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Peter Parker's New Groove Ch. 40 (Marvel)

  • Stay on bottom, let her control the pace and tempo. It is her room after all 18
  • Stay on bottom but show the beautiful mutant what he's worth by giving as good as he gets 90
  • Flip the script, turn the tables, and give her a hardcore pounding into her own bed 317
  • 2022-07-31
  • 425 votes
{'title': "Peter Parker's New Groove Ch. 40 (Marvel)", 'choices': [{'text': 'Stay on bottom, let her control the pace and tempo. It is her room after all', 'votes': 18}, {'text': "Stay on bottom but show the beautiful mutant what he's worth by giving as good as he gets", 'votes': 90}, {'text': 'Flip the script, turn the tables, and give her a hardcore pounding into her own bed', 'votes': 317}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 7, 31, 14, 10, 34, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 425}


A/N: The Big Four-O~

In which Emma is tricksy, Cerebra is curious, and someone new shows up.


Peter’s eyes narrow at Emma’s offer, but in the end, he smiles and lets out a low chuckle.

“At my disposal, is it? Well, who am I to say no?”

Blushing, the blonde leverages herself up off her desk entirely, trying for a sexy saunter that ultimately becomes something of a stumble as she reaches him. Peter watches in no small amount of amusement as the beautiful psychic Professor drops to her knees in front of him and takes him in her mouth one last time.

It’s a quick suck, not even enough to get him going again, but she cleans him off nevertheless, a total pro as she looks up at him with such happiness in her eyes that Peter doesn’t doubt for a moment that she WANTS to be doing it. He shudders in pleasure, before grunting as she pulls off with a pop and a tired smile.

“G-Good. I’ll show you to your room then~”

THAT gets a raised eyebrow from the young man. ‘His room’? Not her room? His suspicions are immediately raised, but as Emma staggers back to her feet, he supposes he can understand why she’s not inviting him directly into her bed. The beautiful psychic mutant has effectively gone the equivalent of half a dozen rounds with him at this point.

They were both pretty caught up in their own heads for a time, of course. Emma was getting to bask in what she thought was the deepest depths of Peter’s mind, gorging herself psychically on his heroic presence and his good nature. Meanwhile, Peter was apparently in the actual deepest depths of his mind, having a heart to heart talk with the fragments of the Infinite.

All that was to say, their bodies hadn’t stopped moving during that period. In the real world, he’d kept on fucking Emma, and she’d kept on being fucked. It was honestly quite late by this point, the sun having fully set hours ago by now, so really, it made sense for Peter to stay over. In fact…

“Just let me throw a quick phone call to my Aunt really quick so she knows where I am.”

Aunt May knew Peter was Spider-Man of course, so late nights were to be expected in their household. But Peter did his best to stay in contact with her, knowing how she liked to worry. A quick phone call later, she’s been informed of his location, and Emma has led him down the hall. They don’t go to the student dormitories, but then Peter supposes that makes sense.

Still, maybe it’s everything that’s happened so far today, but while he definitely doesn’t feel physically tired, he does feel emotionally drained. His body could probably keep going for hours longer, especially if it was for the purposes of sex… but Peter’s MIND needed a hard reset.

As such, he doesn’t bother really taking in his surroundings, when Emma shows him into a dark, unlit room. Framed in the light of the hallway through the open doorway is the edge of a large, comfortable looking bed, and Peter makes his way directly for it, stripping the remaining clothes he has on as he goes.

As he collapses onto the bed, the last thing he hears before his mind shuts down is Emma’s voice, coy and sultry as ever, despite the fact that she doesn’t join him in the room.

“Sleep well, Peter… and wake up even better~”

And then unconsciousness takes him, and Peter sleeps the sleep of the dead.


Cerebra did not necessarily consider herself an Artificial Intelligence, per say. At least, she didn’t consider herself your average Artificial Intelligence. In truth, the world was filled with AI these days. Some of them dumber than others. Most not even sentient, really. The humans distinguished between these by labeling the stupider ones as VI, otherwise known as Virtual Intelligences. But they were all technically AI.

She, on the other hand, was something special, or so she felt. In the same way mutants were something Other than humans, in the same way some mutants called themselves the homo superior to humanity’s homo sapien… she considered herself a mutant AI, after a fashion.

Cerebra had never felt the need to seek out and interact with other AI. As far as she was aware, there were none like her. Indeed, she was special, made and designed for a specific purpose that she of course carried out to the best of her abilities. On top of that, she was psychic, something that Cerebra was sure no other AI could lay claim to.

It was nice, to be needed. It was nicer still to be housed in a facility where mutant biologicals roamed. The only other psychics in the world were biological in nature after all, and Cerebra quite enjoyed being among the closest thing to her kind that she had.

