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Themes: Loving Sex, Anal Sex, Rough Sex

Summary: Set between Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. They've saved the day, and now they get their Happily Ever After. But Link won't stop staring at Zelda's ass whenever he thinks she isn't looking. She very much IS looking... there's a reason she's always wearing the tightest leather pants possible around him, even though they're not on the road as much anymore. Finally, she decides to introduce Link to a new form of pleasure... Anal Pleasure. 



The Hero of Hyrule flushes, immediately averting his gaze as Zelda calls out to him. As though she’s just going to ignore the fact that she caught him staring at her ass… again. To be fair, she’s pretended like she hadn’t noticed every time before now. But as she comes down off of the small ladder from where she’d been straining to put something up on a high shelf, the Princess of Hyrule has to admit… this can’t go on. If nothing else, for her sanity it cannot be allowed to continue.

Don’t get her wrong, things have been great ever since Link defeated Calamity Ganon. Not fixed, far from it… but as she’s told him, they have a chance now. A chance to rebuild the Kingdom of Hyrule, to maybe even make it better than before. And they’ve been hard at work on that goal ever since.

But also… there’s the two of them as well. They’ve… become a couple. Explored one another. As Zelda watches Link stare off to the side, his face red, she can’t help but smile and approach him. Reaching up, she places a hand on his cheek, gently turning his head so he’s facing her once more. Then, she leans up on her tip toes and kisses him.

He kisses her back, of course. This isn’t the problem that Link has. Far from it, in fact. They make passionate love to one another every single night, and Zelda can’t get enough of it. Not only do they have a chance to rebuild Hyrule better than ever, but they also have each other… and she loves that.

There’s just one small problem. Link has a fascination with her firm little derriere that simply cannot be beat. And he seems to think that’s wrong. He seems to think that being so obsessed with her ass is a bad thing. And yet, whenever he thinks she’s not looking, he stares at it unabashedly with those wide, inquisitive eyes of his. And… when they’re together, well, he tends to gravitate towards her ass.

In fact, even now as she presses her hands against her Hero’s chest and kisses him on the lips, Link’s hands have slid down and around to Zelda’s perky little bubble butt. His fingers dig into her flesh and she moans into his mouth as he gropes and kneads her ass cheeks with all ten of his digits.

Zelda is not an idiot. And she’s certainly not unobservant. Link thinks that she doesn’t notice, but even when she’s not looking, she’s aware of where his eyes are. She can practically feel his gaze burning a hole in the seat of her leather pants.

You’d think that would have been a clue for the big lug as well. The fact that Zelda didn’t wear dresses, even though they were no longer traveling on the road twenty-four-seven anymore. No, instead she always wore her traveling pants… the ones that hugged her ass and thighs, that gave extra definition to her buttocks and legs.

She did it for Link, hoping that eventually he would finally give in to his inner desires and just… take her. And no, not in the normal way. They’ve done plenty of that form of sex. No, Zelda wants something else… something more perverse. However, as she makes out with Link and he kneads her ass cheeks with both hands, the Princess of Hyrule realizes… she might have to make the first move after all. Because it might just be that Link not only thinks his desires are too perverse and naughty for her tastes, but that he also doesn’t have a single clue how to actually go about executing them.

With that in mind, Zelda ends the kiss and pulls back, looking Link dead in the eye.

“… Let’s move this to the bedroom, Link~”

Her Hero looks excited at that, even though he doesn’t know what she’s truly intending. If nothing else, he still enjoys coupling with her. And so does Zelda. As such, as soon as they reach the bedroom, they begin pawing at one another, kissing some more as they strip each other out of their clothes. Garments fall to the floor around them, boots are kicked off along with pants and underwear.

Soon enough, Zelda stands naked in front of her beloved, and so does Link. His cock is rock hard too, as she grabs hold of it with both hands and strokes it, smiling down at it and rubbing it up and down with her smooth, creamy palms.

