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Peter Parker's New Groove Ch. 43 (Marvel)

  • Natasha reacts positively... by further jumping Peter's bones 427
  • Natasha reacts positively, but reins herself in and gets them back on track 21
  • Natasha freaks out and flees the situation 5
  • 2022-09-11
  • —2022-09-24
  • 453 votes
{'title': "Peter Parker's New Groove Ch. 43 (Marvel)", 'choices': [{'text': "Natasha reacts positively... by further jumping Peter's bones", 'votes': 427}, {'text': 'Natasha reacts positively, but reins herself in and gets them back on track', 'votes': 21}, {'text': 'Natasha freaks out and flees the situation', 'votes': 5}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 9, 24, 7, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 9, 11, 14, 39, 7, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 453}


A/N: Natasha is just too damn sexy for words~


As he stares into Natasha Romanoff’s eyes, if nothing else to avoid staring at her tits, Peter realizes… the cat is already out of the bag. At least partially anyways. He’d literally started this whole encounter by contacting Friday and asking her to find him Natasha Romanoff. Not like he would be asking that if he didn’t know Natasha Romanoff was back, now would he? And given Friday was already in communication with the gorgeous femme fatale when Peter put forward the question, it stood to reason that she would have told her. Then again, maybe not… but there was no point in chancing it.

But also, there was no point in blabbing everything, even IF Natasha was bearing down on him hungrily, looking absolutely gorgeous and utterly fit in that black catsuit of hers, ready to gobble him up and show him the time of his life if he just gave in.

Maybe if he were still a virgin or something, he might have completely caved. But no, at this point he was… more experienced than that. More inured, even, to the whole shebang. That all said, Peter spends a moment considering things before finally admitting the truth. Part of it, anyways.

“I believe… I think I brought you back to life, M-Ms. Romanoff.”

Chuckling softly and nodding as though that was exactly what she expected to hear, Natasha reaches out and takes him by the hand, guiding him gently over to the couch, bidding for him to sit down. Then, she sits down next to him, facing him, one leg crossed over the other, drawing the eye down to the curve of her ass, perfectly confined within her leather catsuit.

Well, one might look to the curve of her ass, when they weren’t looking to her cleavage, currently tantalizing on display with how the zipper was still pulled down to mid-chest and giving such a delightful showing of skin. Regardless, Nat rests an elbow on the back of the couch and her head on the palm of that hand and looks at him.

“Please, Peter. Call me Natasha or Nat, alright?”

That… felt like a lot. But at the same time, he kind of understood. She was grateful. He didn’t want anything from her, he never had, but it was impossible to avoid. Coming back to life was a big deal. Returning from the dead wasn’t something anyone could just… shake off. He should know, he still felt gratitude towards Natasha and all of the other Avengers for bringing him and everyone else back with the Snap.

Still, this was more than that. This was personal. He’d brought Nat and only Nat back with just… just a desire to see her alive again.

“A-Alright… Nat.”

The Black Widow’s smile is sunny in response, and only her reputation and attire keep it from being entirely innocent. The knowledge that she could probably snap his neck before he had a chance to leverage his enhanced physicality against her definitely keeps him a teensy, tiny bit on edge. Not that he thought she WOULD try to kill him, but it was knowing that she COULD that definitely gave her a… dangerous vibe. Made her all the hotter to though, if he was being fully honest.

“Now. You think you brought me back to life. What makes you say that?”

Licking his lips, Peter glances away for a moment, considering how he wants to answer. He… doesn’t necessarily want to tell her everything. He doesn’t want to tell her about the Stones, or about himself. He feels like he probably needs to confide in someone eventually or else he might just burst, but Natasha… isn’t that person.

“Well… I was with Jean yesterday and-!”

“Jean? The mutant psychic, Jean Grey?”

Natasha’s sharp tone causes Peter to pause, and he looks over at her, seeing less of the sultry seductress and more of the tactical super spy. It kind of makes Peter’s hackles raise for a moment as he frowns slightly.

“Yes. Jean Grey. My friend.”

He knows he shouldn’t, but he definitely sounds defensive there, and he can tell Natasha picks up on it, because she immediately looks apologetic. And yet… maybe that was all part of the plan? Had she really made a mistake, or was she gauging his reaction to her words?

