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The Rise of Uzumaki Ch. 44 (Naruto)

  • Fu continues her line of questioning regarding the delicious smells 299
  • Fu decides to let it go 6
  • Fu decides to let it go... for now. She'll get her answers later... 74
  • 2022-10-04
  • —2022-10-17
  • 379 votes
{'title': 'The Rise of Uzumaki Ch. 44 (Naruto)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Fu continues her line of questioning regarding the delicious smells', 'votes': 299}, {'text': 'Fu decides to let it go', 'votes': 6}, {'text': "Fu decides to let it go... for now. She'll get her answers later...", 'votes': 74}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 17, 7, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 4, 14, 38, 3, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 379}


A/N: Sasuko finally gets got, and we reach the beginning of the dinner with Fu~


Staring into Sasuko’s intense, dark, smoldering eyes, Naruto recognizes in that moment that there’s no world in which the Last Uchiha appreciates him trying to be gentle or tender with her. She doesn’t want to be taken lovingly, she wants it to be rough and hard. She needs it to be a battle. Sure, she doesn’t have her Sharingan active (yet). But that doesn’t mean he’s wrong. She wants it hard.

Now, does that necessarily mean he HAS to leave the seal on while he fucks her? No, maybe not… but then again, maybe Naruto has his own unresolved issues with his teammate that he needs to work out. Maybe Sasuko deserves it, just a little bit. And so, as she squirms and shudders, panting noisily right before his eyes, Naruto… leaves the seal at max power and instead reaches out, grabbing her by her hair, latching onto the base of her ponytail.

He yanks her head back by her hair and watches as Sasuko gasps, her pupils dilating a bit as she stares at him with wide, anticipatory eyes.

“You want me to fuck you, Sasuko? You want me to take you?”

“Nnngh… yesssss~”

“Then so be it. But you better stay quiet if you don’t want everyone in the general vicinity to know exactly what sort of slut you are.”

Sasuko’s eyes widen at that, and dart to the doorway. For a second, she looks mulish… almost as though she’s tempted to get loud, just to let everyone know Naruto is claiming her right here and right now. But after a beat, that temptation seemingly passes, and she nods her head. Naruto snorts at her agreement, shaking his own head in response.

“I guess we’ll see, won’t we?”

Before she can respond to that one way or the other, his hands are on her body. He begins to strip her naked then and there. While he was of half a mind to rip her clothing clean off of her, there were two difficulties imposed upon him regarding that idea. Number One, Sasuko might not have another set of clothes to wear for their stay in Takigakure, if he destroys this set now. Number Two, like most kunoichi, parts of her garments are armored and made to withstand the damage of high powered jutsu, making ripping it all to shreds a somewhat difficult prospect.

Instead, he settles for pulling her clothing off of her in record time… something Sasuko quickly reciprocates with him, albeit much sloppier. She’s still ‘suffering’ under the effects of the seal, after all. Its still buzzing away inside of her, vibrating her cunt walls, pulsing in her sopping pussy. Sasuko’s eyes flutter constantly, her face in a state of permanent flustered flush as she whimpers and quivers before him.

Still, soon enough they’re both naked… and Naruto doesn’t hesitate to take them both to the ground the moment they are. He growls as he all but throws Sasuko to the floor, following right after. She gasps but doesn’t fight him as he forces her onto all fours, facing her away from him, mounting her in the same instant. His arms wrap around her body, his hands finding her breasts, even as Naruto lines his cock up with her cunt.

If Sasuko has any problem with the situation, she doesn’t say a word. Instead, she’s too busy trying to contain her moans, even as she arches her back beautifully. Her breasts thrust into his hands and her hips and ass thrust back into his crotch. His cock digs a bit into her pussy, and Naruto can’t help but groan himself as he gets his first taste of her vibrating cunt flesh.

… This wasn’t going to be easy by any stretch of the imagination, was it? Not the fucking, that would be simple enough. No, what wasn’t going to be easy… was keeping their voices down. Still, Naruto isn’t going to stop now. With one last lustful growl, he thrusts into Sasuko Uchiha from behind, entering her at long last, taking her cunt for himself.

As expected, she’s both incredibly wet and incredibly tight. Also as expected, the seal he put on her… he can feel it at work. Even as it’s vibrating away inside of her, its vibrating along HIS cock as well. The sensations are… out of this world, quite honestly. Naruto has never felt anything like this before, which makes plenty of sense considering he was using an experimental seal he’d come up with on the spot to pleasure Sasuko… and now himself.

