life… by human standards. 2B can only hope that she is not distracting him from whatever prospective mate he might have here on the Moon, because she suspects he would be quite virile and capable of passing on his finer attributes to his children.

Of course, it’s not for 2B to talk about such things. She can speculate, but her purpose here is to serve her Master’s every whim. Which is why, when he circles around behind her and then reaches out and begins touching her, the all-purpose battle android does not protest. She simply stands there in silence as he begins to fondle her.

Or at least… she tries to. Very quickly, it becomes apparent that one of the modifications they’d made to her body is making itself known. As he reaches out to her front and casually gropes her chest through both her dress and her leotard, 2B begins to pant, feeling rather hot, her nipples growing rock hard under the fabric and her body… responding to her Master’s touch.

It’s his right to molest her. Just as it’s his right to draw this sort of reaction out of her. But 2B still finds it… embarrassing. Just a little, anyways.

“You’re perfect.”

The white-haired android blushes at that. She didn’t used to blush. Indeed, 2B had always considered herself a being of quiet determination. She did her best to never encourage idle chit-chat, especially on frivolous subjects. This would have fallen under that category before, back on Earth. But now? Now it was neither idle nor frivolous. This was her entire purpose now. To serve her Master.

“Nothing to say?”

Blinking beneath her blindfold, 2B hesitates for a moment, not expecting to want her input. Finally, she settles on the truth.

“… I am glad I meet my Master’s specifications.”

That gets a chuckle from the human man. He fondles her tits for a second longer and then abruptly sinks to his knees behind her. 2B moves to turn around, only for him to grab her by the hips and hold her in place.

“Oh, you do 2B. Do not worry about that. You very much do.”

2B blinks again, glancing back in time to see him flip up her skirt. The slit in her dress has always made it easy for her to perform any number of complex combat maneuvers in the midst of battle. Now? Now it provides her new Master with ease of access to her legs, thighs, and buttocks. Thanks to her high heels, her posterior is far more pronounced too, lifted up as it is by her effectively always being on her tiptoes no matter what.

Cooing in delight and taking 2B by surprise, the human leans in and nuzzles her buttocks.

“There it is. That perfect ass that drew my eye. Glorious. Simply glorious.”

Again, 2B’s face heats up in a blush. She wonders if she’ll be doing that a lot. Ass. That was what her Master had called it. The android makes sure to commit the term to her memory. He enjoyed her… ass quite a bit, it would seem.

Suddenly, her Master grins and looks up at her from where he has his cheek pressed against… her cheek.

“My very own 2booty, wouldn’t you say?”

It takes 2B a moment to parse the… joke. And then she just stares at him through her blindfold, the headwear adding to the effect of the blank look she’s giving him. Of course, as a human he is above reproach. So she can’t outright tell him how dumb that joke was. But… admittedly, her opinion of her Master has just been lowered a fraction of an inch. Not that it would matter. She would still serve faithfully and loyally, as was her purpose.

“No? Heh, tough crowd.”

As it is, her Master seems to take her silent recrimination in stride. Still grinning, he lets out a sigh as he runs his hands over her ass, groping and molesting her buttocks. He spends a lot longer kneading her posterior than he did her tits and slowly but surely, 2B begins to feel strange again. Stranger, even. His touch… it feels very, very good. Her ass must be one of the more sensitive body parts she has now.

2B doesn’t know what to think about that. She doesn’t know what to think about any of this. Luckily, she doesn’t have to. She just has to follow orders.

“Fuck, I can’t wait any longer. 2B, pet… go over to the bed for me please. Don’t get on it. Just… stand at the foot of it and remove your dress. Leave the leotard on.”

“Yes, Master.”

2B does as she’s told, moving to the foot of the bed and discarding her dress. She sets it down on the bed off to the side, leaving her in just her armlength gloves, thigh-high stockings and thigh-high leather heeled boots, her blindfold… and last but not least, her white leotard. With her arms, legs, thighs, and… ass exposed, 2B stands there as her Master approaches her from behind.

“Very good. Now bend over the bed for me please. Ass up into the air as high as you can get it.”

Again, 2B does not hesitate to obey. Her hands go down onto the bed, planting there and she lowers herself so that she might arch her back and lift her hips and ass as high into the air as she possibly can. It would seem her Master is not one to waste time. He will make use of her now. 2B is ready for this. She’s literally been prepared for this by the recalibration and upgrades to her body.

After all, before… she didn’t have holes down there. But now she has two. She doesn’t fully understand their purpose, seeing as she’s not capable of reproduction or waste production. But if nothing else, she is ready and eager to serve her Master in whichever way he deems fit.

His hands come down on her buttocks again, groping it for a moment. Then, she feels something big and hot press against the crotch of her leotard. 2B huffs at the contact, looking back and just barely able to see her Master’s phallus over the swell of her posterior. He runs it up and down the crotch of her leotard, which begins to get wet with the arousal she’s now capable of experiencing.

Then, he pulls the leotard aside. One of her holes is decidedly wetter than the other, so 2B is surprised when her Master moves for the latter one instead. Her anus is completely clean of course, but it’s also bone dry. It doesn’t… hurt when her Master begins to push into her, but it’s not easy for him. She’s too tight and there’s too much friction.

