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Themes: Threesome, MILFification, Alien Sex

Summary: Part 3 of The Resurrection. Asari usually don't transition from Maiden to Matron until somewhere around the age of 350. Unfortunately for Liara that she is now the only Asari and her biological clock is speeding up. As she discovers when her clothes no longer fit and attempting to force them causes her breast to leak milk. Time to visit Medical... right after Shepard and Kelly get their fill of her. 


“Joooohn! The wash shrunk my clothes! Again!”

As Liara tries and fails to fit into her shrunken garments, whining and shimmying and not making much headway, John Shepard snorts derisively from where he’s laid out on the bed behind her. Sprawling and relaxing after a morning cuddle session between the two of them that actually DIDN’T result in more monkey sex, he eyes his beautiful Asari lover up and down and shakes his head.

“I already told you, Liara, it doesn’t work like that. Your clothes didn’t shrink.”

Whipping around with a mighty pout on her young-looking face, Liara T’soni gestures down at herself, where she can’t seem to get her pants up over her blue hips and big blue bubble butt.

“Well clearly they DID! Look at me! I didn’t have this much trouble yesterday!”

Cocking his head to the side, John takes her up on her offer and really looks at her for a long moment, making Liara blush and squirm but also smile softly under his clearly appreciating gaze. But after that moment is up, John just shakes his head and lays back with a sigh, lacing his hands behind his head as he stares up at the ceiling of his quarters.

“You didn’t have this much trouble yesterday… but you still had trouble. Those are brand new clothes, Liara. And I got them in your exact measurements… from a week ago. They didn’t shrink, but there’s an obvious reason why they no longer fit you. You grew.”

“A-Are you calling me fat?!”

Groaning, John rolls his eyes as he sends a silent prayer to whatever higher beings might be listening to save him from women in all of their varied shapes and colors. Turning back to Liara again, this time sitting up and swinging his legs off the side of the bed, John looks at her more seriously.

“No, Liara. I’m saying you’re filling out. I’m saying you’ve been growing in a number of different places for a while now, and it’s gotten to the point where it can’t be denied. Your body is changing, and I didn’t want to say anything until you brought it up, but…”

Caught like a deer in the headlights by his sudden turn for the serious, Liara stands there frozen for a moment, eyes wide and face blanched. Then, she whips back around to the mirror she’d been stood in front of and scoffs, no longer looking him in the eye.

“T-That’s… d-don’t be ridiculous! And don’t waste my t-time with such nonsense… I have a class to teach in less than thirty minutes. If you aren’t going to h-help, I…”

Rolling his eyes, John stands up from the bed and walks over. Liara tenses as he approaches, but he just hooks his thumbs into the waistband of her pants and yanks, hard. They just barely manage to avoid tearing as he yanks the somewhat elastic material over Liara’s big blue bubble butt and her wide, equally blue hips.

Letting out a yelp, the Asari blushes purple and averts her gaze as he looks at her via the mirror.

“T-Thank you.”

Smiling softly, John just nods and gives her clothes-clad ass a light pat.

“You’re welcome. Careful about bending over.”

Liara blushes even harder at that, but nevertheless moves very gingerly as John returns to the bed. Getting her top next, the beautiful blue Asari goes about trying to put that on… and John isn’t surprised one bit by her bust giving her trouble. First, it’s the bra not fitting, again. John pretends not to notice Liara’s struggles, but definitely sees her glancing at him via the mirror, trying to stay quiet so she doesn’t draw any more hard truths from his lips.

Eventually, she gives up on the bra altogether and goes for the top instead. John almost intervenes there, not liking the idea of a bunch of young human students from across the galaxy getting a look at Liara’s nips poking through her shirt as she tried to teach them. It would certainly NOT give the right impression as far as he’s aware. Liara wouldn’t like the message she would be sending.

Before he can open his mouth and say as much however, Liara suddenly falls to her knees, a sob escaping her lips. Immediately, John is back out of bed and by her side, crouching down next to her and wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

“Liara! Hey, Liara, what’s wrong?”

“I… I’m transitioning…”

Blinking, John takes a moment to realize what she means. It’s only thanks to his melding with her that he knows what she’s talking about. When he finally understands, it’s a bit jarring for him… after all, Asari usually didn’t transition from the Maiden to Matron until around the age of three-hundred and fifty. And Liara was a couple centuries off from that… if one didn’t count her time in stasis.