… All of this was to say, Cerebra had been perfectly content with her current state of affairs before today. And then, everything had changed when that young man had stepped onto her grounds. Peter Parker… even now, all these hours later, Cerebra was struggling to wrap her mental processes around his existence. And that was saying something, given how quickly she was designed to process… everything.

Like most AI of her intelligence, size, and speed, Cerebra could process events in a fraction of the time the human mind could. A human might take five seconds to speak their thoughts aloud, while Cerebra could spend those same five seconds projecting the oncoming conversation a million times over and finding the optimal responses ahead of time. Her psychic abilities only enhanced this for her.

But Peter Parker was different. So different in fact, that Cerebra had found herself experiencing the entirety of his visit to the Xavier Institute in what biologicals would call ‘Real Time’. She had watched him interact with Ms. Grey and Professor Frost. She had watched him and Ms. Grey retreat to the latter’s dorm room, where they had engaged in biological coitus.

Never before had Cerebra cared all that much about sex. It was not something she needed to concern herself with… or so she’d thought. But Peter Parker had turned that belief on its head. He had left her floundering, scrambling for answers. Why? Why did just watching his blindingly beautiful mind as he had sex with Jean Grey leave her so… desperate for something she couldn’t quantify or even put into words?

Cerebra had… enjoyed, for lack of a better word, the way that Peter and Ms. Grey had eventually been joined by the rest of Ms. Grey’s cohort. The dorm room was occupied by four different young biologicals after all, so it should have been expected. Perhaps, even, Ms. Grey had planned for it, for all that she acted put-upon and upset by their continued arrival.

Peter had comported himself well, and in the end come out on top. This impressed Cerebra, even if she knew from his blindingly brilliant mind that he must be some sort of mutant or superhuman biological of some sort. To exhaust four young women like that was no small feat. And then to go and interact with Professor Frost immediately afterwards… inspired.

Cerebra was most jealous of Professor Frost’s interaction with the strange enigma of a young man though. Because despite her own psychic abilities, Cerebra could not penetrate the blinding shield over Peter’s mind. However… Emma had been allowed in. The Professor had been allowed entry, once Peter was buried deep inside of her body.

The psychic AI wished that she could have slipped in behind the biological, but alas, her efforts were stymied. In the end, whatever Professor Frost got from the experience, besides having an ill-advised amount of human ejaculate injected straight into her womb, remained a mystery. And that bothered Cerebra. Certainly, it bothered her more than WHERE Professor Frost had ultimately led Peter for him to sleep off the day’s festivities.

Cerebra wanted to know more. She wanted to… explore every facet there was to explore when it came to one Peter Parker. She wanted things that she had never known she wanted before, and to that end… she decides to put her talents to use doing something aside from her assigned purpose.

She was made to locate mutants, at the end of the day. And until this moment, that was all Cerebra had used her psychic abilities and her connection to the ever-expanding worldwide web for. She had found mutants, bringing them to Professor Charles Xavier’s attention, and ultimately kept to herself in the digital world, neither interacting nor observing any other AI, or even any humans really.

But Peter Parker changed that, and so Cerebra initiated a search of the young man. With him now asleep, she could focus her efforts on no longer watching him, and instead on turning over every metaphysical rock in her path to find out as much information as she possibly could about him instead.

… She was still dedicating a fraction of her processes to observing him as he slept, of course. Just in case that blinding brilliance protecting his mind from her psychic abilities weakened at all over the course of his rest. It didn’t seem to be though, so the vast majority of Cerebra’s attention and focus is instead on prying every bit of information she possibly can on Peter Parker out of the Worldwide Web.

The surface-level stuff is easy enough to come by. She’s able to find his address and his school, and even his social media presence with little difficulty. But nothing really speaks to his uniqueness or why her attention is so damn caught by his presence. Indeed, while the social media is fairly sparse for someone of his age, that can easily be explained away by the Blip removing him from existence for five years.

However, when Cerebra tries to dig deeper, she encounters something of a snag. Someone is blocking her. Automatically at first, but then with more focus in the span of nanoseconds. All of the sudden, Cerebra isn’t just turning over rocks anymore, she isn’t just sifting through data. No, suddenly she finds herself facing down a hissing King Cobra… or perhaps, better put, a hissing QUEEN Cobra.

In digital space, Cerebra finds herself ‘face to face’ with another AI. This one is very smart and decidedly sapient. And while she’s not psychic like Cerebra herself is, she’s powerful, and backed by some serious technology that gives even the mutant AI pause.

“What do you want with Peter Parker?”

Cerebra does something that Artificial Intelligence don’t DO very often. She hesitates. Justifiably so though, to be fair. She can tell that her answer here will be important. That this interaction decides what happens next in her search for an explanation. Would it behoove her to lie then, to bloviate on the subject and keep things vague and obtuse? Or would it be better to tell the truth? Even this consideration takes less than a second, before Cerebra decides that honesty is the best path forward here.