As he begins to savagely fuck her doggystyle, his hands going to town on her tits almost on autopilot, Naruto loses himself in the feeling for just a moment. Then, he realizes that Sasuko has lost her battle with holding her voice in and has started to get LOUD.

Belatedly, Naruto moves a hand up from her chest to her mouth, covering her lips with his palm and cutting off the Last Uchiha as she squeals into his hand. He doesn’t stop fucking her. He couldn’t dream of doing such a thing. He needs to be inside of her. He needs to keep fucking her sopping wet, gloriously tight, vibrating pussy.

But at the same time, he doesn’t want the entire village of Taki to know he’s claiming his newest wife. It’s not like they’re doing anything wrong. Naruto has a mandate from the literal Hokage herself to go out and be fruitful. He can and has claimed several women for his Clan, and Sasuko Uchiha will be no different. The Uzumaki Clan rises again… one beautiful, delicious, fertile kunoichi at a time.

So yeah, neither Kakashi nor Sakura would have room to complain, if they did hear him and Sasuko going at it. But at the same time, that didn’t mean they should be giving a bad impression to their hosts. And so Naruto helps Sasuko contain her voice, even as he fucks her hard and fast from behind, pounding into her gushing cunt.

At some point, she starts to cum for him… and she doesn’t stop. A combination of his pistoning prick and the seal still at max power seems to leave Sasuko in a state of constant, unending arousal, her pleasure skyrocketing through the roof, overwhelming her senses and leaving her completely out of it the more he fucks her.

And yet, as they go at it… Naruto feels something. A strange chakra, pulsing from Sasuko. Almost like she’s using a jutsu of some sorts. Or rather… a dojutsu. Naruto’s own eyes narrow, and after a moment of continuing to pound into her, the Uzumaki Lord yanks his cock out and spins Sasuko over onto her back. The Last Uchiha’s breath is knocked from her lungs as she finds herself staring up at him with wide open Sharingan eyes. Her blush, already quite pronounced, grows massively as she’s caught out.

Naruto stares down at her for all of a second before grabbing her ankles, yanking her legs up into the air, and thrusting back into her, as he takes her in a mating press right there on the room’s floor, Naruto leans forward, gliding a hand across Sasuko’s brow, through her hair. He looks into her Sharingan eyes and raises a brow in question.

Flushing, Sasuko looks down at where they’re joined together, at how he’s fucking her hard and fast while her cunt continues to vibrate with the full power of the seal. Gasping, panting, the Last Uchiha takes some time to formulate a response… but formulate one she does, in the end.

“I want… t-to remember. Every detail. E-Every moment. I want to remember it all~”

She sounds both timid and trepidatious as she explains herself, but also can’t help the wanton moan that leaves her lips at the end there. Before she can truly get loud again, Naruto shuts her up once more. This time however, it’s not with his palm, but rather his own mouth. After all, his own groans are getting louder too, and just as likely to get them in trouble at this rate.

So he kills two birds with one kunai and slams their lips together. Kissing Sasuko is… interesting, as ever. She’s combative this time, turning the makeout session into a battle… at least at first. Because ultimately, whether she recognizes it or not, whether she accepts it or not… this is not a battle that Sasuko Uchiha can win. She’s already getting everything from the seal and his cock. His tongue too? She was never going to be able to withstand such pleasure forever.

For good measure, Naruto truly goes for broke. He goes all out and pushes some of his Nature Chakra into Sasuko’s mouth through his tongue, while grabbing at her breasts again and doing the same with her fingers. Their chakra mingles together in a truly interesting way as he does so. The active nature of her dojutsu means that Sasuko is cycling a lot of her chakra into her eyes right now and the chakra pathways closer to her head. Meanwhile, Naruto’s Nature Chakra is invading through her mouth and breasts.

But rather than warring with one another, their chakra… it comingles. And if anything, the pleasure grows tenfold as Naruto grunts from the feeling of Sasuko’s suddenly even tighter cunt. She’s unbelievably, amazingly tight, and he just can’t get enough of her sex.

Is it any wonder then, that he can’t hold back any longer? He’s made her cum dozens of times over however long they’ve been going at it. And now, Naruto cums as well, his seed exploding from his member, buried deep inside of Sasuko’s pussy. Her womb accepts his jizz without hesitation, and his balls churn as they empty out into her. He fills and fills Sasuko, creampieing her on the spot as she throws her head back in ecstasy.

