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Themes: Threesome, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly

Summary: Part 2 of A Feisty Form of Worship. Once again, divine shenanigans result in Percy being displaced (though this time with his new 'High Priestess' along for the ride) and leave him replacing another hero. When all is said and done, the young demigod fills in for Milo Thatch quite well. At least, Princess Kida thinks so, and with a severe case of hero worship, the Atlantean Princess desires nothing more than to thank her savior. Luckily for her, High Priestess Chel is all too eager to show her the way.


“… What if I am not adequate, High Priestess?”

The derisive laugh she receives in response to her query does not in any way set Kidagakash Nedakh at ease. Princess Kida, now Queen Kida of Atlantis, flushes as the one known Chel giggles at her expense. There’s no denying it, the white-haired Atlantean is not used to feeling… inadequate. But in the face of the woman she’s currently speaking with, she doesn’t know how she can feel anything but.

Eventually calming down, Chel looks to her and blinks in surprise.

“Oh wait, you’re serious. Don’t be ridiculous, Kida. Not only are you a Queen now, you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever met. What part of you would not be adequate for my lord?”

Biting her lower lip, Kida doesn’t answer with words. Instead, she pointedly rakes her eyes up and down the High Priestess’ voluptuous figure, as if that alone will prove her point. Chel doesn’t fail to notice what she’s doing, and she even grins a little and poses for Kida in a way that makes the newly coronated Atlantean Queen flush in embarrassment.

“Ah, so you think because you’re not as soft and curvaceous as me, that Percy won’t give you the time of day.”

That’s exactly what Kida is thinking, though she wasn’t going to say it out loud. Giving the other woman a wry look, Kida shakes her head.

“I’m not as shameless, either. What use would he have for me, when he has you as his High Priestess?”

She feels like she has a pretty good point, even as she finds herself thinking of her people’s savior, her breath hitching and her thighs rubbing together the moment he comes to mind. Percy Jackson was… he was a hero. A bonafide hero, like from the old stories. He’d shown up in the nick of time too, and not only did he somehow have the ability to read and speak Atlantean fluently, he had powers, control over water and an invulnerability that allowed him to stand up to Rourke most effectively.

Her father still died, but Kida understood now that her father the King had been dying for a long time, ever since her mother had made the ultimate sacrifice. They were together now, her parents, and she knew they were happy, wherever they might be. Kida, meanwhile, was left behind, the new Queen of a newly restored Atlantis.

But to be honest, she wasn’t as interested in ruling as she’d originally thought she would be. Her every waking thought (and most of her dreams as well) was consumed with the man who’d made it all possible. The man that Chel claimed was a god, for all that he said he was only the Son of a God, a ‘demigod’, whatever that was.

“You think that just because he has me, he has no use for you. But I shall let you in on a little secret, your majesty.”

Chel leans forward, the mischievous woman grinning wickedly, and Kida finds herself leaning in as well on instinct, wanting to hear what she has to say, especially concerning Percy.

“My divine lord is far too much for just one woman to handle.”

Eyes widening at that, Kida stares at Chel in disbelief… and perhaps a little hope. Chel, meanwhile, radiates smugness as she plants her hands on her hips.

“It’s like this, Kida. Percy won’t ever admit it, but he looks at you and definitely likes what he sees. He was the same way with me. I had to make the first move though, before he’d actually act on his desires. You may not have what I have, but you impress him in other ways.”

Unwilling to let herself hope too much, Kida still struggles to keep her desire out of her voice as she licks her lips and speaks.

“What… what are you saying?”

Grinning, her rather perverse friend licks her lips right back, though she does it far more salaciously.

“I’m saying that there’s more than enough of Percy for us to share. And if you follow my lead, I’ll make sure that you get everything you want. Deal, Queen Kida?”

Blushing at the pointed addition of her title, the reminder that she’s pretty much in charge of everything now and no longer has to tiptoe around her father, Kida spends only a moment contemplating the offer… before vigorously nodding her head.



