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Themes: Dom/Sub, Mind Break, Anal Sex

Summary: Part 8 of Preemptive Action. Izuku and Momo aren’t happy with Kyoka. The punk rock girl was supposed to be their toy, but over the last few weeks she’s been intruding on the couple’s private time and trying to keep Momo to herself, all at Uraraka’s insistence. Dealing with Uraraka will come later. For now, they decide it’s time to completely break Kyoka's mind by way of her dump truck ass.


“Do we have to go and meet up with Izuku, Momo? Why can’t it just be the two of us today?”

Momo’s eyes narrow at Kyoka Jiro’s somewhat uncharacteristic whining. In class, the girl was always pragmatic and unenthusiastic. But ever since Momo and Izuku had shared her for the first time, she’d been really coming out of her shell more. Unfortunately, Momo wasn’t sure she liked what she was seeing.

The punk rock girl had been getting more and more uppity, for lack of a better word. And she’d been making every attempt she could at keeping Izuku and Momo apart, trying to monopolize Momo for herself. She’s even tried to intrude upon their private time a few times now over the past few weeks, only slinking away when Momo, not Izuku, put her foot down and told Kyoka to get lost.

All of it was adding up to something of an ugly picture, one that Momo didn’t really like. Momo had thought that after the way they’d tag-teamed Kyoka together, that she would understand her place was beneath the two of them. Momo had thought that Izuku had drilled into the punk girl’s ass far enough that she would never be the same ever again.

And… Momo had thought that by sending Ochaco the message she sent her regarding Kyoka’s fate, that the brunette girl would back off of that particular vector and give Kyoka up as a lost cause. Obviously, none of that had turned out to be the case. Nothing had quite worked out how Momo wanted it to. And all of that could be traced right back to that bitch, Ochaco Uraraka.

She was still whispering in Kyoka’s ear. She was still trying to use the other girl to break Momo and Izuku up, like that would ever happen. And Kyoka was falling for it. Ochaco’s poisonous and venomous words aside, Momo knew that they had to do something. Uraraka would get hers eventually… but first, Kyoka needed to learn her place at long last.

“Shut up, Kyoka. Do you want to be with me?”

Eyes wide, the punk rock girl goes still for a moment before fervently shaking her head. Momo glares her down for a moment longer before turning back around again.

“Then follow. Or leave. Your choice.”

Of course, she’s not at all surprised when Kyoka follows. The other girl would follow Momo into Hell itself, she’s pretty sure. She’s obsessed with her, and completely incapable of understanding that Momo’s one true love is Izuku. Kyoka is just ammunition from that bitch Uraraka, ammunition that Momo WILL turn against the brunette cunt… once and for all.

Arriving at the storage shed out back behind UA, Momo uses her key to let Kyoka inside. Izuku is already waiting for them both of course. Her boyfriend has a stoic look on his face and his arms crossed over his chest. Of course, the moment Kyoka sees him, she plasters an incredibly fake smile on her face.

“Oh! Hey Izuku~”

It’s even more obviously fake, given Kyoka’s normal personality. Izuku just raises an eyebrow in response, not answering the other girl. Grabbing Kyoka by the hand, Momo all but drags her over to the mattress they’ve set up in the back of the storage shed. Along with that mattress are some other things she’s prepared ahead of time with her Quirk, though Kyoka doesn’t really notice them. She’s too busy being distracted by Momo holding her hand.

Finally stopping, Momo lets go of Kyoka and steps up alongside Izuku. Then, she reaches down and fondles her boyfriend’s crotch through his pants.

“Be honest, Kyoka. You don’t really care about this, do you?”

The punk girl goes still but her ear jacks betray her, twitching and flicking this way and that like crazy.

“Wha-? Of course I do! I…”

She trails off, because Momo has just lifted her own skirt to reveal the fact that she’s gone commando today. Yep, she, Class 1-A’s Class Representative, is currently at school without panties on. If Ochaco caught wind of that, or worse still got evidence, she could make Momo’s life a living hell. But Momo didn’t care. It had been freeing… and it had made it all the easier for Izuku to fuck her during lunch earlier.

“No you don’t. You don’t care about Izuku’s cock. All you want is this, Kyoka. All you want is me. Admit it.”

As if hypnotized by the sight of her bare pussy, dripping with some arousal but mostly from the creampie Izuku gave her earlier, Kyoka slowly nods.

“Yes… I… it’s t-true…”

With a scoff, Momo lets her skirt fall back into place, breaking the spell over Kyoka.

“Well you can’t have it.”

