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Themes: Cheating, Fucked Silly, Big Dick

Summary: Part 3 of The Phenex. From the outside looking in, one might assume that Grayfia Lucifuge, commonly known as the Strongest Queen, was happy. After all, she had everything, didn't she? Wealth, influence, the love of a Great Satan. But one thing Grayfia didn't have and always desired was her husband's best friend's massive schlong. Naruto Phenex had a habit of seducing married MILFs, but the one he'd never touched was Grayfia, out of respect for Sirzechs. She's finally tired of being passed over.

A/N: Also found this image to base Grayfia's seducing uniform on.


All’s well that ends well, as far as Naruto Phenex was concerned. Sitting back in his favorite chair in front of the fireplace of his own personal townhome, Naruto lets a satisfied smile drift across his face. Not only had he saved his little brother and Sirzechs’ little sister from some form of heartbreak by getting their arrangement annulled without any bad blood between their two families… but he’d gotten to fuck a smoking hot pair of MILFs while doing it.

Did it surprise or bother Naruto that his father’s second wife had ultimately succumbed to the same thing every woman did once they spent enough time in his presence? Frankly, not all that much. His father Lord Phenex should have kept a better eye on her if he didn’t want the Lady Phenex to cheat on him. And besides, they’d had four children together over the centuries, an unheard of number among Pureblood Devils. Needless to say, Naruto wasn’t going to lose any sleep at night over having a sexy fucking threesome with Lady Phenex and Lady Gremory.

With Riser and Rias no longer due to marry, Naruto supposed he would need to find some new project to turn his attention towards. Unlike Sirzechs, he didn’t have the same workload as a Great Satan, leaving him with plenty of time on his hands to meddle. The only question was, where to next? Would he mess around in the Underworld any further? Or perhaps it was time to consider the other factions. Should he toy with the Fallen a bit? Or perhaps even Heaven itself? It’d been so long since he’d seen Lady Gabriel last…

Well, whatever he was going to do next, it could wait for tomorrow. Tonight, he was feeling decidedly cozy and uncharacteristically unwilling to get off his ass and do anything. Tomorrow would be-

A sudden knock at his door makes Naruto groan. Of course an interruption would arrive right as he was contemplating turning in for the night. With a simple spell, he checks who it is. If it’s an evangelical, he’s going to do terrible things to them. If it’s a door-to-door salesman, he’s going to do even worse.

But no, much to Naruto’s mild surprise and a mixture of pleasure and displeasure, it’s neither of those two things. Instead, it’s a familiar face, an old friend in fact. Grayfia Lucifuge stands at his front door, and with a put-upon sigh, Naruto Phenex rises from his chair and goes to meet her.

“Grayfia, what can I do for you?”

“May I come in, Naruto?”

“… Sure, sure.”

Naruto watches as Grayfia steps into the room, all of her usual dignity and poise in every move she makes. Commonly known as the Strongest Queen, Naruto knew her as Sirzechs’ wife, for all that she seemed intent on parading around in maid attire and acting like she was nothing more than his servant. But Naruto was friends with both of them, had been since the Great War, and knew how close they were.

It was why he’d never so much as laid a hand on Grayfia, even when she became precisely his type a few years ago after giving birth to his godson, Millicas. If there was one thing Naruto loved, it was a brand spanking new MILF… but no, he’d refrained because it was Sirzechs’ wife and the man was one of the few friends he had left in this world.

That didn’t mean there wasn’t a lot about Grayfia to appreciate. From the way she dressed, to the way she composed herself… she was a gorgeous MILFy maid, that was for sure. She was- wait, what was he doing? Naruto shakes his head as he lets Grayfia lead him back into his own living room. Why exactly was he suddenly checking out Sirzechs’ wife when he’d just been thinking about why he’d never tried anything with her?

The reason why becomes apparent a moment later when Grayfia stops in the center of the living room and turns to face him. Without hesitation, the gorgeous silver-haired MILF reaches up, grabs a certain section of her maid uniform… and simply rips it away. Naruto’s eyes widen at the display as Grayfia exposes much more of her body to him in but a moment.