If he’d thought El Dorado was a mess, this really took the cake. Though, Percy was beginning to suspect that Annabeth wouldn’t be tanning anything of his any time soon. So far, he’d been thrust through time and now dimensions. Percy knew this, because while El Dorado could be argued away as just a time period thing… this was the wrong Atlantis. Where he came from, Atlantis was the location of his dad’s palace, where all of the merpeople lived. It was NOT an ancient, sunken city filled with normal (albeit very dated) human beings who were the survivors of a great calamity.

If Percy needed any further proof that he was not in his home dimension, it was exceedingly obvious when he reached out to the Ocean and it sung back to him like never before. His strength here was overwhelming. It was like he’d slipped into his father’s empty throne and taken over the Ocean God’s domains. Probably because that was precisely what he’d accidentally did.

Still, it’d let him save Princess Kida and her people and the Heart of Atlantis from Rourke and his greed, so at least there was that. Now, Percy was just glad that the hard part seemed to be over. He didn’t envy Kida’s new position as Queen one bit… he certainly had no desire to be King. Which was why this was a little awkward.

He’d received word that Kida and Chel wanted to meet with him in the throne room, alone. Chel, who had styled herself as his ‘High Priestess’ and somehow followed him across time and dimensions, could not be trusted alone for too long, lest she get up to all kinds of mischief. Whatever she’d convinced the Queen of Percy was prepared to apologize on her behalf.

However, when he arrives in the throne room, it’s to find Kida and Chel both waiting for him… and as he approaches, before he can speak, the newly minted Atlantean Queen smiles and gestures to her father’s old seat.

“Please, sit.”

Percy blinks owlishly at the throne.

“Oh, uh, that’s… I couldn’t possibly-!”

As he’s stuttering and stammering, Kida and Chel exchange a glance, only for Kida to stride over to him, grab him by the arm, and pull him over. Now, the Atlantean woman is actually incredibly strong. She’s not just physically fit but can also call upon the power of the Heart of Atlantis, an artifact with close ties to his own powers.

That’s all to say, she’s not stronger then him, especially not with his father’s absence, but Percy isn’t exactly willing to fight her to prove it, so he ultimately finds himself forcibly pushed down into the throne by the Atlantean Queen in short order. Kida follows this up by dropping to her knees in front of him, directing a tentative smile up at him, even as her hands move towards his crotch.

Before Percy can move to stop her, Chel runs her own hands down his chest, speaking quietly into his ear, though not so quietly that Kida can’t hear.

“This is what she wants, Percy. The Queen of Atlantis wishes to reward the God of the Oceans and Seas for his assistance in saving her people. Will you deny her that? As your High Priestess, I cannot advise it~”

Blushing in embarrassment, Percy opens his mouth to reply, only to cut himself off yet again when Kida finally pulls his cock out. The look of wonder on her face, of earnest excitement… it leaves him speechless. And then her mouth is on his cock and he’s speechless for another reason entirely as she begins to slobber and suck on his dick. Her inexperience is obvious, but her enthusiasm is… palpable as she bobs up and down his cock quite eagerly.

Meanwhile, Chel gets quieter, her next words only for him.

“She wants you, Percy. She wants to be with you. But she fears you do not want her. Show her otherwise. I have not missed the way you two have been looking at each other. Nor do I begrudge a God his desires.”

Percy’s breath hitches as Chel pulls away from him, sauntering over and dropping onto her hands and knees. She crawls into position behind Kida, and a moment later the Atlantean Queen is moaning around his cock, her eyes going wide in shock as Chel’s tongue finds her mark beneath the dark-skinned royal’s skirt.

He’s been struggling to figure out where he stands with Chel ever since they first got intimate, to be honest. They’re lovers… but there’s also this whole thing where she’s decided he’s DEFINITELY a God and that she, as his first true worshipper, is his High Priestess. The funny thing is, now that they’re here in this dimension, Percy can’t exactly refute her anymore.

