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The Successor Ch. 24 (My Hero Academia)

  • Mt. Lady decides to go along with it, wholeheartedly 412
  • Mt. Lady goes along with things, but reluctantly 87
  • This is a step too far for Mt. Lady 6
  • 2022-07-24
  • —2022-08-06
  • 505 votes
{'title': 'The Successor Ch. 24 (My Hero Academia)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Mt. Lady decides to go along with it, wholeheartedly', 'votes': 412}, {'text': 'Mt. Lady goes along with things, but reluctantly', 'votes': 87}, {'text': 'This is a step too far for Mt. Lady', 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 8, 6, 7, 0, 55, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 7, 24, 14, 15, 55, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 505}


A/N: Hopefully I got Yor's characterization here right, but I guess if I didn't I can just chalk it up to this being a different setting and thus a slightly different Yor :V


Izuku is not perfect. Sure, he has access to all of the many, many Quirks that his father collected before him. He even has access to the one Quirk that his father could never lay claim to. Not only is he the bearer of All for One, but he’s also the bearer of One for All… the first time in history that those two Quirks have existed in the same host.

But he’s also still a young man, and he can still make mistakes, as unfortunate as that is. When he and Momo had first arrived at her place, Izuku had used his extrasensory Quirks to ensure they would be relatively alone. With none of her family on the premises, he’d gone ahead and turned them off in order to focus all of his efforts solely on Momo herself.

The smart thing to do would have been to turn them back on before sneaking out of her bedroom, to get a fresher, more up to date lay of the land as it was. But in this case, Izuku had been distracted. He’d made a mistake.

Slipping out of Momo’s bedroom, Izuku finds himself closing the door softly behind him, only to look up and come face to face with another person. For a moment, he and the woman freeze up, studying each other. The first thing Izuku notes is that she’s not one of the help. If she were part of the staff, at the very least Izuku figures he could have talked his way out of things.

But no, this woman is far too similar to Momo to be service staff. A tall, attractive young woman with long black hair and red eyes, she has her hair done up in a headband and split apart so it forms two long locks that trail down her chest. There’s no denying that this is Momo’s sister though. She doesn’t match the description of either of Momo’s two mothers, and isn’t old enough to be anyone else.

This… is Yor Yaoyorozu.

As Izuku is coming to this conclusion in what feels like a slowed down moment in time, Yor Yaoyorozu’s eyes have widened ever so slightly. She takes in his appearance in the same time span he takes in hers, and then looks to the door behind him. The door to her sister’s room. Izuku blinks, feeling a sudden intense wave of killing intent and anger wafting off of the woman, even as she tenses up.

In a heartbeat, Izuku understands something instinctively. Yor Yaoyorozu is not what Momo thinks she is. Or maybe Izuku had simply misinterpreted what Momo said. Because when she’d talked about her sister, he’d gotten the impression that Yor was the black sheep of the family. That perhaps the two sisters didn’t get along very well. Or perhaps Yor’s Quirk, whatever it was, was simply so weak that she couldn’t possibly be a Pro Hero.

And yet, in that moment Izuku knows that Yor Yaoyorozu loves her sister deeply and emphatically, and that if he doesn’t do anything, she will try to kill him in order to avenge whatever perceived harm he’s done to Momo. He knows this as surely as he knows he needs to breathe to survive.

As Yor tenses up, getting ready to launch some sort of attack, Izuku only has a moment to respond… and so he lifts a finger to his lips and shushes Yor harshly before speaking in a whispered tone.

“Shhh. Momo is resting.”

It’s a gamble, to be sure. He’s relying on refuge in audacity here, to avoid making a scene, to avoid starting a fight that would definitely wake Momo up and might even destroy this hallway. He doesn’t know exactly WHAT Yor’s deal is, but he knows one thing for certain… the Yaoyorozu Family’s black sheep has more going on with her than meets the eye.

And yet, in the end his gamble pays off. He was right to lean more into Yor’s love for Momo, because when he mentions Momo is resting, an abrupt change comes over his classmate’s big sister. She blinks, and then reluctantly relaxes, glancing once more at the door to her sister’s room intently. He wonders if she has some sort of extrasensory Quirk, because the way she looks at the door, it’s almost as if she’s checking on Momo’s health.

Whether she is or not, Yor relaxes completely a moment later, before straightening back up and appearing to all the world like a demure young woman without a hint of violence or aggression in her attractive form. If he weren’t who he was, Izuku isn’t even sure he would have noticed her getting ready to commit grievous bodily harm against his person in the first place, to be honest. But he was who he was, and Yor Yaoyorozu had decidedly piqued his interest.