“I apologize, Peter. You must understand, I’ve just gotten back. I know of who you speak, but only in terms of tactical briefings. I’m sure Jean is a perfectly lovely girl.”

Peter slowly nods at that, only to jolt again when Natasha suddenly reaches out and runs a gloved hand over his crotch.

“Let me… show you my sincerity.”

Before he can say anything one way or the other, she’s already retrieved his dick from the confines of his suit. How had that happened? No, Peter knew how that had happened… Friday was helping her at least this much, the traitorous AI! A groan leaves Peter’s lips before he can stop it, as Natasha’s gloved hand works up and down his shaft with ease.

At the same time, the beautiful red head reaches up and slides her zipper down the rest of the way, from the midway point of her chest all the way to her navel. More of her creamy skin is revealed, along with her belly button, and as she tugs her catsuit aside, her breasts come bouncing free of their confines, perky as can be and seemingly defying gravity, her nipples rock hard as she reaches for one of his hands and puts it on one of her tits.

“Like I said before, Peter. I don’t mind you looking. I certainly don’t mind you touching. Even if you didn’t save me personally… you saved everyone else, right? And such heroics deserve to be rewarded.”

She moans softly then, as Peter’s fingers work on her nipple, running over her breast. He stares down at her chest, his hard cock throbbing as he enjoys her own affections at the same time. It’s a bit of quid pro quo, he supposes, and he can feel her getting more and more excited. Not just from her rock hard nipples, or her soft moans… he can FEEL it.

… Is he psychic now? Or, more likely, is this a byproduct of being more… ‘in tune’ with the stones? Is this the Mind Stone helping him out? He’s not actually hearing Natasha’s thoughts… frankly, he doesn’t WANT to hear her thoughts. But he does get a sense of her true feelings. She’s acting, at least a little bit, but more of her arousal is genuine then he would have thought. Honestly, that helps. It helps a lot.

“Mm, now… you were saying?”

Ah, right, he was still delivering his story. Continuing to fondle THE Natasha Romanoff’s naked breasts in the lounge area of one of the floors of Stark Tower while receiving a handjob from the woman, Peter wets his lips with his tongue and slowly nods.

“Right. So I was with Jean yesterday, and we were talking about… everything. And you came up. And I remember saying… well, I remember thinking about how unfair it all was. When Mr. Banner snapped his fingers, he brought back everyone that Thanos killed. But not you. And… I don’t know. I just didn’t feel like out of everyone, you deserved to stay dead. It was more than just a passing thought… and I felt something strange at the time. Something niggling in the back of my mind.”

Natasha nods along, eyes twinkling darkly as she soaks up what he’s saying. At the same time, her breathing has grown heavier. He can tell there’s a hint of surprise to her arousal. She wasn’t expecting him to be quite THIS good. Hm. This interrogation… if it continues, she might start to poke holes into his story. She might begin to note the things he was trying NOT to say. Everything he’d said so far was the truth… but if they kept going, he might have to get into falsehoods.

Feeling a little bit dirty, but also very, very aroused, Peter decides to take advantage of the opening that the Black Widow herself had provided him. He suddenly leans in, stopping mere inches from her lips, causing Natasha to jolt in surprise as she looks at him with wide-eyes.

“… I’m very happy that you’re back. However it happened.”

And then he kisses her. To her credit, the super spy knows how to… well, give ground so to speak. She lets him slowly ease her back onto her back on the couch, until Peter is all but on top of her. Her hand never leaves his cock and his hand never leaves her breast, even as their tongues duel with one another, swapping spit.

He doesn’t doubt for a second that she’s fully aware of how he’s currently… diverting things away from the conversation they were having. But by all accounts, he’s just a young guy right? With a young guy’s libido. A young guy’s urges, even. And she’s the one who got HIM all riled up, in the end. She’s certainly not stopping or pushing back on it now, either. She wants this… she wants him. He can feel it.

His other hand comes up to her other breast for a moment, before sliding down her body. He pulls her zipper a little further, finding to his pleasure that it goes all the way past her cunt. In the end, her moist, wet slit is on full display, and once he’s got it exposed, Natasha is quick to guide his cock down there, pushing his cockhead up against her sex.

