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Themes: Threesome, Rough Sex, Dom/Sub

Summary: Part 3 of In Over Her Head. After finding out she's pregnant with Naruto's child, Samui does the only thing she can do. She defects to the Hidden Leaf Village. Needless to say, they have to make sure this isn't a trap or a ticking time bomb of some sort, so she finds herself being questioned by Anko Mitarashi. After hearing everything Samui has to say, Anko just HAS to give the blond maverick a spin for herself.


“So, you wanna defect to the Hidden Leaf Village, huh?”

Icy blue eyes stare up at Anko Mitarashi as she steps into the interrogation room, arms crossed over her chest. One look at the subject of her next interrogation has Anko wondering why the hell she was brought in. Is it just because she’s a woman? How sexist.


Cocking her head to the side, regarding the defecting Cloud Kunoichi with a hum, Anko raises an eyebrow.

“You do realize that we currently have a treaty with the Hidden Cloud Village, right? One that explicitly states we must officially recognize all asylum seekers as Missing Nin and remand them to the custody of Hidden Cloud Hunter-Nin on the double, yes?”

“I am aware.”

Anko snorts, impressed despite herself on the balls of this kunoichi. Despite still being uncertain why SHE was called in, especially given her unique set of skills lent more towards torture then a light-handed interrogation, Anko could admit… she was a little intrigued. This woman before her was Samui, a Jonin from the Land of Lighting Hidden Village, Kumogakure.

From what they knew of her, she was apparently working for the Fourth Raikage personally in the time leading up to the Fourth Shinobi War. But that was all over now, and the dust was settling. They had peace at last, though how long it would last still remained to be seen. Personally, cynic that she was, Anko put her money on war breaking out again sooner rather than later.

That said, this bitch could be the trigger for said war, if everything went to shit. She’d apparently faked her own demise, and rumors of her death had just reached the ears of Konoha’s intel department when Samui herself showed up on their doorstep, revealing her identity to the Sixth Hokage, Kakashi Hatake. After which, she was rapidly taken into T&I, where she’d landed in Anko’s hands.

Frankly, Anko had no doubt that Kakashi would have happily either slaughtered Samui or turned her back over to the Hidden Cloud Village in a heartbeat, if not for the blonde’s condition. After all, the Sixth Hokage could certainly be practical. But not where his students were concerned.

Samui wasn’t just defecting on a lark, and that was probably why she was alive, and why Anko had been instructed to take a soft hand with her. She was defecting… because apparently, right before the Fourth Shinobi War had begun in earnest, Naruto Uzumaki had knocked her up.

Anko’s eyes slide down to Samui’s slight baby bump, and she can’t help herself. The corner of her mouth quirks up into a sardonic smirk as she lifts an eyebrow at the blonde kunoichi.

“He was that good, was he?”

Samui blushes, and her icy blue gaze grows flinty… but then she ducks her head and smiles a soft, very real smile.


Gobsmacked, Anko lets out a bark of laughter and shakes her head.

“Hah! Didn’t know the brat had it in him!”

“He’s far more than a brat. But I will admit, you wouldn’t know it until you had him in you…”

Samui’s response leaves Anko more than intrigued… now she’s downright interested. Licking her lips, the somewhat eccentric Special Jonin leans in.

“Obviously, you can’t join our Ninja Forces. But the Hokage thinks you might have a use here in the village in another way… if what you say about your time with Naruto is true. So I guess this is your last chance to come clean. You lying to me at all? Because if we find out you are, well…”

If Samui is unnerved by the threat, she doesn’t show it. Instead, the blonde looks Anko dead in the eye and speaks clearly and concisely, not a hint of deceit in her voice.

“I have not lied once. Naruto Uzumaki knocked me up. Konoha is the only safe place for me to have his child. Hence, I came here. I understand there are treaties, which is why I faked my own death before leaving Kumo. I don’t expect to ever be allowed on active duty again… but I do expect to be allowed to speak with Naruto and tell him of his child.”

Bound in Chakra Suppression Seals as she currently is, Anko has to admire the other kunoichi’s guts, making demands like that. Still, with Kakashi as Sixth Hokage, there was never any doubt that Naruto would have been called in. Smirking, Anko licks her lips again.

“That… can be arranged.”