Letting none of that show on his face, Izuku instead smiles at the older girl brightly and gestures for her to follow him down the hall, so they won’t disturb Momo with their voices. Yor follows after him at a sedate pace and waits for him to initiate conversation once they’ve turned a corner.

“You must be Yor, Momo’s big sister. She mentioned you to me, but I didn’t think we’d meet so soon.”

After a beat, Yor nods.

“… Yes. You must be one of Momo’s new classmates. A pleasure to meet you.”

With her hands in front of her, Yor bows deeply, surprising Izuku with her unfailing politeness. Her tone is also slightly robotic, and quite monotone, making him wonder what the real Yor is like. Or maybe this is the real her? Izuku isn’t used to being on the back foot like this, but right now Yor is one big question mark. Even falling back on his Quirks isn’t giving him much. She’s too much of a blank spot for the time being.

That doesn’t mean Izuku can’t make friends for now and look into her more later though…

“Yes, Momo and I have gotten very close, of late. We actually met before school started, during the Recommendation Exam. We hit it off there.”

Straightening up from her bow, Yor nods.

“I see. It is normal then, for two close classmates to engage in sexual intimacy in this day and age?”

… What? For a long moment, Izuku just stares at Yor Yaoyorozu. With the help of Quirks, he’s able to stretch that moment into an eternity and process what she just said and more importantly, what she meant by it. Somehow, perhaps through enhanced senses like he’d already theorized her having, Yor is aware that they had sex. Maybe she smelt it on him, or heard it, or something.

But more than that… she doesn’t sound accusatory. Her words certainly sound like they would be a condemnation under most circumstances. The sort of thing you would say sarcastically, before giving your sister’s new boyfriend the shovel talk, maybe?

But Yor doesn’t sound sarcastic. She sounds actively curious, as if she truly doesn’t know and wants to understand better. As if she were asking for the sake of gaining experience in these matters, then because she knew the words coming from her lips were false.

Registering all of this, Izuku formulates his answer quickly, treading carefully.

“… Yes. If they’re close enough, it’s… normal.”

Far from looking suspicious or disbelieving of his words, Yor seems to soak up this knowledge, processing it before nodding sharply.

“I see.”

Then, she steps up to him and all of that killing intent from earlier is back as the tall young woman looks down at him.

“If you hurt Momo, I will kill you.”

Izuku hates to admit it, but he’s locked up in place as Yor turns and walks away. Not out of fear, but in order to fight against his own natural instincts. While it’s always nice to have a beautiful woman in close proximity to him, in this case, with the sheer amount of violence Yor’s body language promised, Izuku had to lock himself down to keep from attacking in self-defense.

Having a fight with Momo’s sister down the hall instead of right outside of her bedroom wasn’t likely to be any better for his long-term plans, after all. Still, Yor Yaoyorozu… was a confusing question mark to say the least. As he watches her go, Izuku slowly untenses… and then uses every Quirk he needs to in order to slip out of the Yaoyorozu Mansion without running into a single other soul.

Only once he’s outside does he place a call on his phone.

“Yo! Go for Tomura!”

“Tomura, it’s Izuku.”

“Hey bro, what’s up?”

“… I need you to look into someone for me. Discretely. Her name is Yor Yaoyorozu.”

“Oooh? Does my little bro got his eye on someone cute?”

Rolling his eyes as he puts more distance between himself and the Yaoyorozu Estate, Izuku finds himself with a wry grin on his face.

“I’m boinking her younger sister, actually.”

“And? You’ve gotta One-Hundred Percent the game, bro!”

“I’m not so sure that’s a good idea in this case. There’s something odd about Yor Yaoyorozu. That’s why I need you to look into her for me and find out what there is to find out. Got it?”

“Yeah, I got it. You can count on me, Izuku.”

Tomura’s tone takes on a seriousness to it that lets Izuku know his adoptive brother isn’t going to let him down. While the older boy could get… flighty and a little silly at times, at the end of the day, they were good for each other, the two of them. Growing up, they’d rubbed off on one another in all the best ways.

“Thanks, Tomura. Call me back if you find anything. Otherwise, I’ll call you.”

“Yep, yep! Ttyl, bro!”

As the phone call ends, Izuku can’t help but roll his eyes one more time as Tomura’s… idiosyncrasies. But he’s also smiling, having enjoyed the talk. Certainly, after the way his conversation with the enigma that was Momo’s big sister had ended, he’d needed that.

