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Themes: Loving Sex, Rough Sex, Dom/Sub

Summary: Part 2 of A Quiver, An Arrow. The wedding goes as well as can be expected. Artemis almost skewers her brother after a smug poetry recital, Zeus makes a comment about "giving away his wildest daughter", and Thalia's death glare makes Percy feel like a deer in the headlights, but no one dies. Even after the ceremony, Artemis seems unwilling to fully shed the veneer of reluctance but that doesn't stop her from taking a slightly more active role in their marital bed. 


“Well… at least that’s over.”

As Percy sits down on the end of the bed, he knows full well that that’s probably not the sort of thing that a newly married man is supposed to say about his wedding. Or maybe it is actually? He doesn’t REALLY know. This is the first time he’s ever been married after all.

Still, from the way Artemis stiffens out of the corner of his eye, he knows she’s going to make a fuss about it. The Goddess of the Hunt scoffs and crosses her arms over her chest, still wearing her Greek-Style Wedding Dress as she sniffs haughtily.

“Oh? Was it such a hardship, being wed to me, Percy Jackson?”

Her angry tone that would have made him blanch and correct himself before… only causes Percy to roll his eyes in response now as he lets out a sigh, leaning back with his hands palm-down on the bed behind him.

“You know that’s not what I meant, Artemis. You were easily one of the best parts of the whole thing… as well as one of the most annoying.”

Artemis, who had started to blush and look away at the first half of his second sentence, immediately whips her head around and scowls at him at the second half. But Percy isn’t having it. He’s all out of fucks to give. He’s lost his fear of her if he’s being honest. Probably for the best, no marriage should be built on fear.

“Don’t give me that look. You were stone-faced the entire damn ceremony. I understand you have a reputation to uphold and everything… but did you have to make it seem so much like I was in on some great scheme to force you to marry me?”

Blinking at that, Artemis suddenly stutters and stammers.

“I-I did not… I n-never meant to…”

He knew that, actually. Even still…

“What do you think your Huntresses thought, seeing you up there not letting off a single ounce of emotion? Look, you and I know full well that you’re not a crier. But frankly, the Death Glare Thalia was throwing my way the entire time makes me worried I’m going to end up assassinated before the week is out, simply so that you can be free of this marriage.”

Did he think Thalia herself would try and kill him? Probably not, they’d been through too much together. But Artemis’ other Huntresses might just decide it was an acceptable path forward, now that whatever efforts they’d made to try and get her out of the marriage had fully failed.

Artemis hesitates for a moment… before looking outright apologetic. Suddenly, his new divine wife steps forward, towards him.

“I am… sorry. I will make sure such a thing does not come to pass. I know you had… no more choice in this marriage than I did, and I will make that clear to my Huntresses. In the meantime… allow me to make it up to you.”

Percy blinks as the beautiful Greek Goddess sinks to her knees before him, still in her wedding dress. He opens his mouth to speak as she reaches for his crotch, but then clicks his teeth shut when the Goddess of the Hunt gives him a quick look. Obviously, Artemis is never going to fully shed the thin veneer of reluctance regarding all of this that she has going on. But is he really going to fight her on that? Best to let her have whatever silly façade she wants to have, he supposes.

Especially if it means she’s going to take a slightly more active role in this relationship. In the matter of moments, Artemis’ deft fingers have extracted his cock from the confines of his tux. Percy groans as she slides her hands up and down his length for a few seconds… before leaning forward and taking him in her mouth. She, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt… is fellating him. His new wife, on their wedding night, is sucking his cock.

Needless to say, Percy can’t help but appreciate the gravity of the moment for what it is. Even as he reflects that despite his griping, the wedding really had gone about as well as could be expected. Sure, Artemis had spent the entire time as emotionless and expressionless as a rock. Sure, she’d almost skewered Apollo when he’d decided to give a smug poetry recital in place of the expected speech.

Zeus making a comment about ‘finally giving away his wildest daughter’ had also damn near started shit, though not from Percy and Artemis’ corner. No, it was Zeus’ wife Hera who took issue with her unfaithful husband calling ANYONE besides himself ‘wild’. Fortunately, that hadn’t blown up too hard thankfully.

Still, Percy wasn’t lying when he said Thalia and the other Huntresses of Artemis in attendance had all been giving him death glares the entire damn time. None of them were happy about this, and Artemis’ attitude meant that some thought it was somehow his fault that this was all happening.

