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Themes: Dom/Sub, Rough Sex, Mind Break

Summary: Inspired by this image. In the darkness of the Witching Hour, all seems lost. Demons abound, driving Humanity away from the Righteous Path and into their corruptive arms. But everyone has their predators. Against the Purifier, a legendary Crusader said to fuck the Holy Light right into demons, can a notorious Vampire who's been sucking the life out of a local Kingdom possibly hold her own? Obviously not. 


Sprawled across the throne, a naked and voluptuous silver-haired woman giggles to herself as she licks the blood off of her fingers one at a time. The Vampire Queen Svetlana hums a small tune under her breath, even as she relaxes in the quiet of the dark throne room. Another job well done.

The Witching Hour was upon this world… and a creature like Svetlana luxuriated in its darkness. She reveled in it. She grew from it. As a Vampire Queen, she was a certain type of Demon that fed on the blood of mortals. Not just blood though. No, at her level she fed on all sorts of fluids… and on the souls themselves. One might call her a Succubus, but she wasn’t quite there yet. She still had another evolution to go through before she graduated to that level of demon.

But for now, Svetlana was quite happy with her lot in life. The Witching Hour had seen the entire world shrouded in darkness. Not just literally, but metaphysically as well. Mortal minds couldn’t handle it. Slowly but surely, they were corrupted… until the darkness they lived in also lived in them as well. From there, for someone like her, it was child’s play to-

“I was too late.”

Blinking, the Vampire Queen looks up from her throne in mild surprise. She wasn’t expecting visitors… and certainly not a full-blown Crusader. As he pushes the tip of his blade into the stone floor of the throne room, resting his gauntleted hands on its pommel, Svetlana looks him up and down… and immediately dismisses him as a threat.

For all that there are mortals within the Witching Hour who do not succumb to darkness but instead turn to the light… they are fleeting, ephemeral existences… and certainly none of them are a threat to a full-blown Vampire Queen like her. Not when she’s on the cusp of evolving into a Succubus.

The Crusader doesn’t seem afraid of her though. Instead, his face is solemn as he beholds the bodies laid out on the floor of the throne room. Svetlana follows his gaze and lets out a perverse giggle that sees the silver-haired demon’s breasts bouncing and jiggling.

“Oh. You needn’t mourn their loss, Crusader. The Royal Family was rotten to its core long before I arrived to have my wicked way with all of them.”

He frowns at that, and Svetlana gestures to each of them to prove her point.

“The King was the one who summoned me in the first place, desiring unlimited power at the expense of his subjects. The Prince, his only son and heir, then stabbed him in the back in order to be able to command me himself, wanting to own me just as dearly as his father had. Of course, the foolish brat didn’t understand that by killing his father, he broke my only restraint in this world.”

Svetlana cackles in remembrance of the look on the foolish Prince’s face when he’d finally realized that. Then, she gestures to the other side of the throne room.

“Meanwhile, the Queen cared not of her husband or son’s deaths. She wanted only to be beautiful forever, and sought to offer up her only daughter to me in the hopes that I would turn her and make her a Vampire. Unfortunately for her, her daughter was no virgin sacrifice. The girl was as wanton as they came, and had not only already lain with more than half the household guard… she’d taken immense pleasure in pitting them against one another, seeing them kill each other for her favor.”

Yes… it was almost disappointing in a way. It was the way of the Witching Hour to corrupt… but Svetlana hadn’t had much of anything to do when she’d arrived in this Kingdom. The Royal Family was already a lost cause.

Taking in their bloodless bodies one by one, the Crusader stands tall and solemn even now.

“The darkness that lurks in the hearts of mortals is forever urged on by the Witching Hour. The Light forgives. Always.”

Svetlana rolls her eyes at that, before finally coming down off of the throne. She doesn’t stand, but instead crawls on all fours, her tongue tracing out to lick up some of the blood that splatters the floor before her, her fangs fully on display as the naked Vampire Queen cackles.

“Does it, Crusader? Does it forgive even the likes of me? But what if I don’t want your pathetic Light’s forgiveness? What if I haven’t done anything WRONG?!”

Far from being frightened even though he should be, the Crusader tilts his head to the side and answers her truthfully.

“Yes. The Light would forgive even you.”

A hiss leaves Svetlana’s lips, as she scurries ever closer with an inhuman gait. Her eyes narrow to slits, her fangs bare in a hiss.