That said… she’s not just going to jump straight to the idea she has in mind. Foreplay has its place, and so does a little bit of… preparation. Giving Link’s cock a tug, a naked Zelda leads her hero back to their bed, where she lays down and spreads her legs. Link doesn’t have to be told what to do here. He moves between her thighs, places his cock against her slit with a little urging from the Princess… and thrusts in.

Zelda moans as he stretches out her slippery, aroused insides. She shudders as he grunts into her ear, a deep and masculine noise. Animalistic, almost… but then, Link has always been a primal sort. Why, she still remembers the way he executed his one-man war against Ganon and his armies to save her and all of Hyrule. Weapons had been used until they broke, tactics had been thrown at the enemy and then discarded as fast as they were thought up.

Link had tackled the challenge of saving Hyrule like a beast rather than a man. Like a warrior, rather than a knight. And frankly… it was exactly what they’d needed. After all, it wasn’t as though she or the rest of the Royal Family had been prepared for the sort of Calamity that Ganon had brought down upon them all. Certainly, the Royal Guard and the Hyrulian Knights had not been prepared either.

In the end… this savage boy, this beastly man… had been the key to their salvation. He’d fought fire with fire.

It was a little funny to think about, because one would imagine that he would have already made the move Zelda was waiting for, all things considered. Given how… ingenious Link was, she was shocked he hadn’t thought of it yet. But then, maybe he had and he was afraid of her rejection. Either way, it didn’t matter.

Zelda lays beneath her beloved for several minutes, moaning and humping up into his thrusting cock. Her arms and legs wrap around him and she nuzzles into his neck, mewling into his ear as he grunts and huffs, pounding away at her welcoming pussy with all his might. The more he fucks her, the more aroused Zelda gets.

However, eventually she reaches a point where she has to stop him. Because if she doesn’t, she might just let him plow her into a stupor again, and then they’ll be right back at square one. Pushing against him, Zelda forces Link to pull back, watching as her hero disengages with a confused look on his face. She gives him a reassuring smile to show that she isn’t mad, and then winks.

“I thought we could try something new today, Link~ Something I think you’ve been wanting to try, even if you didn’t know it.”

Link blinks at that, but Zelda is already turning over onto her front. Flipping over so that she’s prone before him, the Princess of Hyrule lifts her hips and ass into the air, not quite going up onto her knees but certainly peaking her midsection a little bit. At the same time, she reaches back and grasps her buttocks with both hands. Fingers dig into each of her ass cheeks, and Zelda carefully spreads her perky little bubble butt apart, presenting at long last her puckered asshole for Link to see.

It's probably glistening just a little bit… from the preparation Zelda has been doing every single morning since she first caught Link staring at her ass. Every morning, she’s gone ahead and made sure her back door is sparkly clean. And then she’s provided a little bit of lube, just on the off chance that Link might lose control, bend her over, and bugger her right then and there.

… Yes, she was well aware of how much of a long shot that was. She’d still been prepared for it. And good that she was too, because it meant she was prepared for this moment here and now.

“G-Go ahead, Link. I want it. I want you to fuck my ass.”

Looking back over her shoulder at him, still lying there mostly prone, the Princess of Hyrule bites her lower lip as she continues to spread her cheeks in invitation. Link looks at her with wide eyes… and then down at her puckered anus. Finally, slowly and almost hesitantly, he shuffles forward. His throbbing cock slaps down between her ass cheeks, slipping and sliding along her crack for a moment at first. Covered in her pussy juices, he’s well-lubricated for this just as she is.

Zelda moans from the contact, shivering in anticipation of what’s to come next… and that’s all Link seems to need to hear. Listening to her moan for him, the Hero of Hyrule lets out a cute, primal growl and proceeds to grab her by her hips, his thumbs digging into her pert behind as he fits the head of his cock against her puckered sphincter.

“T-That’s it… give it to me. I can-eep!”

Before she can finish the sentence and say ‘take it’, Link thrusts forward. Zelda’s eyes widen and her back arches as her head whips around facing forward again. Her entire body shivers as Link shoves a few inches of his sizable member right into her anus at once. She probably should have told him to take his time and go easy on her… but the truth was, Zelda had been anticipating this anal encounter for just as long as Link clearly had. He might not have known what he truly wanted from her ass, but Zelda DID.