He’s not sure what he’s doing here, but he’s not too worried about it. Striding into the room, Naruto is a little surprised when he sees Samui sitting there bound in Chakra Suppression Seals, but this is T&I and he might have a cheery disposition and a carefree attitude, but he’s NOT stupid by any stretch of the imagination. How could he be, after three years as the Toad Sage’s apprentice? The man had been known as The Legendary Pervert by most… all the better cover for his true identity as Konoha’s Spymaster.

Standing there with her arms crossed over her chest against the side wall is Anko Mitarashi. Naruto looks both women over for a moment and then smiles at the two of them.


“You know who she is, Naruto?”

At Anko’s question, Naruto chuckles.

“Of course! She was one of our guards while B and I did our training.”

“Uh huh. And did you know you knocked her up?”

Naruto hadn’t known that, and his eyebrows climb as he looks over at Samui to see his fuck buddy blushing like crazy. A slow grin spreads across his face at the news.

“No… but I do now! This is great!”

He starts moving towards Samui, though whether to remove the seals or just pull her into a hug seals and all, he couldn’t say. Anko stops him anyways, with a thrown senbon into the ground right at his feet.

“Not so fast, Naruto. The Hokage set me to the task of investigating this one’s claims. I’m not done yet.”

Furrowing his brow, Naruto crosses his arms over his own broad chest and frowns.

“What more is there to investigate? We fucked… a lot. I definitely came inside of her a lot too. She’s pregnant with my kid. Investigation done.”

“Not quite. She made some claims that I have decided bear… further investigation. Lose the pants, Naruto. Now.”

Looking at Anko, actually looking at the gorgeous snake-themed femme fatale as she licks her lips suggestively and stares at him in a way that makes him feel like she wants to swallow him whole, Naruto finally understands. And grins.

“Oh, is that all? Yeah, I guess that part of her story might have been a little too hard to swallow.”

His lewd humor draws a snicker from Anko as he begins to strip down, while Samui scowls and mutters something under her breath that sounds like ‘I didn’t give her any details’. But Naruto doesn’t mind if Anko wants a look. Hell, he won’t mind even if she wants a ride. Yanking down his pants and kicking them off, the Last Uzumaki stands there proudly with his hands on his hips, his cock still mostly soft… and yet long and thick and eye-catching all the same.

Anko’s gaze drops to it, as does Samui’s, and neither kunoichi can look away. Snickering, Naruto reaches down and takes his impressive girth in his hand, giving it a couple strokes and starting it on the fast track to fully erect.

“Like what you see, An-ko? Samui did too. She was VERY impressed.”

“… I’m not surprised. That’s a fucking monster of a cock, you cocky brat.”

Naruto just laughs and shrugs.

“If the shoe fits…”

Scoffing, but clearly as amused as she is interested, Anko pushes off the wall and saunters forward. The gorgeous woman, clad in nothing but fishnets under her coat, drops into a crouch right in front of him. When she takes hold of his cock from him with one hand, he lets her, watching as she struggles to handle his sheer size with just five fingers.

In the end, much to his amusement, she has to bring up the second hand as well, half-glaring at him as she double-fists his still-growing cock. Then, as if she’d been challenged and wasn’t going to go down without a fight, Anko Mitarashi leans forward and all but unhinges her jaw as she opens wide and takes his cock in her mouth.

Naruto lets out a groan and places a hand on the back of the Special Jonin’s spiky hair as she does her level best to swallow his titanic girth. She really is giving it her all, and given her techniques, her all is actually pretty good. Still, even for someone trained in snake arts, he’s got a pretty massive trouser anaconda.

Anko does her best to take him down her throat, but every time she gazes down the length of his cock, she finds more and more of him waiting for her to stuff into her esophagus. Eventually, she starts to gag and choke, gurgling on his dick as she refuses to back down.

“Glughk… Glughk… Glughk…”

Looking over the top of her head at Samui, who’s still restrained, Naruto just grins goofily.

“We’re going to have a baby, Samui!”

Blushing and averting her gaze, the Cloud Kunoichi nevertheless smiles.

“Yes, Naruto, we are…”

“Hehe! Don’t you worry, I’ll get you out of here as fast as possible! Just have to handle an obstacle first.”

Taking some umbrage with that, Anko yanks herself back off of his cock and Naruto lets her. Still stroking his spit-polished member with both hands, Anko smirks up at him as she cocks an eyebrow.

“An obstacle, am I?”