“Foolish little Crusader. You are nothing. Your Light is nothing. I will destroy you and enjoy supping from your blood!”

“… A duel it is then. As the challenger, you must choose your weapon.”

Svetlana nearly launches herself at him then and there. A duel? Did he think there was any honor left in this place? In her? But… it was a little amusing, she had to admit. Snorting derisively, the Vampire Queen pulls back enough to show her whole self in all of her naked glory.

“I choose myself as my weapon. My fangs and claws and every inch of my body shall rend you limb from limb, Crusader.”

She expects him to declare his sword as his weapon, of course. But to her surprise, he nods solemnly… and then throws the blade away.

“Very well. Then as the challenged, I shall do the same. My weapon will be… myself.”

Suddenly, Svetlana isn’t amused anymore. She hisses as she freezes in place.

“Are you… mocking me, Crusader?”

The Vampire Queen doesn’t give him a chance to respond. With a howl, she launches her beautiful yet inhuman body at the Holy Crusader with a snarl, fully intending to make good on her promise now that he’s so foolishly disarmed himself for her. With no sword to defend him, she will-


Before she can so much as blink, the Crusader reaches down… and removes his codpiece. A blinding bright light hits her in the face, making her shy back and throw an arm over her eyes. But even when it fades, she finds herself frozen in place, trembling at the sight before her. Taking one step forward, the Crusader swings and-


His meaty, throbbing member slaps her upside the face before resting across her features, draped between her eyes while they go crossed just trying to look at it properly. The Vampire Queen’s fangs retract into their sheathes in pure fright, even as she finds herself instinctively adopting a position of total submission. On her knees, legs splayed, and hands palm down between her spread thighs, framing her huge tits perfectly.

“… P-Purifier…”

Even in the darkness of the Witching Hour, the demons had their own predators. Not every Crusader could be said to be strong enough to fight every demon. Most could only handle imps and lesser vampires and the weakest of hellhounds at best. But there was one… only rumored about. A Holy Crusader who had turned the demons’ best techniques against them. Who had turned their lust… into his strength.

His Holy Cock stands tall, unwavering right before her face as Svetlana swallows thickly, the silver-haired Vampire Queen whimpering. She’s never felt so outmatched before. She’s never felt so outclassed.

“The duel will now commence. Our weapons are our bodies. Unless… you wish to surrender.”

Svetlana pants noisily, looking up into the Crusader’s eyes past his magnificent phallus. With how big he is, only one of her eyes is visible from around the immense girth he’s currently draped over her face. She stares up at him, her mouth salivating and watering, her pussy clenching in need.

“I… I…”




Svetlana squeals like the stuck pig she’s become as the Purifier pounds into her from behind. Her eyes roll back in her head and her tongue hangs out of her mouth as she makes a truly stupid expression. His cock burns inside of her, drilling away at her defenseless insides, fucking her nonstop. Is she dying? Is he killing her? It feels like it in a way, but in another… it’s the best sensation she’s ever experienced.

All the while, his gauntleted hands come down upon her fat, pillowy ass. He spanks her cheeks until they are red from the force of his blows, not even bothering to use the Holy Light to empower his strikes.

“You have brought harm to this world, demon! You have caused much death and mayhem! Repent! Repent!”

Squealing, Svetlana’s body quakes as she experiences yet another explosive orgasm at the end of the Purifier’s cock. Her frame shudders and shakes and spasms, her moans filling the room.

“Yesssss! I repent! I’m sorry! I’ve been a bad girl! Punish me! Teach me a lesson!”

Snorting, he reaches out and grabs her by a fistful of her hair, pulling her head back and forcing her spine to arch beyond the limits of what any human being could withstand. His strength is abnormal, even for a Crusader. But then, if the rumors were true, the Purifier was no ordinary Crusader. Not only had he turned their own lust and sexual techniques against them, but he was said to gain power from every demon he vanquished.

She supposed she should have been more concerned about giving up all of her carefully earned power to the Purifier… but truth be told, Svetlana simply couldn’t bring herself to care. The Vampire Queen was having the time of her life, reduced from a denizen of the dark and a powerful entity to… to nothing more than a fuck toy, plowed by the Purifier’s massive fucking dick.

With her back forcibly arched and her tits flailing and bouncing all over the place, the Purifier reaches around with his other hand… and begins to spank her big ole cow udders as well.