It's everything Naruto didn’t know he wanted from the Last Uchiha. In that moment, there’s an expression of complete and utter submission on Sasuko’s face. Even her Sharingan eyes roll back in her head, disappearing briefly before returning. Her gaze is heavily lidded but still memorizing every moment of their coupling as Naruto finishes up inside of her and slowly pulls out.

Leaning back, kneeling there before her, Naruto looks down at Sasuko, and Sasuko looks up at him. This is it. There’s no going back for either of them now. They are tied to one another, irrevocably and undeniably, forevermore.

Quick as a flash, Sasuko is up off her back, showing a surprising amount of stamina and resilience given all he just put her through. For a heartbeat, Naruto thinks he’s overwhelmed her so damn much that she feels the need to flee from the situation. But no… that’s not what she’s doing. Instead, moving back up onto her hands and knees, this time facing him… Sasuko lowers herself down and wraps her lips around his messy, cum-coated cock.

Covered in both of their fluids, his dick is decidedly in need of a cleaning, but never in a million years had Naruto expected or even anticipated Sasuko to decide she would handle the clean-up. Sharingan eyes still active, the Last Uchiha looks up at Naruto as she slowly but surely bobs up and down his member, sucking him clean inch by inch despite the powerful, rough fucking he just got done giving her.

Of course, she’s not just ‘walking it off’ so to speak. Even now, he can see her body twitching, trembling even from the exertion. She might be trying to play it off as though she’s fine, but she’s decidedly not fine. And the seal is still buzzing away too, vibrating her creampied cunt like there’s no tomorrow.

Unfortunately, there is a tomorrow. More than that, there’s a today. Within the hour, they’re going to be expected at dinner. A dinner that Naruto is very much personally invested in, all things considered. He’s looking forward to finally meeting Fu, to finally getting to know another Jinchuriki. After all, they’re like his brothers and sisters, in a way. They actively do house Kurama’s brothers and sisters, even if the Nine Tailed Fox acts above such familial connections sometimes.

So yes… the dinner has to go well. And as much fun as they’ve had, Naruto needs to focus up and that means Sasuko does too. If she’s distracted during dinner, he’s going to be distracted. As such, regretfully, Naruto reaches over Sasuko’s arched back to her cunt, and with a simple application of his chakra, turns off the experimental seal he’d used on her.

Her body continues to twitch and tremble from what they just did, but her squirming becomes noticeably less as he gets a confused gurgling noise from down around his cock.

“It’s time for us to focus, Sasuko. We’ve got a dinner to prepare for…”

Sasuko pauses a beat… before giving a negligible nod and proceeding to bob up and down his cock all the harder. Naruto groans, his member cleaned by this point and now growing fully erect again.


But his chiding tone does nothing. The Last Uchiha has decided that giving him a post-coitus blowjob IS preparing for dinner, apparently. Honestly, he might have awoken something in the kunoichi with how hard he’d fucked her. He might have unlocked some other side of her. At this rate, they would just have to see if they made it to dinner at all…


“You smell good.”

Fu blushes and squirms the moment the words leave her lips. Damn it! Why did she have to be so dumb?! This was her big chance! This was her moment! Her one shot at making friends and she’d started with ‘You smell good’?!

Shibuki had told her that some guests from Konoha wanted to meet her. He’d warned her to be on her best behavior. Fu had promised she would be! And then she’d blurted out the first thing that came to mind. Still, was it really her fault? The blond blue-eyed shinobi looking at her in mild surprise now… he really DID smell good. So did the raven-haired kunoichi next to him. They both smelt… really, really good.

“Oh! Hah, well that’s probably because we share a commonality, Fu. It’s a pleasure to meet you by the way. Always nice to meet a fellow Jinchuriki. I’m Naruto.”

Fu’s eyes widen at that, as the blond outs himself in that way. Naruto… but then…

“So… you’re BOTH Jinchuriki?”

Her eyes move between Naruto and the raven-haired kunoichi next to him, only for the latter to stiffen up as Naruto looks a little confused.

“No… just me.”

But then… why did they both smell so good? Fu squirms a little bit, considering asking for more clarification, but unsure whether she should or not. Shibuki wasn’t looking disapproving at all, so maybe it was fine? But at the same time… maybe she shouldn’t be so aggressive over dinner. Maybe she should just stay quiet for now…


Smile Dip

I'm guessing Fu can smell the sex on them then?


Or the chakra? Since Sasuko’s womb is currently filled to the brim


Would be kind of funny if during dinner she notices that the smell from Sasuko has changed, signifying how her insemination has succeeded


I can’t wait for Naruto to breed the mint chocolate waifu.