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Some Census Polling! (2023)

  • Prompt Polls & Poll Winners 803
  • Free Writes (My more plot-driven content like MNL, BO, BP, and ASN) 581
  • The XXX-Gene (Marvel) 538
  • Coming of Age (Percy Jackson) 481
  • A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars) 513
  • Lightning Strikes Twice (Harry Potter) 522
  • Endless Legacy (DC Comics) 404
  • The Successor (My Hero Academia) 426
  • The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD) 374
  • Swirling Chaos (Naruto) 376
  • The Grimm Prince (RWBY) 326
  • Chef's Kiss (FSN/FGO) 254
  • I don't read your stuff via Patreon, I just pledge to support you 34
  • 2023-05-13
  • 5632 votes
{'title': 'Some Census Polling! (2023)', 'choices': [{'text': ' Prompt Polls & Poll Winners', 'votes': 803}, {'text': 'Free Writes (My more plot-driven content like MNL, BO, BP, and ASN)', 'votes': 581}, {'text': 'The XXX-Gene (Marvel)', 'votes': 538}, {'text': 'Coming of Age (Percy Jackson)', 'votes': 481}, {'text': 'A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)', 'votes': 513}, {'text': 'Lightning Strikes Twice (Harry Potter)', 'votes': 522}, {'text': 'Endless Legacy (DC Comics)', 'votes': 404}, {'text': 'The Successor (My Hero Academia)', 'votes': 426}, {'text': 'The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)', 'votes': 374}, {'text': 'Swirling Chaos (Naruto)', 'votes': 376}, {'text': 'The Grimm Prince (RWBY)', 'votes': 326}, {'text': "Chef's Kiss (FSN/FGO)", 'votes': 254}, {'text': "I don't read your stuff via Patreon, I just pledge to support you", 'votes': 34}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 13, 17, 43, 52, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 5632}


TL;DR: The question to the poll below is: What content do you read/interact with on my Patreon?

Hey guys, so the last time I did one of these was at the end of January of 2022, almost a year and a half ago now. In the past 17 months, a lot has changed with my Patreon, including the fact that over 1,000 new patrons have been added to it. So I figured it was time to get some new data.

Namely, I want to try and get an idea of what the people who are paying me money, are paying that money for. This poll will thus be to find out where the majority of my patrons' attention is located. Are you here for the Prompt Polls? Are you here for one or more of my Story Polls? Or maybe you're here for the Free Writes I started in 2022 and have carried forward into 2023?

I want to know it all! You will be able to vote for more than one option, of course, in the event that you're here for everything heh. I'm curious to see what's most popular and what might not be as beloved by my patrons.

As always, thanks for your time!



Bro, I am so hoping that DXD gets a lot of votes. That’s like the main reason that I even subscribed.


I’m all in on Issei Hyoudou stuff, but will enjoy some a few side peices here and there. It and feels good to try to help others by voting for their prompts.


I came because I liked the Vali got story but stayed for the son of Luther oc story ps: have read many of your stories thanks for the awesome content


None of the above. No that's untrue. It's kind of all of the above. I'm trying to catch up on alot of the story series. It's not easy though. Mostly I'm here because you have a talent for writing. The porn is welcome but your writing is awesome.


The Sleeping Dragon is what I subbed for. Other than that, I suppose anytime you write a story for some other franchise I may or may not be interested in is one thing, and your originals unaffiliated with any unfamiliar franchise. Buy Primarily here for Sleeping Dragon from High School DxD.


In all fairness… I got the patron not too long ago and there is a lot of stuff I need to catch up on/read right now I’m about half way though Grimm Prince catching up soo yeah. But a lot of your stuff seems up my alley both plot (I KNOW PORN WITH PLOT) and the “plot” so yeah.


I'll be honest. You haven't written much in the last year that I've been interested in. I've been here for awhile. A lot of the old stuff was what brought me in, HP, DC/Marvel, GoT. Some of the original fics. But most of the new stuff has felt cut and paste. It feels like some people only pop up to vote for the things i would least like. Then they don't even come back to like and comment on those fics. I feel like your old stuff had more life to them. A better idea of where the fic was going. Now its more of get to the end of the chapter since it may not be voted for again.


