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Themes: Roleplay, Public Sex, Fucked Silly

Summary: Part 2 of Son of Lust. Lavelia asks Harry to fulfill her best friend's fantasy, which would be sex with a stranger in public, such as during the Hogsmeade weekend. Lavelia sets it up, tells Parvarti to trust her, but doesn't tell her who she is meeting. As she enters the room, Harry changes physically, looking barely identifiable as a late 30s version of himself. 


She was nervous. Even considering she’d asked for this, she was nervous. Parvati Patil had always been the black sheep of her family. Which was awkward, because she was also a twin. But there was no denying it, Padma, her twin sister, was always outshining and upstaging her. In terms of looks, they were identical after all. It didn’t matter how beautiful Parvati was, Padma was just as beautiful.

So in the end, it boiled down to where their other talents lay. And when it came to the mind, when it came to a capacity for learning magic and the other things that made a proper witch and a proper wife… Padma excelled above Parvati. Not just that, but she was naturally demure and shy in a way Indian wizards liked. Getting a match for Padma back home would be child’s play for their family.

Parvati on the other hand, for all that she was beautiful, had always been a handful. Her sorting into the Gryffindor House had only been another sign in a long list of them, really. She was a precocious child, and an even more precocious young woman now that she was all grown up. It didn’t help that her years at Hogwarts had done the exact opposite of what her father had hoped they would do.

Rather than seeing how crazy, wacky, and wild British Magical Society was, and ultimately turning away from her own brash and independent ways, Parvati had embraced it. In Britain, witches were able to be whoever and whatever they wanted. It wasn’t all about your marriage prospects. They didn’t even HAVE arranged marriages outside of the Ancient Noble Houses these days! They were even allowed to have LOVE matches!

Hogwarts was like a dream come true for Parvati, but ultimately, she had responsibilities, and she knew her fun could only last for so long.

… Which was why she’d let her best friend, Lavender Brown, talk her into this. The blonde British witch had a twinkle in her eye even now as she led Parvati down the hallway. Unlike Parvati, Lav didn’t have a single butterfly in her stomach. But then of course not… she was just the delivery woman. Parvati was the one actually going through with this.

“… I’m not so sure about this, Lav…”

Stopping, Lavender looks at her and scoffs.

“That’s your father talking, Parv. You are sure about this. You’ve wanted to explore this fantasy for YEARS. Don’t try to deny it, I know you and you know I know you~”

Parvati blushes. It was true, she’d confided in Lavender about this a long time ago. And it wasn’t a passing fancy either. Her desire to explore this sexual fantasy had never gone away. If anything, it had only grown, each and every time she and Lavender talked about it further stoking her desire to go through with it.

Still, to lose her virginity to a stranger, just to spite her dad? And to do it so… publicly as well? It was shameful, but then… shame was exactly what Parvati was hoping to bring upon her family, wasn’t it?

“O-Okay… you’re right…”

Lavender’s smile is wide and wicked as she beams at Parvati in response.

“Of course I’m right. I’m always right~”

Parvati just giggles at that, and they continue on their way to the end of the corridor. Its Hogsmeade weekend, and Lavender has brought Parvati to their usual hangout joint, the Three Broomsticks. However, this time is different. This time, Lavender has set things up for her. She’s going to be meeting with someone to have… to have s-ex. In public.

It’s the ultimate expression of defiance and rebellion that Parvati can think of. And Lavender is right, she’s truly looking forward to going through with it. She can only hope the guy that Lavender got is hot though, because she doesn’t know anything about him.

She knows her friend wouldn’t set her up with some disgusting freak, but that doesn’t stop Parvati from worrying just a little bit. Still, there’s nothing she can do as they reach the door and Lavender knocks thrice before trying the handle. The door opens, and before Parvati can do much than open her mouth to speak, Lavender’s hand is on her back and she finds herself pushed inside.

She didn’t know her friend was so strong, and she almost ends up face planting as her arms pinwheel out. She does end up stumbling forward into the room beyond, even as the door slams shut with a sense of finality behind her.