Though, that wasn’t to say he didn’t need a little something else to destress and detox as well. Which is why he’s so pleased to get a text a moment later… from none other than a certain chocolate bunny herself. To say that he’d wrapped Mirko the Rabbit Hero around his pinkie at this point would be an understatement. She was supposed to be his teacher, and yet here she was, texting him late in the afternoon and asking if he wanted to come over. For what was left unsaid, but then… it didn’t need to be spelled out in text for Izuku to know what he was in for.

Heh, he might be staying the night again, so after sending a text of agreement to Mirko, Izuku makes sure to shoot a text to his mother as well, letting her know not to expect him back any time soon. Then, he turns in the direction of Mirko’s house, and begins making his way over.


There’s a few things Izuku is expecting as he lets himself in through Mirko, or rather Rumi’s back door yet again. For her to be dressed up in some sort of cosplay. Or maybe for her to be in a sexy naked apron get-up, trying to cook something in her dusty, unused kitchen. Or any one of a dozen scenarios in which she enticed him to fucking her… and likely breeding her some more, if he hadn’t done so already.

In fact, hearing her wanton moans from her bedroom is perfectly in line with some of Izuku’s expectations. Clearly, she’s playing with herself while she waits, putting herself in a position to be more than ready for his arrival. And so Izuku grins and makes his way over, pulling his shirt off as he goes, and slipping his pants down his legs.

By the time he reaches the door to Rumi’s master bedroom, he’s stripped to his boxers and half-hard, ready for action even though he’d already fucked Momo just hours before.

However, he stops dead in his tracks when he sees WHO is waiting for him on Rumi’s bed. The Rabbit Hero is there of course, in all of her dark-skinned rabbit-eared glory… but she’s not alone. Laid out on the bed between her peer’s thighs, with Rumi’s legs actually wrapped around her head, is another woman. It takes Izuku a moment to recognize her, given she’s naked and her head is covered by Rumi’s lower body.

But he does. He recognizes her as Mt. Lady, another Pro Hero… until recently, when she joined the U.A. Faculty this year.

For a long moment, Izuku just stares as Rumi’s head is thrown back in an ecstatic cry, her eyes closed. Meanwhile, Mt. Lady’s own head is trapped between the Rabbit Hero’s thighs, and from the look of things, she’s licking and lapping away at Rumi’s cunt quite enthusiastically.

Then, Rumi’s head comes back down and her eyes open to see him waiting there. Widening in excitement, the Rabbit Hero licks her lips as she quickly unwinds her legs from around Mt. Lady’s head and slips out from under the other woman and off the bed.

“Izuku! You’re here!”

Prancing over, Rumi wastes no time. She goes to her knees in the same moment that she hooks her thumbs into the waistband of his boxers and yanks them down his legs. The result is his throbbing member, which has only grown harder at the shocking sight before him, coming up and slapping against her dark-skinned features with a wet smack, his precum trailing along her cheek as she mewls happily and nuzzles into his shaft.

On the bed, Mt. Lady has turned over and let out a squeak, hastily trying to cover herself up with some pillows as she stares at Izuku in wide-eyed shocked. Raising an eyebrow, Izuku pushes away his own surprise and focuses on the moment. Using a few Social Quirks, he takes control of the situation, reaching down and palming the top of Rumi’s head between her rabbit ears as he gazes at Mt. Lady emotionlessly.

“I take it that Rumi didn’t tell you I was coming.”

Mt. Lady swallows thickly, looking between him and the Rabbit Hero on her knees before him.

“She said… she said she h-had a guy coming over for us to share. But you’re… you’re one of the students in her class! M-Mirko! Surely, we can’t!”

Whipping her head around, Rumi glares at her fellow heroine. Almost immediately, Mt. Lady pales and ducks her head.

“S-Sorry. Senpai, I mean. But, um…”

“I’m your Senpai and you’re my kouhai. You were fine when you didn’t know who it was. So, get over here already. I assure you, Izuku is worth ten of any man you’ve ever been with~”

Izuku… stays quiet. Not only are his Quirks saying that silence is better than anything he could say here, but also, he’s still reeling. Having a clandestine relationship with his teacher was one thing. Having her bring in other faculty like this was another entirely. He wasn’t sure how to feel about it.

In the end, he supposed he would decide how he felt about it once Mt. Lady made her decision. She could try and ruin them, after all. And then he would be the one left cleaning up Rumi’s mess.



I honestly love this flighty, irreverent, gamer boi Tomura that can be relied upon despite those qualities.