Never mind that Percy couldn’t just go and tell them ‘yeah I’m fucking your Mistress, oh and she likes to call me ‘daddy’ too sometimes, which I’m still getting used to’ or anything like that. Not if he wanted to remain a human being and not get transmutated into an animal of some sort.

And yet… it was honestly sort of all worth it. As Artemis bobs up and down on his cock, Percy reflects that while the wedding hadn’t been perfect, it had been… decent. And now they were here, in private, on their wedding night, getting to share each other’s company. And sure, Artemis was still being Artemis, but Percy was starting to become rather fond of her all the same. She was-

Suddenly, the Goddess of the Hunt pulls off of his cock, her eyes glittering as she stares up at him.

“What sort of man doesn’t take advantage of a Goddess’ throat? Honestly, as though I don’t know what’s on your mind, Percy Jackson. You’ve been wanting to shut me up with this phallus of yours since we met, haven’t you?”

Percy opens his mouth to that… and then sighs and reaches out, taking Artemis’ braid in his grasp and wrapping it around one of his hands, drawing her in forcibly close. Her eyes are filled with poorly concealed arousal as her breath hitches, her mouth and nose suddenly pressed against the underside of his cock. Guiding her back to the tip, he forces her head down his member, beginning to give the Goddess what she wants… domination.

“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”

He starts out relatively slow, not wanting to hurt her… but whenever he looks into her eyes, he can tell she wants it harder. This is the ‘game’ they play these days. Artemis tells him what she really wants by making it sound like something she’d detest, but that she knows HE would want to do to her. Never mind that Percy wasn’t some misogynist prick who had ever wanted to ‘shut Artemis up with his cock’. The Goddess had some peculiar fantasies, and he apparently played a role in all of them these days.

“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”

Still, as he fucks her face more and more relentlessly, drool and saliva and dribble slowly but surely coating his cock and dripping down her lips and chin onto her dress, Percy has to admit… there’s something pleasurable about the whole thing. Artemis brings her hands up to his knees and clasps them both for support, but otherwise doesn’t resist him in any way. She does not fight it as he chokes her on his cock, as she gags and gurgles her way up and down his length. She takes it all and Percy’s balls churn as he gets closer and closer to cumming.

“Artemis… I’m going to cum…”

He’s not sure what he’s expecting from her in response to that warning. When she tugs on his grasp however, he immediately loosens his hold, letting her pull back to the tip of his cock. There she remains, sucking and swirling her tongue and lips over his cockhead… until finally he blows. He half-expects her to drink it at that point, but instead the beautiful Goddess of the Hunt does the last thing Percy would have thought she would.

She takes it all over her face and chest, pulling back off of his cock entirely at the last second. But not to try and escape his seed, she lets him cum all over him, and quite happily at that. Percy sees an expression of satisfaction and contentment on his new wife’s face as she takes his release, as she lets him paint her white, ruining her wedding dress and covering her face before he’s done.

Of course, the moment it’s finished and she regains herself, Artemis’ euphoric expression shutters closed and she scowls up at him from under the layer of fresh, hot, sticky jizz.

“Are you not happy, husband? Is it not a man’s wish, to mark his wife as his property? To make her wear his ejaculation?”

Percy opens his mouth… but this time he doesn’t close it. Instead, he stares down into Artemis’ eyes and lets out a throaty, aroused growl from deep in his chest.

“I’m going to fuck you now, Artemis. And I’m not going to stop until we’re both satisfied. Assume the position, wife.”

A shudder runs through the Goddess of the Hunt at that, her tongue darting out for a moment to lick her cum-coated lips.

“O-Of course… so domineering. S-So controlling. J-Just like a man to… to boss his wife around and-eep!”

He still has ahold of her hair, so Percy grips down tightly once more and yanks her head back, cutting the Goddess off.

“Assume. The. Position.”

He lets go of her then and watches as she scrambles up onto the bed. Rising to his feet, Percy turns just in time to find out what ‘position’ Artemis has chosen for their first time as husband and wife. He should have known, but at the same time it still surprises him to see the Greek Goddess bent over on the bed, pressing her cum-covered front into the mattress while lifting her hips high into the air. Flipping the back of her dress up, she exposes herself to him. Her glistening pussy lips nestled between her thighs are as inviting as ever.