Essentially, Asari had three major stages of their incredibly long natural life cycles. First was Maiden, the stage that they remained in from birth all the way to around three or so centuries. Maidens, from what John understood, were naturally curious and restless, exploring the world, or rather the galaxy, out of a sheer NEED to see all that there was to see.

But then there was the Matron stage… the stage where they began to feel the desire to settle down to raise children. Which, when you put it in those terms, suddenly things made a lot more sense. John had been wondering what was going on with Liara, but he hadn’t wanted to pry. And while he had access to all of this knowledge about the Asari thanks to his meld with her, it wasn’t like he was always thinking about all of it. It was a massive database and certain things had to be triggered.

Now though, now he was looking at Liara and realizing the truth. She was entering the Matron stage of her life cycle. And in the end, it didn’t matter if she was a couple centuries early… it was happening whether she wanted it to or not. More than that, if it was happening so early…

“Liara, you’re lactating…”

The beautiful buxom Asari nods as she cries. That was what had sent her to her knees in the first place, from the look of things. She’d been trying to get her top on, having given up on the bra, and the pressure she’d been putting on her growing tits had caused them to begin to leak milk. John’s mouth is dry as he watches the rivulets of Asari breast milk cascade down Liara’s chest. She is… very sexy right now, admittedly.

But she also needs his help.

“Right then, no class today. I’m cancelling it.”

“What?! N-No! I have to… I have to keep showing my v-value!”

Grabbing Liara by her face and bringing his forehead to rest against hers, John stares his Asari lover right in the eyes.

“Liara, you are priceless, you hear me? You don’t need to do anything to show your value. I won’t let anyone hurt you or take you from me, alright? Besides, you need to see Dr. Chakwas. While her experience with extraterrestrial entities is incredibly limited, we still need to seek professional medical advice on our next steps forward.”

Liara’s lower lip trembles, and she nods as she looks at him with fondness and adoration. Before they can both move however, the door to his quarters slides open, admitting the third member of their triple-way relationship.

“Liara, class is starting soon, I was just wondering what was taking so- oh! What’s going on?!”

John smiles as Kelly’s voice immediately turns concerned and the human woman hurries over to their side. Looking at her, John nods in greeting.

“Classes are cancelled, Kelly. Go ahead and send out the message, let them know the Professor is taking a sick day.”

Kelly doesn’t hesitate, immediately sending off the message via her Omni-tool. As Liara’s assistant, she’s the perfect woman for that short and easy job. As their lover however, she rests a hand on Liara’s shoulder as soon as she’s done, still looking concerned.

“What’s the problem?”

“I-It’s… it’s not so much a p-problem per say. It’s just… something I’ve been ignoring f-for some time now.”

Staring down into her hands, Liara sighs.

“I’m transitioning from the Maiden stage of my species’ life cycle to the Matron stage. And the reason for it… would appear to be t-that I’m pregnant…”

Kelly’s eyebrows lift as Liara speaks, and then light up near the end.

“Oh! That’s wonderful! You’re going to be a mom!”

“Y-Yeah… yes, I am…”

A small smile on Liara’s face shows that she truly is excited by the idea. She’s just also a little overwhelmed. Giving out a harumph, Liara reaches up and cradles her big blue tits for a moment in her hands, hefting them up and groaning as she shakes her head in dismay.

“J-Just wish I didn’t have to get so FAT in the meantime…”

Kelly blinks at that, and then shoots John a glance. He just rolls his eyes and shakes his head at her unspoken question. No, he doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with Liara’s new looks either. In fact, he finds her gorgeous MILF body to be exceptionally sexy. Grinning, Kelly just nods back in response.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Liara. You’re not fat. You’re super fucking hot. I’ve been wondering why my eyes keep getting drawn to your tits more than usual for some time now. It’s because these beautiful babies were becoming the milk jugs they were always meant to be in preparation for your child! It’s completely natural… or rather, even if it’s not natural, it’s fine! Here, I’ll show you!”

Kelly suddenly leans forward, and John isn’t sure whether to facepalm or kiss the red head as she takes one of Liara’s nipples in her mouth, sucking on it right then and there. Liara lets out a moan of surprise, tilting her head back while Kelly’s other hand goes to her second breast, playing with and toying with it.

He’d fully intended to have them go to the Doctor as soon as possible once Liara’s class had been cancelled for the day. That, it would seem, wasn’t to be in the cards. Especially with how Liara was planting her hand on the back of Kelly’s head and dragging her in all the harder, getting the human woman to drink more of her milk.

