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Peter Parker's New Groove Ch. 29 (Marvel)

  • Internship at Stark Tower 79
  • Patrolling New York 39
  • Get in touch with Jean Grey 205
  • Get in touch with Wanda Maximoff 71
  • Get in touch with Gwen Stacey 44
  • 2022-02-27
  • —2022-03-12
  • 438 votes
{'title': "Peter Parker's New Groove Ch. 29 (Marvel)", 'choices': [{'text': 'Internship at Stark Tower', 'votes': 79}, {'text': 'Patrolling New York', 'votes': 39}, {'text': 'Get in touch with Jean Grey', 'votes': 205}, {'text': 'Get in touch with Wanda Maximoff', 'votes': 71}, {'text': 'Get in touch with Gwen Stacey', 'votes': 44}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 12, 8, 0, 54, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 2, 27, 16, 10, 19, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 438}


A/N: Full Disclosure, been thinking of a way to bring her back for quite some time, and it just came to me in the middle of this chapter sooo...


“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”

As Felicia continues to choke on his cock, Peter comes to a decision. Gripping the white-haired cat burglar by her ponytail, he yanks her off of his dick… just in time to cover her face and her tits in his seed. Felicia gasps as she’s facialized, before blushing in humiliation, realizing MJ is watching the whole thing.


Before she can truly get outraged however, Peter shoots her a look that quells her immediately.


She blanches at his tone and averts her eyes as she flushes under the coating of cum, he’s put on her.

“Did you think I wouldn’t notice that you’re using MJ to get closer to me again? That even after I told you and Gwen that I wasn’t going to play favorites, you’re still treating this relationship like a totem pole or ladder that you can climb?”

Felicia trembles under the weight of his voice, and even MJ has stopped what she’s doing… or rather, she stops for a moment. When Peter gives her a reassuring glance, complete with a flash of a smile, the gorgeous dark-skinned young woman goes right back to playing with herself, possibly even faster than before.

“I-I’m sorr-eep!”

Yanking Felicia up to her feet, Peter spins her away from him. Hooking his arms into hers, he pulls them back behind her back as he forces her to look at MJ.

“It’s not me that you should be apologizing to, Felicia.”

“W-What? But I-!”


With the way his hands are positioned, it takes some maneuvering, but he manages to deliver a spanking to her buttocks all the same. Felicia squeaks, and then quivers as he flips up the back of her skirt, yanks down her panties, and bends her forward at an angle. His cock slides up between her ass cheeks, hot dogging them for a moment.

“You used MJ to try and get closer to me, knowing full well my feelings on the matter. Apologize.”

Even as he’s speaking, his tone domineering and controlling, Peter has already decided Felicia’s punishment. Instead of her cunt, he slides his well-lubricated cock between her ass cheeks and presses against her sphincter. A squeak leaves the cat burglar’s lips, and her eyes widen as he begins to penetrate her anus.

“S-Sorry! Sorry, MJ! I’m s-sorr-eeeeeep!”

Her hasty apology doesn’t change his chosen path. Peter just continues to push into Felicia’s ass, scoffing at her as she shudders and quivers like jelly in his arms.

“This is your punishment, Felicia. Saying sorry was never going to get you out of it. It was just the right thing to do.”

Panting and gasping, Felicia hangs her head forward. Peter chooses that moment to take a step towards MJ, causing Felicia to do the same as a jolt goes through her body, originating from her ass. Her head comes up in a yelp, but Peter just keeps going, until he stops in front of MJ and the two girls’ faces are feet apart.

“Well, MJ? Do you feel like Felicia’s apology was satisfactory?”

Even MJ is staring at him with wide eyes now, taken aback and fully woken up by his sudden change in demeanor. But as he addresses her, she gets a cool, lidded look on her face and regards Felicia for a long moment before smirking her trademark smirk.


“Good, me neither.”

And then before Felicia can do more than squawk in protest, Peter pushes her forward, bending the cat burglar over completely and forcing her face into MJ’s naked, drooling quim. The dark-skinned young woman isn’t expecting that, nor is she expecting Felicia to be so on board with it, as she immediately begins eating MJ out in ‘apology’.

As MJ yelps and shudders, trapped between the desk and Felicia now, Peter just grins at her.

“She’s going to get you ready for me, as a proper apology. Hope you don’t mind.”

“N-No… no, s’fine… just… little warning next time would be nice…”

MJ is clearly trying to keep her cool, but also struggling as Felicia goes to town on her pussy. Peter doesn’t help manners by beginning to fuck the white-haired woman’s ass from behind, causing her nose to dig deeper into MJ’s clit, smashing her mouth further into MJ’s slit.

“Sure, I can do that for you. And hey… I owe you my own apology, by the way.”

