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Chef's Kiss Ch. 19 (Fate/Grand Order)

  • Rin, Saber, and Sakura discuss the first Singularity 50
  • Ritsuka and Mash discuss the first Singularity 45
  • Saber Alter, Ereshkigal, and Jeanne Alter band together 244
  • 2023-09-21
  • —2023-10-04
  • 339 votes
{'title': "Chef's Kiss Ch. 19 (Fate/Grand Order)", 'choices': [{'text': 'Rin, Saber, and Sakura discuss the first Singularity', 'votes': 50}, {'text': 'Ritsuka and Mash discuss the first Singularity', 'votes': 45}, {'text': 'Saber Alter, Ereshkigal, and Jeanne Alter band together', 'votes': 244}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 4, 7, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 21, 14, 35, 35, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 339}


A/N: Hey guys, just some cross-story shilling: Please go and read The Soul Engine for me! It's my new Free Write and my second ever original novel! Would really appreciate your feedback!

Shirou gets with Jeanne and Jeanne~


Ruler Jeanne is the first to lean in and press her lips to the side of his cock in what could only be described as a chaste kiss… if it were laid anywhere BUT on Shiro’s dick. Not to be outdone, Jeanne Alter quickly leans in as well, all but smashing her own lips onto his member. Both are inexperienced in this sort of thing. Jeanne Alter might be the ‘bad girl’ version of Jeanne d’Arc, but that doesn’t mean she’s not still a total virgin.

After all, it was Jeanne’s love for France that the sick and twisted version of Gilles de Rais had come to despise. Her unconditional adoration for her country, her uncompromising principles… those were what he’d twisted and corrupted. But her sexual innocence? Her complete naivety in matters of the flesh? He’d probably admired that part of her even after everything that had happened. Perhaps he’d harbored delusions that he might one day lead her into learning all about the pleasures of the flesh with his own two hands.

Thinking about the bug-eyed Caster they’d put down getting his grubby fingers all over Jeanne, even the darker version of her, Shirou’s lip curls and he shudders in disgust. Only the inexperienced ministrations of both Jeannes down on their knees before him keeps him from going completely soft, even as he quickly does everything in his power to banish such mental images from his mind.

Fortunately, it’s all too easy to forget about Gilles de Rais when he has two lovely young ladies on their knees before him, servicing his cock. Inexperienced? Yes. Uncertain of themselves? Most definitely. But that doesn’t stop them from giving it their all. Even Jeanne Alter has no desire to be upstaged by her counterpart. She might have made peace with the fact that she’s not the real Jeanne, but Shirou can tell from the way her yellow eyes keep flicking over to Ruler Jeanne that she’s feeling… competitive.

As a result, it’s the Dragon Witch that makes the first move to actually engulf his cock in her mouth. Shirou isn’t sure she even fully knows what she’s doing, but she does it anyways, swallowing the tip of his dick whole and sucking at it dutifully as the original Jeanne blinks in surprise at this act, caught off guard by her alternate self’s… enthusiasm.

However, despite the similarities between the two pairs, this is not a complete repeat of what happened with Saber and Saber Alter. Not only does Ruler Jeanne not actually have a preexisting relationship or claim to Shirou… she’s also not nearly as possessive in general. Indeed, she was only really introduced to Shirou via having to share him with the other women in his life… and it turns out sharing is something that Jeanne d’Arc is more than comfortable with.

As Jeanne Alter begins to bob up and down on his cock, her yellow eyes half-glaring, half-staring up at him with an unmatched sort of intensity, Ruler Jeanne gracefully cedes his shaft to her counterpart, instead moving her mouth down to his balls. Shirou can’t help but be a little surprised by that, if only because it’s rather adventurous of her, but at the same time he’s certainly not complaining, that’s for sure.

Working together, competing with one another… however you wanted to describe it, the two Jeannes are going to town on his cock and balls. And for all that they clearly lack in experience, the entire thing isn’t at all unpleasurable. Indeed, their enthusiasm and eagerness to please more than make up for the fact that they very clearly don’t know what they’re doing.

… At the same time, Shirou takes the grazes of Jeanne Alter’s teeth across his cock more than once as a warning that she might go too far and make a mistake, rather than some sort of implied threat on her part. The fact is, the deeper she tries to take his cock into her mouth, the more it becomes clear that she can’t quite stretch her lips enough or relax her jaw enough to take him all the way down without potentially giving him an accidental love bite.

Before that can happen, Shirou decides to ‘take charge’ so to speak. He reaches down at long last and places his hands atop both their heads, carding his fingers through their hair. Jeanne and Jeanne Alter both look up at him at that, a little surprised as he gently but firmly pulls them away from his cock. There are frowns on their beautiful faces as they share a glance, before Ruler Jeanne pouts and Jeanne Alter scowls.

“Have we displeased you in some way, Shirou?”

“W-What? Not good enough for you?”

The Dark Holy Maiden manages to make her words sound like a condemnation of him, but her tone is one of vulnerability and fear that he might actually say yes. But Shirou just smiles and shakes his head at the two of them.

“You’re both perfect.”

A pair of matching blushes answers his high praise, but of course he’s not done.