The Harry Potter and Naruto Stuff is my favorite plus the occasional MhA stuff... but mostly I subbed for XXX gene such a cool concept


Interesting take. Are you talking more about the Prompt Poll Winners specifically? Because in terms of my Story Polls and Free Writes, I've put so much more life/effort into them in the past two years then I used to lol. I had absolutely no idea where any of the original Story Polls were going back in the day for instance, and the ones that have survived till today have done so in spite of my lack of planning, not because of it lol. But with the Prompt Poll Winners, well, I've never really had much say in any of that. They've always been one-shot fodder with zero idea of where a story might going, at least on my end. I have no clue something is even going to get another part until the original prompter messages me again saying they want to submit the next part to a poll xD Still, appreciate the feedback and your readership all the same! Hopefully something comes up to grab your interest again eventually


came here for Savage nature


Well, I’ve said this before, but I subbed because of Potter’s Clay…which you then informed me was a commission. 😅 But stuff like XXX Gene and Endless Legacy and APGFFA made me decide that, even though I followed you because of a commission, you’re other stories were just as good, if not better. 😁👍


I think I speak for at least three of us when I say that I came for the Code Geass content.


Aside from your Free Writes I mostly enjoy your commissioned work over on HF. Few prompts aside from the occasional Original really interest me over here.


I only rea like a third of your prompt polls, but I read almost all of your Story polls. And I absolutely love your free writes.


I'm mainly here for the promt poll's, but I also really like "The sleeping Dragon" and "A Savage Nature" but could wait a couple of weeks for them. The rest of the current stories don't interest me


Where's the "yes" option?

Lawrence Cole

Harry Potter and marvel only for me,


I was lured here by your Star Wars stories (mainly “A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away”), and I have pretty much been hooked on all of your content ever since!


I kind of just pledge to support you, to be honest. There are some stuff I like more than others but in general, I mostly enjoy all that you write.




I came here originally for the sleeping dragon story but the polls is what kept me here though all of the stuff you do is good.


I also like Dudley Dursley’s diabolical do over


I first tossed a coin because of the Elden Ring story you did, but after that, stayed subbed because of Breaking Providence and now A Savage Nature. I only keep up with your other stories when I'm familiar with the setting


I showed up for the Percy Jackson story and generally at least skim the rest, except the Naruto story. Naruto's just not my thing; Fate is just as baffling, but it's light-hearted enough to retain my attention despite the confusion (so there are tech wizards summoning copies of people from alternate realities?) The prompt polls are hit-and-miss for me, which is to be expected, but on average I'd say there's a bit more than one prompt winner I like (not necessarily the one I voted for) per week, so I can't complain - my sympathies to the small but vocal minority that calls for Code Geass content every week. I still won't vote for Code Geass, though.


I like the stories that are meant to go on for longer than a few chapters. I tend to avoid all the one-shot poll winners and such because they either don’t interest me or I end up wanting the story to continue but it never does.

Sam Kemp

I found you through the GoT SI (with the horny dragon). I follow quite a bit of your stuff, but not a lot of the anime. Kinda wish you’d go back and finish the vampire crossover stuff.

The Arn

Found you for the Game of thrones fiction


I started by reading APGFFA (still my favorite work), which, that and Maidenless No Longer, finally made me become a Patreon. Those works plus Endless Legacy, Coming of Age, The XXX Gene, the patreon choice stories, your free writes, and original works have fully convinced me I made the right decision!

maddsloth II

I have liked a few of your stories, but I do wonder if a continuation of "Oh Fuck Me Running!" could ever be on the table?


Found you through The Arc Family Techniques but what really got me into you was APGFFA. I then became a dedicated reader after MNL. I hadn't even played the game but your story made me look up the lore so I could better feel attached to the characters. So definitely your free writes as I think they're your best showing of your skills as a writer, APGFFA as it's my favourite story, and whatever prompt or story catches my interest.


Found you by reading "A Hypnotic Gaze" & "Asserting Dominance" You should continue them as well


To be honest, i only follow "The Successor" "A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away" and "The Sleeping Dragon" all of them reading in ff.net but i subscribe in patreon only when you made a free write (warcraft, skyrim, elden ring, pokemon). i hope you can made a free write of RWBY or dxd with a OC/SI.


Would love to see something from Worm. Been ages you've focused on this kind of content. Otherwise, I'm mostly on your Patreon for Swirling Chaos, The XXX-Gene, and Endless Legacy.


Harry potter, Percy Jackson, and marvel are the only things I DONT interact with really. Just not worlds that I'm really into. Everything else I love.