Embarrassment floods the Indian witch’s veins and she silently curses Lavender in her head before straightening up as fast as possible. For a brief moment, she holds out hope that the guy Lav has set her up with isn’t here yet, that he didn’t just witness that humiliating moment where she nearly fell on her face.

… But no, no such luck. Straightening up, Parvati’s face goes bright red as she makes eye contact with the most startlingly green eyes she’s ever seen. They’re like glowing emeralds, and they’re set in a very handsome older wizard’s face. He has to be in his thirties or something by Parvati’s estimation, and he’s very, VERY good-looking.

Actually, after a moment’s thought, Parvati realizes he’s familiar. He reminds her of Harry Potter of all people, the Golden Lion of Gryffindor, the Boy-Who-Lived, and all that rot. As an Indian witch, her knowledge of Harry is a lot less than those who grew up in the British Isles, but she’s picked up enough over her years at Hogwarts to know he’s a big deal.

Maybe this wizard is a relative of his or something? But she’d thought he was an orphan… regardless, Parvati puts such thoughts out of her head. She shouldn’t be thinking about a classmate right now, not when she’s face to face with an incredibly hunky older man. Exactly what she was hoping for in fact, but then Lavender knew that didn’t she?

Realizing she’s been staring, Parvati flushes and squirms for a moment before finally finding the courage to speak.


Smiling at her knowingly, those emerald eyes twinkling, the older man inclines his head.

“Good afternoon.”

Parvati finds herself squirming under his gaze. On the one hand, she could stare at that handsome face for hours. On the other… they were here for a reason, weren’t they? Before she can speak however, he raises a brow… and gestures to the other side of the room.

“Shall we?”

Parvati’s eyes follow his hand… to the open balcony doors over-looking the main street of Hogsmeade Village. Her mouth immediately goes bone dry as she realizes what he’s saying. It’s what she wanted, after all. It was her deepest, darkest fantasy. To have her virginity taken in a public place, and ruin her father’s plans of sending her away, or marrying her off to some old Indian wizard.

Now that it’s right in front of her however… she’s not sure she can go through with it. And yet… does she really have a choice?

“Nervous, my dear? It’s perfectly understandable.”

Suddenly, he’s right beside her. Parvati gulps noisily as his hand runs down her back, and cups one of her ass cheeks. He’s VERY forward… but then, that was part of the fantasy. Lavender had probably told him to be like that with her. Staring into those mesmerizing emerald eyes… Parvati knows she can’t back out now. Not because she’s afraid, but because he’s simply too gorgeous for her to pass up this opportunity.

“N-No… I’m f-fine… lets d-do this.”

He smiles at that, as she pulls away from him and walks confidently out onto the balcony. He follows after her, even as Parvati looks down at the crowds of Hogwarts students moving about down below. It is a Hogsmeade weekend after all, so it’s not surprising that the village is crowded. No one is looking up, save for Lavender, who Parvati catches sight of after a moment. Standing across the street, Lavender gives her a broad smile and dual thumbs up, causing Parvati to blush.

She blushes even harder when the stranger’s hands fall upon her hips. She whimpers, as he rubs soothing circles into her hips with his thumbs through her robes.

“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, Parvati.”

Funnily enough, its those words that prompt her to action. She does want to do this. She absolutely does. And she won’t let her fear get the better of her.

Reaching up, Parvati pulls open her robes and shucks them off, the wizard stepping back to give her room. Then, she does the same with her top. She strips naked right then and there in front… in front of everyone. They’re all able to see her now, nude as can be. But of course, that’s not enough.

Bending over the railing, her caramel body fully on display, her nipples rock hard, the Indian witch reaches back between her legs and spreads her pussy lips for the man Lavender has set her up with.

“Please… please fuck me, before I lose my nerve…”

The handsome older stranger chuckles at that, and a moment later something thick and throbbing and MUCH bigger than a finger touches Parvati’s slit. A moment after that… he’s inside of her. She’s just lost her virginity, and all Parvati can do is gasp as he stretches her slick wet insides around his cock. She’s so fucking wet it’s not even funny, a strong sign of just how much she did truly want this, deep down inside.