“Which is why I want to have the two of you. Right here, right now.”

Funnily enough, Ruler Jeanne is definitely the most eager. Perhaps because she’s already had some experience with him? However, her alternative counterpart is turned into a sputtering mess by his confident demand.

“H-Here? N-Now… t-together?!”

Shirou raises an eyebrow.

“Did you think I’d choose one of you to go first and then the other? No… that wouldn’t be fair.”

This situation might not be the exact same as the situation in the cafeteria with Saber and Saber Alter. After all, despite the similarities and how Jeanne Alter was white-haired and yellowed eyed just like Saber Alter was… she and the other Jeanne were in a completely different situation. That said, Shirou was still Shirou. He wasn’t the kind of guy who liked to play favorites, not when he could help it. And with that in mind, picking one of the two lovely ladies kneeling in front of him to go first would just be… too hard on all three of them.

“There’s another way. A better way.”

Both Jeanne and Jeanne Alter look curious at that. Shirou just grins.

“Of course, you’re still both way too dressed for that sort of thing.”

They jolt at that, before blushing in unison. It’s kind of cute how similar they are, despite their differences. Shirou watches as they rise to their feet… and a moment later their armor and clothing slowly vanishes from their bodies. Of course. Seeing as both of them are technically made of mana, their clothes are too. So they don’t have to take anything off by hand, they just have to will their clothing away. How… lovely~

By comparison, Shirou can’t just make his clothes vanish. Well, not without tracing a Noble Phantasm, and off the top of his head, he only has one that damages only clothing and it doesn’t so much vanish it as it explodes it off the target’s body. Yeah, he wasn’t sure why Gilgamesh had had that sort of weapon in his vault either, but then there were a lot of things he’d traced from the Golden Bastard during their fight that sort of turned his head sometimes.

Regardless, he goes to strip himself down the normal way, only for the two Jeannes to step forward and take over for him. They don’t hesitate to help him the rest of the way out of his clothes, and soon enough Shirou finds himself with two armfuls worth of beautiful Holy Maiden, albeit one a little darker than the other.

They stroke his cock together in unison, even as they rub against his sides like they’re in heat. But then to be fair, Shirou HAD promised them that he had ‘a better way’. With that in mind, he looks around the kitchen and smiles as he sees a clear space on a nearby table. Walking over to it, he pauses for a moment as he makes an important decision. Then, he takes Ruler Jeanne and lifts her up onto the table, laying her on her back.

She squeaks but lets him do as he pleases. Jeanne Alter, on the other hand, is a lot less sure when he picks her up as well and puts her on top of her counterpart, their breasts squishing together as she kneels there with her hands on either side of the other Jeanne’s head. Looking back over her shoulder at him, she narrows her yellow eyes.

“You… what exactly are you-!”

But before she can finish her sentence, Shirou grabs her by her hips and pulls them down so that her and Ruler Jeanne’s cunts slap together. Both women are pretty wet by this point, and they gasp and whimper at the smack of flesh against flesh. Of course, that’s nothing compared to their reactions when Shirou digs his fingers into Jeanne Alter’s ass and proceeds to slide his cock right between the tunnel that he’s created between their pussy lips.

They both moan pretty wantonly at that, making Shirou grin as he begins to slide in and out of the tight space between their bodies. For a few moments, that’s all he does… but then, without warning, he dips his cock right into Jeanne Alter’s pussy, taking the beautiful Dragon Witch’s virginity. Of course, he then immediately pulls out and does the same to Ruler Jeanne, spearing HER on his shaft as well.

He alternates between fucking them, enjoying Jeanne Alter’s cries and Ruler Jeanne’s moans. He especially enjoys it when Ruler Jeanne suddenly reaches up and grabs her alternative self by the back of the head, sliding her fingers through Jeanne Alter’s white hair and pulling her down into a kiss that makes the Dragon Witch freeze in surprise… but also tighten up all the harder around Shirou’s cock.

Grunting, he pulls out of her to thrust into Ruler Jeanne again a moment later though. Splitting his focus between two women at once might not be easy, but it IS incredibly rewarding. If nothing else, Shirou wants to make sure that they have the best final night in this world that they can. Like Jeanne Alter had tried to flippantly say back at the start, this was one final fling.

But… best not to think about all of that. Shirou would much prefer to focus on the task at hand. Fucking them both and giving them the best night of their life, no matter what was coming tomorrow. Grunting, he continues to thrust into them one after the other, smiling as their moans fill the kitchen. Is this sanitary? Probably not, but then they’re already in some medieval kitchen in some medieval castle in a France from hundreds of years ago. So… it was fine.


“But why does it have to be him, huh?!”

“Because he is the one who defeated me. He is the only one here worthy of taking my life.”

It’s the next morning and Shirou finds himself standing there with a grimace on his face. The previous night might as well have been a distant memory at this point, given the drama that was playing out now. At least it wasn’t EVERYONE. The place would have been way too crowded if that was the case. Instead, it was him, Rin, and Ritsuka alongside their three Servants, plus both versions of Jeanne.