Percy, his cock still rock hard and ready for action, wastes no time. He’d made his divine wife a promise after all. He’d told her what he was going to do to her. So, leaping up onto the bed as well, he kneels behind Artemis, still wearing most of his clothing too. His cock comes to her slit and without hesitation, Percy thrusts into his wife from behind.

Artemis squeals, a particularly undignified sound that she can’t quite keep from her lips as he fills her with his cock. However, Percy immediately notes the way she pushes back into him as he begins to fuck her. She’s taking a much more active role in their activities tonight, despite continuing to act like she hated him or didn’t want any of this.

Fucking her from behind, Percy groans in appreciation of not just Artemis’ tight, wet cunt, clenching rapidly around his cock in evidence of her enjoyment like it always is, but also the way she’s pushing her hips back into him, producing quite the satisfying sound of flesh slapping against flesh.


As his balls smack up against her clit, his entire length disappearing inside of her again and again, Artemis tries to contain her moaning by burying her cum-coated face in the bed. Percy makes a note to change the sheets or maybe sleep on the floor when they finally pass out later tonight, but for now he decides he doesn’t want her to be able to hide her reactions from him. Not tonight.

Reaching forward, he grabs Artemis by her braid once more and yanks the Goddess of the Hunt back off of the bed by her hair. He wraps her braid around his fist and pulls her taut, forcing her spine to arch as she cries out and moans in equally wanton fashions. Of course, once she realizes he’s not going to let her be quiet, she marshals herself and forces words out from between her parted, panting lips.

“S-Such a brute… I suppose, a-ah… I should expect nothing less from… from the man to finally m-mount me.”

Chuckling throatily, Percy leans forward, properly ‘mounting’ her as he nibbles at her ear for a second before responding.

“If I am a brute, then so be it, Goddess. I will be your brute. For as long as we both may live.”

Artemis freezes for a moment at his heartfelt words, before groaning as she climaxes on the spot, her pussy walls flexing and clenching down on his cock in abject ecstasy. Percy isn’t surprised by this though, nor does it stop him from continuing to fuck her senseless, just as she’d all but begged him to. Sure it’s a weird relationship, but he’s had weirder hasn’t he? And besides… he thinks Artemis just might be worth it. That making this work just might be possible…

They don’t exchange any more words after that. Artemis clearly doesn’t trust herself to speak again, and Percy focuses on giving her precisely what she wanted. She cums for him again and again, until finally, with a loud groan, he can hold it back no longer. His seed fills Artemis’ womb, the second load of the evening ejaculated right into that most sacred of places for the Goddess of the Hunt.

Of course, none of this is their first time together… but it is their first time as a married couple, and that holds some level of meaning. As Percy finishes up, he pulls back and considers the situation for a moment… before beginning to strip. Artemis has just started recovering when he gets to her as well, but she doesn’t fight him as he pulls her wedding dress off of her, revealing her beautiful and entirely naked body.

She does, however, grow confused when he picks her up off of the bed in a bridal carry and begins to take her away from the place where they’d been fucking so far.

“What… what are you doing?”

Looking at her, Percy just grins.

“I told you already that I wouldn’t rest tonight until we were both satisfied, dear wife. But before we continue, I’d say a bath is in order.”

And so he carries her into the bathroom as Artemis wrinkles her nose but does not protest. Of course, once they’re in the bath… well, suffice to say, they don’t spend that much time getting clean before they continue. It’s quite some time before they make it back to the bedroom in fact, but that’s not to say they aren’t still quite enjoying each other’s company. And indeed, that enjoyment continues all night long…



Good chapter, love me some Artemis porn but man istg "assume the position" is one of the worst dom phrases of all time lmao


Lovely. I reckon I'll submit a follow-up since I quite like where it's going and it seems to be pretty popular, at least going by poll percentages. I'm currently leaning toward one of two choices (or more likely both if the fickle currents of the prompt poll continue to favour the story): - The first would be a threesome with Thalia, much to Percy's surprise. Something something 'I share everything with my Hunters'. Artemis wanting to remain in charge of her Hunters while submitting to Percy could be an interesting dynamic. - The second would involve Artemis playing out some fantasies - perhaps the Goddess of the Hunt wants to be 'hunted' and claimed? I am, of course, open to suggestions.

LT Butterfly287

You know it’s always kind of confused me is why when people wrote smut the guys balls are smacking the chicks pussy. I don’t know about you but whenever I get freaky with a chick my balls get real tight and as if it’s cold.