Svetlana’s squealing reaches a crescendo, as he continues to slam his entire length into her melting hot cunny at the same time. On one side, his cock is barreling into her, stretching her like no other before it, burning her with the conviction of his Holy Light. On the other side, his gauntleted palm smacks across her tits, one and then the other, slapping her breasts silly and reddening then just like he had her ass.

The Vampire Queen howls in delight and ecstasy, out of her mind with bliss and pleasure. Her eyes roll around madly in her skull, her tongue wagging about like it has a mind of its own. The Vampire Queen begs for more, even though she knows she can’t take this forever. At some point… something has to give.


But while the Purifier does continue fucking her through climax after climax, he doesn’t cum in her. He doesn’t release. He just keeps going, plowing and pounding away like he could do this all day.

“Not. Yet. You must truly submit, demoness. You must break and accept the Holy Light within your heart.”

If she were in her right mind, Svetlana would have laughed in his face, as she’d done originally when he’d claimed the Light would forgive even something like her. But as she is right now? Squealing and creaming herself over and over upon the Purifier’s cock, she wants one thing and one thing only… to make him cum. She’s desperate to satisfy him. To be his good little girl. She wants nothing more than to make him happy… even if that means giving up on her demonhood entirely.

It’s in that moment, as she has that thought, that something finally does give. Something deep within Svetlana the Vampire Queen. Her body freezes, tense as she trembles in place. And then, a loud cry leaves her lips as she begins to tear up. Tears of glowing golden blood drip down her cheeks from her eyes and the corners of her mouth… as she accepts the Holy Light into her heart. As she does the one thing no demon should ever do.

It immediately starts to kill her of course. She’s a creature of darkness. The Holy Light is anathema to her kind. But no sooner has Svetlana broken and welcomed in the very thing that will kill her… then the Purifier finally grunts and at long last cums inside of her. He fills her with his seed… and that makes all the difference. Her body shudders and quakes, but the bleeding stops. The dying stops too. She’s no longer burning to death for submitting to the Holy Light.

Instead, the burning sensation becomes almost pleasant, a soothing warmth that spreads to every last inch of her body, suffusing her with more comfort than Svetlana has ever felt in her harsh, dark life.

The Purifier continues to cum inside of her for what feels like forever. His seed, while concentrated in her womb, almost seems to coat every inch of her insides in a way, inoculating her to the fatal effects of the Holy Light. When all is said and done, Svetlana can only look down at herself in wonder. She’s positively glowing… a Holy Vampire Queen.

Has something like that ever existed? Has something like her ever walked the face of this world or any other world before it? A shudder runs through her. She’s still a demon. She’s still a vampire. But… she’s undeniably a servant of the Holy Light. And of its Champion upon this world.

As such, she does what feels right when the Purifier pulls out of her. Whipping around, the Vampire Queen takes his massive, magnificent member into her mouth, her fangs carefully sheathed as she gleefully sucks him clean of their combined juices. It feels right, bobbing up and down on his length, her fat tits bouncing and jiggling as she does so.

When she’s done, she pulls back off of his cock with a pop, staring up at him adoringly.

“You’ve corrupted me… I hope you’re ready to take responsibility~”

The Crusader’s eyes narrow at that.

“I’ve purified you.”

Giggling Svetlana wraps her hands around her savior’s cock, stroking her Master’s member up and down.

“We’re in the middle of the Witching Hour, darling. Purification IS corruption, as far as this world is concerned~”

He grunts at that but doesn’t try to disagree with her. After all, this world is already lost. There’s no saving it, not truly. But… a world in the throes of the Witching Hour, already steeped in corruption and darkness… well, a little corruptive light could do wonders. Svetlana would help, of course. She was a Holy Vampire Queen now. She would help the Purifier corrupt this world of darkness and shadows… in the name of the Light~



This is hilarious. I want to see more of this guy's adventures.


I wanna see this dude just go to all corners of the kingdom purifying that which has to be purified if he can. This was hilarious.

Alec Sasamoto

I would love to see this as a full story as well.


“her big OLE cow udders” Reminds me a bit of the story ‘my former Succubus’, over on McStories. Which was the story that put into my head that if a Fallen Angel is Demonic (look at how Lucifer is often interwoven with Devils, sometimes even mixed up with Satan) then shouldn’t a Fallen Demon be Angelic?