For a moment, the punk girl looks stricken. But Momo isn’t done.

“You can’t have it unless you earn it. And you earn it… by satisfying MY man. Izuku Midoriya is MINE, Kyoka. And you’re not going to make me toss him aside. Not ever. Do you understand?”

Momo knows she’s probably being a little intense right now. But she doesn’t hold back. She drills into Kyoka with every bit of her ferocity, glaring at the other girl as she almost immediately quails under Momo’s gaze. She frowns most severely, doing her absolute best to get the point she’s trying to make across, until finally, Kyoka jerkily nods.

“Y-Yes… I… I understand.”

“No you don’t. Not really. I thought you did, but you’ve still been trying to make me and Izuku break up. As if I would ever willingly choose to live without him. As if I would ever give him up for YOU. It’s not going to happen, Kyoka. Not ever. So you have a decision to make right here and right now. Do you want me as I am, with Izuku by my side and your place being at OUR feet… or do you want to turn around and leave right fucking now and never bother me OR my boyfriend ever again?”

Despite everything Momo has said until this point, it’s obvious that the ultimatum throws Kyoka for a loop. Eyes wide, the punk girl looks between the two of them, clearly not liking either option. But in the end, her obsession with Momo gets the better of her. She’s already given up so much to Izuku, just to get a chance with Momo. It stands to reason that she wouldn’t back down now, even with Momo’s harsh words.

“I… I accept my p-place at your feet. P-Please… please don’t get rid of me.”

Momo just scoffs at that and then points at the bed.

“Prove it. Strip and get down on your hands and knees.”

Kyoka doesn’t hesitate at least. She hurries to get naked, practically ripping her clothes off. A button even goes flying as she tears her blouse open as fast as she possibly can. As soon as she’s nude, she gets on the mattress on all fours, biting her lower lip as she looks up at Momo hopefully. Momo, meanwhile, reaches over and gathers up the rope that she’d created with her Quirk ahead of time… and gets to work.

She’d considered having Izuku do this while she told him how, but in the end decided it was better if she did it. So it’s her hands who tie Kyoka up. It’s her hands who restrain the punk girl in complex shibari, ultimately culminating in Kyoka being slightly lifted up as Momo hooks her to the ceiling.

Kyoka is still on her knees on the mattress, but with her hands tied behind her back, she’d be flat on her face if it wasn’t for the ceiling hook. Of course, it’s not just the rope that’s connected to the ceiling hook. It’s also her ear jacks and her hair, all of them pulled back and tied to the hook, keeping her head from moving forward whatsoever in her current position.

Once she’s properly in place and not going anywhere, Momo nods to Izuku who wordlessly strips naked as well. She, on the other hand, doesn’t get naked. Still dressed, albeit still also going commando, Momo moves in front of Kyoka… and kneels down on the edge of the mattress’ upper part. There, she flips up her skirt, once again showing off her drooling slit to Kyoka.

“This is what you want, isn’t it?”

Gurgling, Kyoka jerks forward, trying to reach it. Unfortunately in her current predicament… she can’t.

“Y-Yes… please…”

Momo just shakes her head.

“That’s not how you address your Mistress.”

Kyoka’s eyes widen, but she proves able to roll with the punches swiftly enough.

“Please Mistress, please! I can be good! I won’t-!”

It’s in that moment that Izuku kneels down behind Kyoka, grabs hold of her wide hips… and slams his cock right up into her asshole, filling her dump truck behind with his big fat dick. Now, this was a little different from the last time they did this. For one… Kyoka hadn’t gotten the chance to spit-polish Izuku’s dick and get him all lubed up ahead of time. For two, Izuku wasn’t being nearly as gentle.

Luckily for Kyoka, Momo wasn’t a complete monster. SHE had been the one to get Izuku all ready to go before leading Kyoka here, and though he was being rougher than before, he wasn’t going to hurt the punk girl, she’d made sure of that.

However, from the loud squealing and shrieking that comes from Kyoka’s lips, you’d THINK that he was killing her with his cock. Tears well up in her eyes and the punk girl looks to be ready to cry as Izuku begins to pound into her ass without mercy and without hesitation. Reaching forward, Momo grabs her by the chin and sneers down at her.

“Say the word and this can end at any time. If you don’t want it, if you don’t want ME… then you just have to tell us and we’ll stop.”

Whimpering, eyes watery, Kyoka shakes her head.