“Ah, fuck… need a bit of lubrication, don’t I? Fortunately for me, my little sexbot has some lubrication right here…”

Now he goes to her other entrance, the one that has definitely gotten wetter and wetter throughout this encounter. Only, he barely dips his cock in before moving back to 2B’s anus. The blindfolded android blinks rapidly as he insists upon taking her in what she would have assumed to be the wrong hole before this moment.

And yet… if it were really ‘the wrong hole’, would they have given her it when they upgraded her for this assignment? More than that, it was not her place to question her Master, now was it?

He pushes deeper and deeper into her anus as 2B grunts and clutches at the bed she’s currently bent over. Groans of pleasure fill the air, all coming from her Master as he makes use of her ass.

“Fuck 2B… you’ve got such a tight little asshole. I absolutely love it.”

Asshole. Of course. The hole in the center of her ass would be called an asshole. 2B files this new information away, even as she moves to answer her Master.

“I-I am glad you’re enjoying it, M-Master.”

She’s mortified by her stutter, of course. Even more so when her Master notices and calls it out with a laugh.

“Did you just stutter, 2B?! Holy shit. You know, I’d wondered if they just didn’t calibrate your senses properly or something… but you’re really feeling it, aren’t you? You’re feeling everything. You’re just pretty good at hiding it. A stoic one, aren’t you?”

2B doesn’t know how to answer that. So she doesn’t. For a time, this seems to be acceptable to her Master, as he alternates between fucking deeper into her asshole and dipping into her aroused vagina for more lubrication. Admittedly, there’s a lot of it by this point. She’s sopping wet, even as he stretches out her backdoor across more and more of his cock, her anal walls grinding down around his length all the while.

“… Stop holding yourself back, 2B. Let your real feelings out. And that’s an order, alright? I want to hear your voice. I want to hear you squeal for me.”

She can’t refuse him; he is her Master. He’s one of the last remaining humans. She was MADE to serve him, to obey him. But even still… i-isn’t that a little embarrassing? It takes time, as he fucks her from behind, thrusting into her asshole again and again. But slowly but surely, she manages to loosen up the grip she has on herself. She… lets go of her self-control.

It starts with whimpering moans. Getting fucked in the ass doesn’t feel good at first, but with her Master switching between her two holes whenever he needs more lubrication provided by 2B herself, it certainly begins to. Soon enough, she’s moaning more wantonly. And once she’s moaning, her Master begins to pick up the pace, like she’s egging him on or something.

Suddenly, he leans over her and reaches out, grabbing hold of her arms and yanking them back behind her. 2B gasps as she’s pulled up from the bed, still bent over, her head hanging down. Her legs are spread wide and her heeled thigh-high boots are doing most of the heavily lifting in keeping her ass nice and high in the air for him. Meanwhile, he fucks her like… like an animal. He fucks her harder and faster by the moment, until 2B is finally squealing for him, just like he’d wanted.

“That’s right, bitch. You’re mine now. My own personal android onahole. Fuck, I can hardly believe you’re here. Watching you on all those missions, seeing you in combat… and getting to turn around and make you my personal pleasure toy? Incredible.”

She’s happy that he’s happy. But more than that… she thinks she might have a problem. Because she’s starting to enjoy having his cock in her ass a little TOO much. It definitely doesn’t feel normal, and yet the more he fucks her backdoor, slamming his hips into her newly sensitive buttocks… 2B wonders just what sort of body they gave her. It’s embarrassing, but she can’t hold it in. Something is happening… and as she cries out all the more lewdly, her juices squirt out all over onto the ground between their legs and the bed in front of her.

“Fuck! Yeah, 2B! Cum for me! Cum for me you gorgeous, slutty android!”

With one, two, and three more thrusts, her Master lets out a hoarse groan before proceeding to empty his balls into her ass. 2B, who is just coming to terms with the fact that she’s even capable of orgasming now, let alone that she came from being fucked anally alone, goes wide-eyed beneath her blindfold… and then squeals all the louder as she cums again in such a short amount of time.

Shaking, spasming, and seizing up upon her Master’s cock, 2B whimpers and mewls. When he lets go of her arms and pulls out of her asshole, she collapses to her knees, her legs somehow turned to jelly under her as she shudders and trembles there on the ground. Panting for breath she doesn’t truly need, gasping for air that does nothing for her, 2B quivers for a moment… until a hand slides through her hair, petting her head.

“You did good, 2B.”

Pride swells up inside of her chest at that, though as she turns to regard her Master, his cock does slap down atop her face and looking past it, she sees him grinning at her.

“Now please… go ahead and clean me off with your mouth, would you?”

“… Of course, Master.”

As she takes him into her mouth and begins to dutifully and diligently suck his dick clean of their combined juices, 2B reflects that this wasn’t what she expected if she was being honest. But… she certainly wasn’t complaining.



Where will we be able to read this outside of patreon in the future?


On my current schedule for Patreon Poll Winner releases, this will go public on websites like QQ, HF, and AO3 sometime in 2025 I think. I'm currently releasing Poll Winners from early 2022 every Friday/Saturday


I wonder if 2a was sent up with her, or maybe Commander White has duties to take car of as their leader!


Yeah, about what I figured. I liked 2B, but the human guy was kinda lame.