That gets MJ’s attention, even as they all but double-team Felicia between them.

“Huh? What for?”

Shaking his head, Peter lets out a sigh.

“I’ve been ignoring you.”

When MJ opens her mouth to protest, Peter raises a hand and cuts her off.

“No, don’t make excuses for me. The truth was… I liked you even before the Blip. I’ve always liked you, MJ. Even back when I was pining over Liz, I thought you were awesome. It just wasn’t until after Liz left that I realized how I felt about you. But I was afraid it would make things weird if I said anything, and so I didn’t.”

His confession, delivered while he’s fucking Felicia in the ass, seems to have quite the impact on MJ… or maybe Felicia’s tongue is having all the impact. Regardless, Peter shrugs and continues on.

“Then the Blip happened, and when we all came back, I thought you were safer not being TOO involved with me. I couldn’t stand the thought of ending our friendship, but I figured I wouldn’t let anything else happen… only in the past weeks have I realized how wrong I was for that. I should have known a girl as tough as nails as you could handle it. So, I’m sorry.”

MJ just stares at him for a long moment… and then, to his surprise, reaches down and grabs Felicia by her hair, yanking the white haired girl away and to the side. The resulting dragging results in his cock popping clean out of Felicia’s ass, while Felicia yelps, catching herself on a desk after stumbling a few feet.

Before she can even truly react, MJ has closed the distance between him and her, wrapped an arm around his neck and lifted a leg up to his side, and is kissing him soundly. Peter, of course, grabs her gorgeous body with both hands and holds her to him as he kisses her right back, his cock rubbing up against her abdomen between their bodies.

Pulling him back, MJ hops up onto the desk, spreads her legs wide, and moans into his mouth as he finally, fully penetrates her. Thrusting into the dark-skinned young woman, Peter doesn’t think he’s ever seen her look more vulnerable than in this moment. Her face contorts in pleasure, and she’s left panting and gasping as she looks at him with hooded eyes.

When they finally break apart for air, she gives him an uncharacteristically soft smile, while arching her back so her tits are right in his face.

“Apology accepted, Peter… so long as you make it up to me.”

Heh, there was the MJ that he knew. Accepting her invitation for what it is, Peter leans forward and captures one of MJ’s breasts in his mouth, suckling at her dark nipple as she gasps and throws her head back. Her arms go back behind her to support her place on the desk, clutching at the edges as she also further pushes her chest up into his mouth.

His own hands go to her hips, gripping down tightly as he drills into her fast and hard. His throbbing cock pushes far into MJ’s depths, and her insides in turn tighten up considerably around his member, even as he feels her cumming for him. It’s amazing, finally being inside of her. Heh, to think, just a year or two ago, he never would have imagined this being possible.

Nothing he’d told her was a lie. He had realized he had feelings for her, soon after Liz left. And he’d kept those feelings bottled up, because he was so sure she didn’t feel the same way. Now though, now he knew better. Now he understood where MJ was coming from and realized… she was always as obsessed with him as he was.

He might feel a little guilty for how long it took him to get here, and for how he did it. Because if not for the number of women he’s fucked since they defeated Thanos, if not for the relationships he’s cultivated, he doesn’t think he would be in a position to give MJ what she needs. Or maybe he would have, who can say for sure? One thing is for certain though, he feels guilty that she’s coming into things so late. MJ should probably have been his first… but she wouldn’t be and couldn’t be.

To be perfectly honest, even if he felt a little guilty, looking back on everything that had happened, Peter didn’t think he’d change a moment of it in the end. Nothing in his personal life, at least. Certainly, there were some things he’d change, if he had the power. Like for instance, Natasha Romanoff’s sacrifice.

He and the Black Widow had never really gotten a chance to talk, but he’d known of her, and he knew how much her loss had effected so many of the people in Peter’s life. It just wasn’t fair to them that she was gone. Sure, maybe the Soul Stone REQUIRED a sacrifice or something, a soul for a soul… but that sounded like utter bullshit to Peter. None of the other Infinity Stones required the same thing, none of them demanded you give up your loved one.

To Peter, that meant that it was something to do with the Soul Stone’s resting place, not the Soul Stone itself. And that meant Natasha shouldn’t have to stay dead, when everyone else got to come back. It just… wasn’t fair.

Grunting, he thrusts forward into MJ one last time, and as she experiences yet another explosive climax upon his cock, he can’t hold back his release anymore. Cumming inside of her, filling her with his seed, the young man also feels a strange thrum of power pass through him, and though it goes unnoticed by the two entangled young ones, pulses of light flicker under his skin for just a moment.

The only one to see this is Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat. Having been unceremoniously discarded, but also thoroughly chastised for her behavior, the white-haired cat burglar had turned over and leaned back against the desk, touching herself as she watched Peter and MJ have their heart to heart.