In one fell swoop, she’s removed ninety percent of her attire. What’s left behind is something akin to a bikini top, if that bikini top was made for a barmaid, and skimpy little apron that barely reaches her thighs, let alone covering up her creamy hips and pale ass. She’s still got the sleeves of her uniform on, along with the garter belt and thigh-high stockings, but without the rest of the ensemble, all those bits and pieces do is make her look more erotic and fuckable as she stands there in front of him, hands clasped in front of her.

“I can see you approve, Naruto. That’s good, because I’ve been assigned to take care of your every need by my King for the next week.”

Blinking owlishly, Naruto’s brain stutters for a moment before he comes back to himself. No wonder he was checking Grayfia out before. His own special brand of energy made it impossible for him to not unconsciously notice the ‘take me’ vibes that Grayfia had been emitting, but he hadn’t consciously felt them until now, when she made her intentions visibly clear.

“Sirzechs… did what?”

Smiling softly, Grayfia inclines her head.

“My King and Master was ever so grateful that you stepped in with regards to his younger sister and your brother. He could tell it was a poor match as well as you could, but thanks to his position as Great Satan, his hands were tied. Anything he did would have likely been seen as heavy handed at best, outright nepotism at worst. Not to mention how it would have damaged relations between him and his parents, as well as Lord and Lady Phenex.”

Dropping to her knees right then and there, an action that does interesting things to her very bouncy chest, Grayfia shuffles forward until she can reach for his crotch.

“In thanks, Sirzechs has seen fit to assign me as your personal maid for the next week, Lord Phenex. I see that my mere presence is already causing you difficulties, so allow me to assist you, my lord…”

As she’s taking his cock out of his pants, Naruto is struggling to catch up. By the time he places a hand atop Grayfia’s head, forcing her to come to a stop, she already has his throbbing phallus in her hand and is stroking his sizable length up and down.

“There’s no way Sirzechs just GAVE you to me for a week, Grayfia. I know how close you two are!”

Smirking, Grayfia just looks up at him, her silver eyes filled with desire and need and a distinct amount of lust. No love though, from what he can tell. Which just goes to show how right he is.

“Sirzechs knows that I am here. And he’s long known my need for you. That is enough. I have lusted for you for centuries, Naruto. I have held myself back all this time, but after giving birth to Millicas, the yearning became a hundred times worth. Almost as if the nurturing, life-giving energy that you encapsulate called to my newly christened mother’s body all the more. I need this… and I know you want me.”

It’s probably a testament to Naruto Phenex’s devilhood that he just grimaces and doesn’t protest any further after Grayfia’s speech. With a knowing look of amusement on her face, the gorgeous, sluttily dressed maid leans forward and opens wide, taking his cock right into her mouth. She begins to slurp and suck on it quite lewdly, her tongue swirling around his dick tip and writhing along the underside of his shaft.

Groaning, Naruto finds his hands instinctively going to the two smaller braids that Grayfia has near her face. The rest of her long silver hair cascades down behind her in a pair of drill-braids, but her front locks… they’re done up perfectly for the purpose of being handlebars, and that’s how Naruto ends up using them, groaning and growling as he begins to drive his cock into Grayfia’s mouth and down the back of her throat, forcing his entire length past her esophagus.

To the Strongest Queen’s credit, she tries her best to swallow him down and suppress her gag reflex at first. But eventually it becomes too much for her, and she begins to choke and gurgle and gag on his massive prick.

“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”

However, when Naruto tries to slow down, when he tries to pull back to give her more room to breathe, Grayfia reaches up and wraps her arms around his waist, pulling him forward into her throat all the deeper, making clear her NEED to have his cock in her mouth. Finally, with a loud groan, Naruto cums down Grayfia’s gullet, filling her belly with a hot, thick load of his seed.

But as they both know, he’s far from finished… in fact, he’s just getting started. Grayfia doesn’t protest when Naruto pulls her off of his cock and up onto her knees, only to spin her around and bend her over right then and there. The cute little slutty apron she’s wearing doesn’t extend to the back of course, leaving her ass fully exposed and her bare-naked pussy lips slopping wet with her arousal.

As he shoves two fingers up inside of her with one hand, Naruto pulls her head back by her hair with the other, growling into her ear.

“A whole week, huh? I suppose we have a lot of lost time to make up for. You know I won’t be gentle, right?”

Moaning and clenching down HARD around his fingers, Grayfia wiggles in place, her assets jiggling all over her body. It’s a stark contrast from the poised, cool, and professional woman he’s always known, but then, Naruto is well aware of the effect he has on females… MILFs in particular.