Of course, when Jeanne Alter had asked Shirou to do the deed, to slay her and claim the Holy Grail from her corpse, there’d been some… visceral reactions to her request. Shirou himself had been a little stunned, while Rin had immediately exploded, demanding an explanation.

Admittedly, the Dragon Witch’s reasoning sort of made sense if you ignored that Shirou’s ‘defeat’ of Jeanne Alter had literally just been a decently made French Beef Stew. It wasn’t even his best as far as he was concerned. Still…

“I would not ask this of you if I did not think you were strong enough to do it. That said, give the word and I will do it myself.”

Everyone pauses at that, prompting Jeanne Alter to launch into an emotionally charged and husky voiced speech.

“I have had my eyes opened to the terrible nature of my existence. I cannot exist any longer, not when my very existence endangers humanity. Gilles would have wanted it. He would have wanted me to try and survive at all costs. But I choose not to live for him. I choose to die so that France might survive along with the rest of the world!”

From off to the side, Ruler Jeanne gasps and covers her mouth with her hands at her counterpart’s exclamation. When Jeanne Alter peers over at her curiously, the original Jeanne d’Arc graces her alternate self with a broad smile.

“You are as worthy of the name Jeanne d’Arc as I am. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.”

Blushing furiously, Jeanne Alter gives one simple nod at that.

“… Thank you. Now that I have had the veil of hatred pulled away from my eyes, I know that this is the right path.”

Then, she looks to Shirou.

“I enjoyed our time together, as fleeting as it was. I think… I would have liked to have gotten to know you better. But fate is cruel. This is the end for you and I…”

Shirou slowly nods and then steps forward with a sigh. Rin makes a noise in the back of her throat but doesn’t try to stop him. He doesn’t want to do this… but he’s not going to force Jeanne Alter to do it herself. Especially not when she’s clearly baring her heart out to all of them like this. No… it should be him. He was the one who had convinced her to turn on her creator. He was the one who had brought this all about.

Jeanne Alter kneels and lowers her head, baring her neck to him as she closes her eyes. Shirou slowly Traces a simple sharp blade and prepares himself for what must be done. He brings the sword up and-


Shirou blinks as a voice calls out. Not from anyone around them… but rather, from their communicators. It’s not Dr. Roman either. Instead, it’s Da Vinci’s voice that comes through the comms. There’s a brief pause as everyone looks around at each other in confusion, and then Da Vinci explains.

“I did some research into the subject throughout the night after hearing about the situation! From everything I’ve uncovered, there’s no need to kill the Dragon Witch. She’s basically a living Holy Grail right now… and that’s no different from having the inanimate object in our possession. So… you can just bring her back with you and it’ll be the same as you retrieving the Holy Grail!”

There’s a brief pause at that as everyone in the room processes Da Vinci’s words. And then Dr. Roman speaks up.

“Indeed. I’ve double-checked Da Vinci’s work myself. As far as I can tell, she’s right.”

Feeling decidedly relieved, Shirou hastily gets rid of the blade he’d brought out, smiling down at the kneeling Jeanne Alter, expecting her to be just as happy as he is. But instead there’s a dark storm cloud over the Dragon Witch’s head and she’s still got her head bowed as she claws at the floor.

“After all that… after baring my soul to all of you… h-how can I go on?! I just said so many embarrassing thiiiiiings!”

Shirou can’t help but grin a little bit, well-used to the wail of a Tsundere who has just been exposed as having more ‘dere’ to them then ‘tsun’. In fact, Rin even has a somewhat sympathetic expression on her face as she watches Jeanne Alter beat the ground with her fists. But Shirou? Shirou is just happy. Happy that all’s well that ends well.

One Singularity down. Maybe… maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.


A/N: Alright this vote might seem a little opaque, so to be clear, you're voting on what scene to start with next chapter. Shirou will be off cooking and doing his own thing~



Discussion, discussion or... what might be an Alter Trio lewd scene...? Tough call. Honestly I am stumped!


Well if you wish, you can ask for a discussion scene of the Alters with them discussing their existential angst about being copies. Or they might want to bang Shirou without their mirror images in the room.


So an odd thought just occurred to me: Since we are already playing pretty fast and loose with FGO/Type-Moon Lore and since this is an erotic fic, what are the chances of, due to *insert shenanigans of the day*, some of the male Servants being replaced by female Pesudo-Servants who have the appearance of their Fate/kaleid Class Card Users? Doing this you could make Archer Gil an Angelica Face, Berseker Heracles a Beatrice Face and Berseker Lancelot a Sakura Face, or if you wanted to keep the originals in play you could probably summon them as Alters and/or Alter Egos (the difference between those gets fuzzy for me at times). This would also allow you to include Magni as another Beatrice Face and Pandora as an Erika Face onto the roster if you wished (as they currently don't have an FGO appearance). Might be a fun concept to play around with at the very least.

Kyo Amamoto

i know i'm in the minority but i'd really like to not have Ritsuka and Mash become an afterthought in this story...


As I feared poor Ritsuka and Mash are getting pushed out of their own story. The power of the OG Fate crew and lewdness are too strong.


I'm hoping Mash and ritsuka become part of the harem. Since Mash is my favourite. And ritsuka is a red head.