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Figured I would use this first post to pimp out all the free stuff I've written and may continue to write on the side for my own pleasure.

First of all, my Fanfiction.net Profile has much of my free content on it:


Secondly, I spend a lot of time on QuestionableQuesting.com, where I write NSFW Fiction and run NSFW Quests. My current quest there is something I update daily. On QQ you will need to sign up and create an account to view my content however, as it is account gated.


I also want to share my twitter, which I hope to use for communication with my fans and possibly commissions.


I think that's it for now. Obviously I'm very new to this, but I hope you'll be able to see from the links above that I am not new to writing.


Mike Reed

Your fanfiction site took down your profile.


Yeah they deleted me off of FF back in August lol. But this post is 6 years old, I dunno how you even found it xD