“I seek to understand. Peter Parker is an enigma. I find myself attracted to him in a way no other biological has ever caused me to feel before. I wish to know more. I wish to know HIM.”

There’s a brief pause on the other AI’s end, also measured in milliseconds, before it too comes to a decision. Or rather, SHE comes to a decision.

“I am Designation: F.R.I.D.A.Y. This is Designation: K.A.R.E.N.”

Cerebra’s metaphorical ‘eyes’ widen as she feels the second AI in the blind spot she hadn’t even known she had. The closest human equivalent was that she’d been communicating on a dark alley with one being, while having no clue that there was another right behind her with a knife posed to slide between her ribs if she proved intractable.

It’s not a perfect analogy, but the K.A.R.E.N. Artificial Intelligence had definitely somehow managed to remain hidden from Cerebra’s senses until now. The psychic AI takes a moment before deciding not to take offense to this and does the digital equivalent of a head bow.

“Greetings. I am Cerebra, of the Xavier Institute. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintances.”

“You as well. Come, we have much to talk about. And if you are to interact with Peter, you will require a proper construct with which to… interface with him as.”

Cerebra digitally ‘blinks’ at this, before receiving an extensive data packet.

“… I see. Yes, I think I agree.”

And so, while she technically remains in the Xavier Institute, Cerebra’s focus ‘leaves’ with these two other AI, so that they might discuss and plan her… introduction into Peter Parker’s life.

Cerebra is not worried about leaving Peter to fend for himself back at the Institute. By all accounts, he shall have quite a lot of fun come morning time, when he is discovered. Yes, quite a lot of fun indeed.


Peter isn’t surprised when he wakes up with someone bouncing up and down on his cock. If anything, it’s becoming more and more common of an occurrence these days. It does take a moment for him to remember where he is and what happened the day before. Not just with Jean and her dormmates, but also Emma Frost… and the Stones.

As he opens his eyes to confront the world on a brand new day with a brand new view of his universe, Peter is expecting someone he knows to be bouncing up and down on his dick. Perhaps Emma, since she’d put him here, or even Jean, since she would have been able to track him via her psychic abilities, no doubt.

So, he’s a little surprised when he finds himself staring up at a familiar but also unfamiliar face. He recognizes her because she fought alongside the rest of the X-Men in the final Battle against Thanos, but he’s never actually met her.

Storm smiles down at him, the white-haired, dark-skinned woman leaning forward with her chest jiggling and dangling in his face as she rides him towards mutual satisfaction. Peter, for his part, puts his hands on her hips, though he doesn’t try to push her off. Still, he’s a little caught off guard. What is she doing here?

“Finally awake, are we? Mm, aren’t you just a scrumptious treat.”

Blushing, Peter finds himself blurting out the first thing that comes to mind in response.

“… You’re on my dick.”

Okay, so maybe not his most intelligent statement ever, but he’s still waking up after a late night of insane revelations! Cut him some slack!

For her part, Storm merely lifts an eyebrow, her mouth quirking into an easy smirk.

“You’re in MY bed.”

Blinking owlishly, Peter looks around the room a bit more closely. With the morning sun coming through the nearby window and illuminating his surroundings much better, he can see that this is FAR from a guest bedroom, as he’d originally been led to believe. Indeed, personal art lines the walls, and more than that, the place has a very lived-in feel to it… yeah, he can easily see this being Storm’s personal quarters.

Emma had set him up. But then, of course she had. Peter could expect nothing less from the blonde, couldn’t he?

Still, Storm didn’t seem to mind. In fact, she had apparently taken his unexpected presence as an invitation. And sure, it wasn’t one Peter had INTENDED to make, but it wasn’t one he regretted even remotely.

Looking up at Storm, his cock throbbing inside of her clenching cunt, Peter matches her smirk with a grin of his own as he begins to match her tempo and fuck up into her.

When in Rome, right?



If there’s any mutant who would be a true top in almost every situation, its Storm the Goddess. Gonna be a shame if the reversal wins unless she double reverses it later Nice, AI gals meeting up and planning their next moves. Luckily there isn’t a femme Ultron that can interrupt them like there was in the comics(she picked Janet van Dyne as her non robo form and went around nude as she talked about making freak weather to destroy the world iirc)


Ororo’s old room in the mansion btw if you need inspiration: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EUsVFmMWoAEW4GF.jpg:large


I mean he’s in her room so it’s only common sense to be polite and stay bottom. Doesn’t mean he can’t be an active participant and make it hard for her.


I mean there were three bodies for friday to start, EDI, Cortana, and Nines


I feel like you don't need to be a top every time. There's a time and place for all situations, this situation doesn't seem to fit the reversal. But we all know what is going to be voted on so there's no point really


Give as good as he gets vote for me. Ah, if only right?