And his dick… his dick feels SOOO good inside of her. Parvati gurgles, her eyes half-rolling up in her head from the very first thrust as he holds her hips once more, this time without any cloth between his hands and her flesh. Then, he really starts to fuck her.

Parvati makes an abortive attempt at trying to hold in her voice, noticing that down below, only Lavender has looked up. But it’s too hard. In no time at all, she’s moaning loudly, her cries wanton and her squeals humiliating as she cums explosive for the first of many times around the stranger’s cock.

It feels too good, but at the same time, Parvati knows she’s about to be caught. Her voice has to be carrying to the streets below after all, and even through all the hustle and bustle and conversations, she must be audible. She doesn’t dare look down at first, knowing everyone has probably stopped what they’re doing to stare up at her.

Belatedly, she realizes it won’t just be her father who will be angry with her. Hogwarts will have to punish this transgression as well. She can only hope she isn’t expelled.

But even if she is, it’ll have been worth it. Even if she is… wait. Hold on a second. Blinking her eyes open, Parvati frowns a little, realizing belatedly that the sounds from down below have continued on unabated. Even amidst all of her squealing cries and orgasmic moans of ecstasy, silence has not fallen.

As she finally looks down, its to see that no one is looking up even now, save for Lav. The blonde is watching with a wide, wide grin, her blue eyes still glittering. But everyone else… they’re ignoring Parvati. They’re completely and utterly ignorant of what’s going on right above their heads. How can that be?

“Ah, I see you’ve finally noticed.”

Parvati gasps, and then whimpers, the stranger still fucking her fast and hard from behind. Looking back over her shoulder at him, she makes eye contact with those emerald irises once more.

“It was your friend’s idea. Sometimes, a fantasy should stay a fantasy, my dear. And so… a privacy ward, to let you experience your darkest desire, without suffering the consequences for it.”

Parvati’s mouth opens and then closes at that, her eyes wide as she processes what he’s saying. She’s being fucked on the Three Broomsticks’ balcony, fucked in public in front of everyone down below… but none of them, save for Lavender, can actually see or hear her. It… it is perfect, she has to admit. She even cums again from the realization.

But after that orgasm is finished, Parvati finds herself bringing up the elephant in the room, so to speak.

“I… I’m still no longer a v-virgin. My father will be enraged…”

She’s afraid, but also vindicated when she says that. And the stranger… he chuckles.

“Indeed. We can talk about that after. You and I… we can make a deal, one that will mean your father will no longer be a problem. You’ll never have to worry about him again.”

Parvati’s eyes widen at that, at the offer.


Hope burgeons in her chest, and only grows more pronounced when the emerald-eyed stranger grins and nods.

“For the moment though… I’m going to cum, darling. Where do you want it?”

Blushing profusely, Parvati considers that question for a moment… before making her decision.

“All over my face and tits. Paint me white, please~”

She’s not quite ready to be a mother just yet. Especially if she’s not going to be married off to some old Indian wizard after all. But taking a facial from this handsome hunk? That Parvati is more than happy to do. No sooner has he nodded and pulled out of her cunt then Parvati spins around and drops to her knees right there on the balcony. Tilting her head back, sticking out her tongue, and hoisting up her soft, caramel tits for him, the Indian witch is soon taking a hot, thick load of cum all over her face and chest.

It feels so good. So amazing, even, that Parvati gets lost in the sensation. After all, that’s the only explanation for how she loses track of enough time for Lavender’s hand to suddenly be in her hair, guiding her forward onto the handsome hunky wizard’s cock.

“There’s a good girl. Suck it clean now Parv. Then, we can talk about the deal you’re going to make with my handsome Master~”

Parvati just moans, sucking and slurping away as her tongue goes into overtime. The ‘Master’ bit sounds odd to her… but honestly, she’s too fucking aroused to care. She’ll do anything to get out from under her father’s thumb. It’s not like her family even needs her; they still have Padma after all. So Parvati… Parvati will be free.

No matter what it costs her.