“You, nngh, don’t have to play nice with me, N-Naruto. I want it. I want everything you have to give me.”

Man, first Lady Gremory, then Lady Phenex, and now Sirzechs’ wife? What was with Naruto’s luck recently? All the same, he wasn’t the kind of devil who would back down from such an offer, or who would ignore such spectacular begging. He’d never claimed to be a selfless or good man. With a loud growl, he places his cock at the entrance of his best friend’s wife… and slams forward.

Grayfia’s answering squeal fills the living room as Naruto begins to fuck her from behind hard and fast. Bent over with her legs spread wide, all she can do is stand on her tip toes to account for their height difference as she takes his thick, fat schlong all the way to the base time and time again.

Starting out on her hips, Naruto’s hands eventually begin to wander. They slide up to her bouncing, jiggling breasts for a moment after the sheer pounding he’s giving her causes her top to fall away and them to come pouring out, but eventually he settles for taking hold of her longer thicker braids, pulling them back behind her and using them as reins as he fucks her deeply from behind.

“Yes! Yes, Naruto! This is it! Give it to me harder! Oh fuck, oh HELL you’re so DEEP inside of me! More, please my lord! Give me more!”

That he can do, and that he does. Driving his cock in and out of Grayfia’s cunt, fucking her all the way to her cervix and ramming into it with full force, it’s not long before Naruto feels Grayfia cumming around his dick. Once she starts, she can’t seem to stop, her arousal clear and powerful, her pussy walls clenching and squeezing down along his shaft.

Her voice eventually becomes incomprehensible, her ability to speak lost as she resorts instead to unintelligible squeals and shrieks of orgasmic ecstasy. Still Naruto keeps on fucking her, still he continues to pound this gorgeous, slutty MILF as hard as he fucking can. Plowing her is honestly like a dream come true if he’s being honest. Grayfia Lucifuge was always a beauty, but after she gave birth to Millicas… Naruto had been feeling it as well, how the sexual tension between them had only grown more and more intense with every single meeting.

Perhaps that’s what drove him to fuck her mother-in-law in an attempt to take the edge off. Or perhaps he’d fucked Venelana simply because he WANTED to fuck Venelana. Either way, Naruto takes Grayfia to pound town and then, stretching the metaphor a bit, builds them both a home there so they can live in pound town for the foreseeable future.

Fucking the gorgeous silver-haired maid into a stupor is Naruto’s honest-to-Satan pleasure, and he makes sure to leave her face down in the middle of the living room with her ass high in the air and her cunt disgorging his cum. She’s his maid for a week after all, so she’ll clean up after herself once she wakes up. In the meantime, Naruto heads to bed. He DID say he wanted to turn in early, after all.


The next morning, Naruto is tangentially aware of Grayfia’s presence in the town home. He wakes up too early for her to wake him up herself, however. Instead, Naruto finds himself sitting at the dining room table, wondering how much of yesterday was real and how much of it was a dream. It’s only when Grayfia comes sauntering into the room with two plates laden with sugary sweet breakfast pastries that it really hits home how real it is.

Clad in her slutty maid attire from the day before and nothing else, the beautiful silver-haired MILF beams as she saunters forward and puts the plates of fresh breakfast down in front of him.

“My lord… your breakfast is served. And if you would have anything else of me, you need only ask.”

The breathless undertone to her voice makes it clear what she means, and Naruto feels his cock growing hard even faster than it already was due to her look. As he hums consideringly for a moment, the Phenex Heir eventually decides on just what to say.

“Well, before you came in, I dropped a rather large sausage beneath the table. Perhaps you can get that.”

Grinning wickedly, Grayfia wastes no time in dropping to her knees.

“Of course, sir!”

With that, she crawls under the table. Just as Naruto is digging into the breakfast she’s made him, Grayfia is pulling his hard cock out of its confines and swallowing his ‘sausage’ right down the back of her willing throat with a gusto that can only come from a ‘good morning’ blowjob.


Pedro Jose Bello Belen

Will there be more of this series? Because honestly I’d like to see another part with Naruto fucking yet another woman like say, Yasaka, Shuri Himejima or even Miki Hyoudou.

Aron Gonzalez

I agree. Seeing them plus sona mom and Melissa Beal