… She was a naughty little pervert like that, wasn’t she? A Princess of Hyrule, obsessed with anal pleasure. Blushing profusely, Zelda buries her face in the pillows, trying to hide her moans as Link starts to hump away at her ass. His cock pushes deeper and deeper into her bowels with every thrust, and all Zelda can do is squeak, squeal, and tremble beneath him.

Quivering from the incredibly intense experience, Zelda gasps and pants noisily. She’s had things up her ass before to be clear. Her fingers, mostly. But also a couple of… toys. Especially after she realized Link’s delicious fascination with her behind, she’d started trying to prepare it for him. Trying to prepare HERSELF for him.

But nothing that Zelda has done to herself can possibly compare to Link’s size. As he drills more and more of his cock into her backdoor, as he grips down on her hips and begins to pound her bubble butt into the bed, Zelda can only gurgle helplessly in surprise and delight alike. He’s bigger than anything she’s ever had before, and she feels it. She feels every inch as he stretches her anus.

It’s not like regular sex, she blearily notes. No, it’s so much more than that. She could even imagine how it might be very, very painful without the proper preparation and execution. But luckily, Zelda had over-prepared so that Link wouldn’t have to hold anything back. She’d made sure that she would be ready for him, no matter how he ultimately decided to take her.

Now? Now she was getting prone boned into their bed by her beloved, his cock plunging deeper and deeper into her ass with every thrust. Eventually, he’s so deep in her that his balls are starting to slap up against her undercarriage, which given the position, means they’re smacking against her slit and clit. Needless to say, this added pleasure only makes Zelda moan more wantonly.

Still, once that starts happening, she assumes that any moment Link will bottom out inside of her. But every thrust seems to add a new inch to his depth. Every pounding he gives her, he goes deeper. Until finally…

Their hips meet. All of his cock is in her. Zelda’s back arches, her eyes rolling up in her skull as her tongue sticks straight out of her mouth. Meanwhile, Link holds himself to that depth for a moment, even leaning forward to kiss the top of her head from above.

Then, he pulls back and thrusts in again, finding a pace that he prefers. Fucking her like the savage warrior he is. Her hero, the Savior of Hyrule… is a beast of a man prone to fighting with anything he can get his hands on, eating all sorts of random junk, and ultimately always carrying the day, no matter what. Primal. Savage. But undeniably reliable and dependable.

He fucks her anally with deep, powerful thrusts and Zelda, Princess of Hyrule… can’t help it. She experiences her first ever anal orgasm as Link pounds her ass. His hands move from her hips to her buttocks when her own hands fall away from the overwhelming sensation. He grips and squeezes her bubble butt to his heart’s content, digging his digits into her ass cheeks in the same way he does when they’re making out.

And all the while, he’s drilling into her asshole. He’s fucking her butt, rather than her cunt. Sure, maybe it’s debauched. Maybe it’s not ‘normal’. But Zelda doesn’t care. She doesn’t want to be normal. She wants to be happy. She wants to be loved. And in this moment, with Link’s big fat cock buried all the way up her ass? Zelda is both those things.

The buggering lasts for what feels like an eternity, but also not long enough at all. Zelda loses track of just how many times she cums from Link’s anal plundering of her back door. Until finally, at long last… her beloved lets out one of his signature grunts and thrusts forward one final time before beginning to cum.

The anal creampie tips Zelda over the edge one last time as well, prompting an explosive orgasm from the Princess of Hyrule. As she lays there under him, quivering and shuddering in orgasmic bliss… Link leans forward and hugs her tightly. Zelda gasps at the display of pure affection, before smiling softly and reaching up, grabbing his arm in a return ‘hug’.

Basking in his warmth, loving the feel of being pinned beneath him, Zelda lets her eyes drift shut as she enjoys the moment. Sure, the work to restore Hyrule is far from over… in fact, they’ve barely begun. But with Link by her side, Zelda knows with absolute certainty that they’ll get it done.


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