It’s up to Peter to properly thrust in though of course, something he does with the utmost gusto as their lip lock comes apart, both of them moaning and groaning as they toss their heads back in unison.

There’s not a doubt in Peter’s mind that she’ll take him for a ride if he lets her. This is Natasha Romanoff, after all. His only real advantage against a super spy seductress like Nat is his enhanced strength and agility… and stamina. Now, to be fair, Peter doesn’t know what all they did to her in her youth. He doesn’t know just how far Natasha herself is from baseline human. But he feels like he probably has a leg up on her in physicality if nothing else.

And so he begins to fuck her. He’s fast and rough, and Natasha grunts but squeezes down around his cock in an enticing and pleasurable manner all the same. Her pussy walls flex as much as they stretch, tightening up even as they slicken further and further and give way before his ever pounding prick. Slamming into her, Peter notes how the couch must be rated for… enthusiastic super strength, because it’s not even rocking as he leverages some of his real power into how hard he fucks her.

On Natasha’s part, her moans grow in volume, sounding surprised for a moment before she gets used to the rhythm and pace he’s setting. Even with him jackhammering in and out of her, she’s far from idle. The Black Widow has probably never been accused of just laying there like a dead fish in her life, and this time is no different.

Her long legs wind around his waist, showing off her flexibility as her hands run along her chest before she wraps her arms around his neck. She pulls him back into a kiss, holding him close to her and making him work hard for every pull out he does so he can thrust back in. She’s clinging to him for dear life as he feels it… her orgasm.

Peter doesn’t doubt for a second she could control it if she wanted to. Rather, the fact that she cums for him without reservation is rather telling. The pleasure is real, but there’s a reason behind it, isn’t there? A reason she gives in to her arousal, allowing him to bring her over the edge into an immensely satisfying orgasmic climax.

Eyes rolling back in her head, mouth open in a loud moan, Natasha looks distinctively vulnerable in that moment. Perhaps that’s the point. Or perhaps Peter is overthinking everything. Perhaps… he just needs to go with the flow and enjoy the ride. With a lust-filled growl, he continues pounding Natasha hard and fast without respite and without hesitation. He continues kissing her, their tongues wrestling for supremacy. She’s definitely the better kisser, but he’s got more enthusiasm, and also the top position. He's not going to just give in, that’s for sure.

Another orgasm wracks the beautiful red head’s body. And then another. Finally, Peter feels a pressure building in his balls, can feel that he’s getting close to cumming. Natasha feels it too, whether she’s just that experienced that she can tell from the tempo of his thrusts or the throbbing of his member, or whether she just knows that it’s about that time for a young man like him to be ready to blow… it matters little.

They pull apart and she gives him a wide, rueful smile.

“Inside, Peter. No need to worry about any accidents. I’m sterile.”

There’s a distinct… edge of melancholy to that as she speaks, though its mostly overshadowed by her arousal. Peter grunts, nodding and fucking her even harder, not even trying to hold back. A moment later… and he fills her. He fills and fills her, his seed flowing out of his balls, down his cock, and into Natasha’s womb.

It’s only after the fact, as he’s finishing up and pulling out, that Peter freezes up for a moment and actually looks at her.

… He hadn’t known she was sterile. When he brought her back, he hadn’t known. But did that matter? Did he unconsciously bring her back to life exactly as she was before she died, or did he bring her back to life as he remembered her? Or, third option, did he bring her back to life in a perfect state of health, where any previous ‘injuries’ to her were healed?

Either way, Peter can’t keep silent, not about this.

“Um, Nat?”

Looking to him with lidded eyes, Natasha smiles softly.

“Yes, Peter?”

“You WERE sterile… before you literally died and then came back from the dead.”

Natasha’s lidded smile lasts for all of a second more, before her eyes snap open as she processes what he’s saying. They then snap down to her abdomen, where he just dumped a huge load of cum right into her womb. For a long moment, she looks baffled, as though unsure how to feel. Peter watches her, curious to see where she’ll land. To be fair, it’s no guarantee that he’s impregnated her. But… well, it’s also no guarantee that she’s sterile anymore.



This is a rule 34 universe. And even canon Natasha seems to be really bothered by her sterility. If there is one person that is likely to jump the protag's bones when she finds out that he may have cured her sterility in this universe, it's her.


"Well, we better test that out then Peter."