Grinning, Naruto decides to put actions before words, as well as find out just how flexible the Snake Kunoichi is at the same time. He’s gotten a lot faster since the first time he and Anko met, just after the First Task of his first ever Chunin Exams. Not many people in Konoha know or understand just how much Naruto has improved. Anko among them.

As such, she doesn’t even get a chance to react before he’s pulled her up out of her crouch and off her feet entirely. The gorgeous, eternally confident femme fatale lets out a fairly undignified squawk as she finds herself spun around and folded up into a full nelson in what feels like the span of half a second. Naruto’s big, strong arms slide under her legs and wrap back around so that his hands can lace together behind her head.

As he immobilizes her like that, holding her dripping wet pussy aloft over his cock, Anko is forced to make eye contact with Samui… who snorts in amusement and smirks right back at her interrogator.

“You’re in for a treat. That’s his favorite position.”

Deciding that Samui has done the talking for him, Naruto doesn’t stop to say anything… nor does he give Anko a chance to say anything either. He drops the Special Jonin down onto his cock without so much as a by your leave. The fishnet bodysuit that Anko wears doesn’t stand a chance, ripping to shreds in the face of such a massive member as he plunges up into her from below.

Anko squeals as she’s impaled on the biggest dick of her entire life. For a Kunoichi who’s specialized in seduction and assassination missions for longer than she can remember, it’s a little humiliating to be so thoroughly taken by a man. But it IS Naruto Uzumaki, and while Anko hadn’t actually gotten to see it, she’d heard enough reports about the final battles of the Fourth Shinobi War that she should have suspected he would be this fast and this strong.

Stepping forward, bouncing her on his dick as he goes, Naruto brings Anko over to Samui’s bound form. Without missing a beat, the blonde kunoichi leans forward and lets her tongue loll out, slurping along Naruto’s shaft as it pistons in and out of Anko’s cunt, and suckling at his massive bouncing gonads. All the while, Anko is absolutely losing her mind… and before she knows it, losing control of her body as well.

Squirting with an orgasmic shriek, the Special Jonin’s eyes roll back in her head as her tongue lolls out of her mouth. Her entire body, voluptuous and gorgeous as it is firm and athletic, bounces up and down on Naruto’s cock throughout her explosive climax. The pussy juices that spray out around his pistoning prick however, they go all over Samui… and some land on the Chakra Suppression Seals holding her in place.

Now… it would take an awful lot of liquid to ruin such seals. An awful lot of fluids indeed. But Naruto seems intent on making a point, and neither Anko nor Samui are in any position to stop him. All either woman can do is succumb to the pleasure of his big fat cock as he pounds into Anko’s folded up body from below, using their combined bodily fluids to slowly erode and eventually snap the Chakra Suppression Seals keeping Samui in bondage.

To be fair, it was just a precaution. So long as she actually was carrying Naruto’s child, there was never a world where the Sixth Hokage wasn’t going to order her freed. That’s what a very beleaguered Anko tells herself anyways, as she’s fucked to hell and back, pounded into what feels like putty by Naruto’s massive cock. She wanted to know what it was like… and now she knew.

But the saying ‘be careful what you wish for’ existed for a reason, and Anko was beginning to wonder how she could ever hope to live without this magnificent member, ever again.

Naruto finally cums inside of her, filling her womb with his seed, and it hits Anko in that orgasmic moment that she already knows a way to make sure she doesn’t have to live without his dick. After all, she’s got an example of how to get close to him right in front of her, doesn’t she?

As Anko is laid down to rest on the chair Samui was just in, the blonde kunoichi, freed of her bondage, descends to her knees and takes Naruto in HER mouth to begin working him back to full hardness so she can have her turn on his dick.

Neither she nor Naruto are quite expecting Anko to recover in mere moments and join her in that kneeling position, however. Still, as both kunoichi share a look, recognizing that neither of them are going to back down… they settle in to share Naruto’s huge cock between them, working together to suck and clean his dick for Round Two.


Colin Peden

Let's not forget that doing that would also put her in the first wife position. The others would be secondary wives or would be relegated to concubines.


What a nice way to end my birthday week, with a nice threesome story

Pure Dingo

Great chapter, I would love to see Hinata step up and make a move on Naruto and confess she has always known about the size of his cock and has wanted it since the academy. Then she shows how slutty she really is and all Samui and Anko can do is watch shocked but knowing it is always the quiet ones.