“N-No… please… I can take it. H-Harder…”

She doesn’t mean it. Not yet anyways. Momo looks at Izuku over Kyoka’s head and gives him a single nod. He returns it, beginning to fuck Kyoka even harder from behind. In her current tied up predicament, she can’t get anywhere near Momo’s snatch. At least not on her own. But then, that was the point of this. As Izuku fucks Kyoka’s amazingly fat ass from behind, pounding away at her bowels as she shrieks and wails… his thrusts have the intended side effect of jolting her forward fractions of an inch at a time.

Still holding up her skirt with one hand, Momo moves her hand from Kyoka’s chin to atop her head.

“Look at me.”

It takes the other girl a second to react, but once she’s looking up at Momo, Momo… smiles.

“Look at what’s happening. Izuku is fucking you in the ass. Quite painfully I might add. But what else is he doing for you?”

Kyoka whimpers, not fully understanding. So Momo uses her grip on the other girl’s head to force her to look straight forward… at the glistening wet quim that’s getting closer ever so slowly. A gasp of understanding leaves the panting, mewling young woman’s lips.

“That’s right. By fucking you in your worthless, pathetic, ungrateful ass… my boyfriend is getting you closer and closer to what you truly want. Me. Do you see now, Kyoka? Do you see how much of a bitch you’ve been to the only man who can truly give you what you want? If I’m your Mistress, Izuku is your Master. And if my pussy is your greatest desire… then you better beg your Master to grant you your wish all the faster.”

Whimpering, Kyoka… breaks. Momo sees it in the punk rock girl’s eyes. She sees how her words finally make sense to the other young woman. With a panting gasp… she finally says the words that Momo wants to hear. She’s said them before, but until now… they’ve never been from the heart.

“P-Please Master… please fuck my tight little asshole! Pound my pillowy bubble butt! Fuck my ass Izuku Midoriya! I beg of you, fuck it hard and fast and make me your personal CUM DUMP!”

Momo beams at her, pleased by Kyoka’s capitulation. Izuku, meanwhile, grunts and picks up the pace as she’s so deliciously begged him to. His cock pistons in and out of her ass with increasing speed, leaving Kyoka positively HOWLING as he fucks her in her fat dump truck of a bottom with more and more force. As every inch of his massive member disappears into her big bubble butt time and time again, she’s slowly pushed forward more and more. Until finally…

The tip of Kyoka’s tongue touches Momo’s slit and she lets out a shiver of delight. Not just from the cunnilingus she’s soon going to be experiencing, but also… the final punishment for the foolish girl who had thought she could tear them apart. As Kyoka finally reaches Momo’s slit, she lets out a cry of pure excitement and joy. She eggs Izuku on even harder, begging him to push her forward the rest of the way with his thrusts.

He does so, his hands nailing her fat ass and squeezing her cheeks judiciously until at long last, she’s able to fully stuff her tongue into Momo’s sex. Which is of course when Kyoka’s nose wrinkles as she finally tastes the creampie that Izuku left in Momo at lunch time. For the last few hours, his cum has been incubating inside of her… and now Kyoka has the task of licking it all out.

Looking down into Kyoka’s eyes as she smiles and begins humping the other girl’s face, Momo just giggles.

“Get to work, slave. My well-used cunt isn’t going to clean itself after all.”

Kyoka mumbles a muffled ‘Yes Mistress’ and does as she’s told, with Momo dropping her skirt back over the punk girl’s head and leaving Kyoka hidden from view. Leaning forward, she instead focuses on making out with her beloved boyfriend, kissing Izuku soundly on the lips as they once again share their prize between them. This time however, they’ve well and truly taught Kyoka Jiro her place. She is their toy, their pet, and their slave. And she’ll never forget it.

Of course, while this handles the immediate problem posed by Kyoka’s obstinance, it doesn’t handle the bigger problem. Uraraka is still out there making trouble for them. At this point, the dumb bitch is almost as obsessed with ruining their relationship as Kyoka was with being with Momo. And to think, this all started because Ochaco was planning on using Izuku while whoring herself out. It wasn’t as though she LOVED him or anything.

And yet, she just couldn’t leave well enough alone. If there was one thing this incident had taught them, it was that Ochaco needed to be dealt with once and for all and sooner rather than later.

For now though, Momo and Izuku settle in and enjoy the ride. All while their fat-assed pet remains pinned between the two of them, helpless to do anything but endure.



"His cock pistons in and out of her cunt with increased speed" I think you meant ass here.

Nicholas Alexander

Kinda hope Ochako becomes Izuku's pet in the same Kyoka is Momo's


I really hope next chapter is them straight up cucking Uraka. Cause honestly I don’t think she deserves to get fucked yet.