“Oooh, that feels soooo good…”

Alright, if the two were going to be such sexy fucking bitches right next to him… standing up, John reaches down and releases his cock from its confines, bringing his impressively large member out and letting it stand tall right in front of Liara’s heavily lidded eyes. Her gaze widens at the sight of it, before growing hazy again in abject lust as she moans out and leans forward to begin sucking him off.

She starts by peppering the side of his cock with kisses, before moving down to the end and taking him in her mouth. Kelly, meanwhile, continues to drink from Liara’s bust for the time being, switching from one nipple to the other after a short while, clearly trying to get her fill from both of the MILF-y Asari’s tits.

One thing leads to another, and they end up back on the bed. John finds himself laying down on his back in fact, watching as Kelly helps Liara impale herself on his cock. The pants that he’d managed to get onto his buxom, voluptuous Asari lover had indeed torn when she’d collapsed to her knees earlier. All the easier to get them off though at the end of the day, he supposed.

Completely naked, Liara’s beautiful transforming body is on full display as she sinks down John’s cock. Her puffy pussy lips have never looked puffier, her hips have never looked wider, and her breasts have never looked larger. Even now, her massive blue boobs are leaking more milk as Kelly hugs her from behind and wraps her arms around to give her tits a nice, hard squeeze.

Moaning up a storm, Liara begins to ride him, and John starts to fuck her from below, his hands on her hips and his fingers digging in as he jackhammers up into her with hard, fast thrusts. She’s not showing anything yet pregnancy-wise, so he figures it’s probably still safe for them to fuck like animals, and Liara is certainly enjoying it very much too, so he doubts she’d let him stop or slow down even if he tried.

His MILF of an Asari Lover’s eyes roll up in her head in short order, her mouth wide open as her pillowy lips let out a truly wanton cry of moaning ecstasy. Kelly, meanwhile, is licking along Liara’s neck and whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Thanks to John’s enhancements, he can of course hear everything that the Yeoman is saying to their Asari Lover.

“You’re going to make such a great mother, Liara. You’re going to look so amazing when your pregnancy starts showing. And the Commander and I will be there with you every step of the way, don’t you worry. We’re not going to leave you. We’re never going to leave you.”

He agrees with all of it, of course, and it certainly seems to do the trick with Liara, who cries out as she cums for him again and again, until finally he spills his seed inside of her. The three of them all have their fill of one another, with John even getting a taste of Asari Breast Milk when Liara collapses forward onto his chest and her tits end up in his face.

It tastes amazing, to be quite honest, and he drinks long and full as she rubs against him, moaning wantonly the entire time. Finally, though, they all slowly come out of their post-coitus enjoyment and come back to their senses, returning to the real world where not everything can be sex and sexy times forever.

“Right, let’s get a shower and then get Liara into some of my clothes so we can go and see Chakwas. We need to know… if there’s anything we need to know, I suppose.”

“Y-Yes… that makes sense…”

While still acting somewhat subdued, Liara also radiates a sort of satisfaction, the stress of the situation in no way gone, but much more manageable now. John is glad they took some time to… relieve the tension before going to see the ship doctor. As always, Yeoman Chambers had come through in a big way, her expertise shining as she knew exactly what Liara needed emotionally.

Physically though, they still didn’t know nearly enough. While Chakwas might not know much about the Asari, her lab would still have the equipment they needed to perform scans and allow them to come to their own determinations about their next steps forward.

As they all make their way to the shower, John can’t help but grin. He… he was going to be a father.



This really needs to become a series like the Playing the Game or Professor Potter at some point, there is so much potential, especially as new Girls can be introduced easily over time as new genetic material for Liara in order to rebuild the Asari race.


Heh, appreciate your enthusiasm but this is never likely to be that kind of story. Playing the Game and Professor Potter are my own ideas which I then have the patrons vote on options for as I write out the fics. The Resurrection is a commissioner's idea. That commissioner just also happens to be a higher tier patron, so after they submitted the first chapter and it won, they had me write a second chapter as a commission for them, and then submitted the third chapter as another prompt. I will say there are plans in the work for more chapters, but this story will always be a commission, which ultimately means it can and will end at the drop of a hat without my input, unlike Playing the Game or Professor Potter, which I will write until I'm finished with them.