For all that she’d been taken to task for her actions, she was pleased to see she’d done something right. Peter might have made it clear he wasn’t putting up with her bullshit, but Felicia suspected he’d nevertheless feel at least subconsciously appreciative towards her for finally lighting a fire under his and MJ’s asses.

That said, she’s touching herself and watching Peter and MJ cum together when the modest light show happens. It’s nothing serious… nothing insane, but it’s definitely noticeable and definitely not NORMAL. Felicia’s eyes narrow, as the lights under Peter’s skin fade away as quickly as they arrive. She bites her lower lip, as Peter and MJ pull apart and give each other a tender smile, neither any the wiser.

What WAS that? Even if Felicia had witnessed it… she didn’t know what she’d seen, nor could she figure out a way to capitalize on it for the time being. Instead, the cat burglar files it away under points of interest, and pushes off the desk, dropping to her knees and crawling over as Peter’s messy cock slides out of MJ’s freshly fucked cunt. Without missing a beat, Felicia envelopes his dick in her mouth, as an ‘apology’ as she cleans him off.

Maybe Peter’s affection and attention weren’t ladders to be climbed… but at the very least, Felicia would be damned if she didn’t make sure she always had a place at Peter’s side.


Meanwhile, on a far away planet, a beautiful red head wakes up. Which is surprising, because she never thought she’d wake up again. Her last memory was of sacrifice, of falling to her death of her own accord to save the universe, after all.

Natasha Romanoff opens her eyes to see the alien sky of Vormir over her head. Slowly sitting up, the Black Widow frowns, her brow furrowing as she shakes her head before hastily reaching up to touch the back of it. She’s fine though, there’s not a single trace of the impact that should have brained her, that should have killed her.

Another moment of panic has her looking up towards the cliff edge. If she didn’t die, did that mean they didn’t get the Soul Stone? What the fuck would they have to do to be worthy?! But… Clint isn’t there, staring down at her. There’s no one, from what Natasha can see.

Rising to her feet, she looks around for a long moment, brow furrowing.


While the archer doesn’t answer her, something does. Natasha blinks, as right before her eyes, a portal opens up in front of her. On the other side of it is an alleyway, and beyond that, what looks to be a busy New York Street.

Before the glimpse of home can be taken from her, Natasha immediately dives through, landing in a roll that takes her up to her feet on familiar, safe concrete. Not a moment too soon either, for the portal closes behind her with a wink a second later. It was possible it would have stayed open for as long as it took her to come through, but Natasha was never going to take that chance.

Licking her lips, the Black Widow looks down at her hands, and then up at the sky, and then the buildings and people around her. She was… she was alive. She was home.

Now all that was left was to find out what sort of home she’d returned to.


Blissfully unaware of this, Peter spends the rest of the night with MJ, just… talking. After the sexy times are gone, Felicia actually has the good grace to see herself out, making excuses to head on her way and leave the two of them to catch up. It’s nice to finally be able to talk to MJ properly without worrying about what he’s saying anymore, and Peter can’t help but be happy that he’s finally brought her into things.

They talk and talk, and before they know it, it’s the next day and time for school, again.

Feeling quite good about himself, Peter ponders what he should do, as the next school day comes to a close. Should he head for Stark Tower? Go on Patrol? Or call one of the many women he’s now in a relationship with?


A/N: So the way the 'Get in touch' options will work going forward is that there will always be three choices, and they'll cycle through the women that Peter is already in a relationship with.



I hope the Jean Grey option opens the doorway for ALL the sexy females affiliated with the X-Men. Although, why not bring Wanda to the X-Men too? They could help her master her powers, and before they retconned Wanda’s mutant status, she did have decent connections to the X-Men

Alun Lewis

I'm picking going on patrol, since I think that has a high chance of Peter coming across the newly resurrected Natasha...depending on timing and where that portal dropped Natasha off, Peter catching sight of her making her way to Stark Tower feels feasible. Though the timing of Peter giving off a light show creampie-ing MJ and Natasha's resurrection feels connected...Peter subconsciously using the Infinity Stones to convert a possible impregnation of MJ to reviving the Black Widow (i.e. sacrificing the "life" of his sperm in exchange for Nat's life)?


Honestly, you could still have her be a mutant. Just replace Chthon influencing her mutation in the womb with the Mind Stone influencing it during a vital stage of development (i.e. during puberty) and Hydra's experiments boiling down to them artificially activating and possibly enhancing her X Gene via the Mind Stone.


Honestly, I don't feel like there is much need. The first stop in New York for a disoriented Avenger out of time would imho be Avengers/Stark Tower as it is the nearest place you can definitely find an Avenger in residence to assist in NYC...