He would never even think of cheating on her though, under normal circumstances. But these were far from normal circumstances, weren’t they? Kida was sucking his cock, while Chel ate Kida out. What was Percy supposed to do? Reject Kida to spare Chel’s feelings when it was incredibly obvious that Chel WANTED to include Kida in their relationship?


Letting out that single word in a long gasp, Percy ultimately decides to sit back and enjoy. There’s a lot about this that’s enjoyable, in all fairness. Kida might not know what she’s doing, but it’s obvious Chel at least gave her a crash course in fellatio, because she’s avoiding grazing him with her teeth as she bobs up and down on his member, slobbering all over the place and wagging her tongue back and forth.

Meanwhile, Chel’s preparations are causing Kida to moan up and down his length, the noises she’s making reverberating across his shaft. It feels fucking amazing, and Percy can’t deny that he’s getting rather close when Chel suddenly yanks Kida back by her hair off of his cock.

“That’s enough.”

His High Priestess is flushed and flustered, but not nearly as flushed and flustered as Kida, the newly crowned Queen panting heavily, her eyes glazed over, and her pupils dilated as she stares up at him in awe and reverence. And then she snaps back to reality, looking over her shoulder at Chel and pouting mightily.

“But… but I was not finished yet!”

“Of course you aren’t finished! Now… now you ride him!”

With a flourish, his self-proclaimed High Priestess yanks Kida’s coverings off of her body, pulling at her top with one hand and her skirt with the other. Quite suddenly, the Atlantean Queen is entirely nude, her athletic, fit body on full display as Percy eyes her up and down. Blushing, the dark-skinned young woman makes an aborted move to cover herself up, before ultimately deciding otherwise.

She doesn’t resist, as Chel guides her onto his lap. Percy reaches out and grabs Kida by her hips, enjoying the feel of her strong physique under his hands. She’s nothing like Chel, if he’s being honest. The two women couldn’t be more different. One has the voluptuous, curvaceous form of a woman, and grew up as little more than a commoner in El Dorado. The other has the athletic figure of someone who stays fit and moving constantly. Not to mention, Kida was a Princess before she became Queen.

But Percy likes them both, if he’s being honest. Even as Chel slides Kida down onto his cock, the Atlantean woman gasping and moaning, her chiseled abdomen flexing and clenching in response, he tosses a grateful smile over her shoulder to his High Priestess. Chel smiles right back, and then SLAMS Kida down the rest of the way onto his cock.

The Atlantean Queen cums on the spot as she finds herself impaled upon a God of Oceans sat upon her very throne. Howling in ecstasy, Kida tosses her head back, body shaking and spasming. She’s so much tighter than Chel was, but no less wet, her arousal evident as Percy thrusts up from below and begins to bounce her up and down on his cock.

Kida quickly recovers enough to actively participate, riding him fast and hard, eyes wide and mouth open in a constant pant, but that doesn’t stop her from fucking herself on his dick as best she can. For a virgin, she’s certainly enjoyable, that’s for sure. Chel, meanwhile, wraps herself around Kida at first, pressing her own much larger breasts into Kida’s back and bringing her hands up to play with Kida’s nipples.

The sight of his High Priestess and the woman he helped make Queen in front of him is certainly an intoxicating one. Percy doesn’t really want to be King… but he can’t deny that he enjoys this, being with Chel and Kida both, partaking in their bodies while they in turn partake in his.

Of course, Chel can’t go even five moments without being a minx of some sort. One of her hands slides down betwixt Kida’s thighs and begins to frig at her clit as the Atlantean Queen continues to bounce up and down on his cock. That alone is enough to make Kida squeal, but she squeals even louder when Chel’s other hand disappears behind her back, slipping down to her backside.

It’s rather obvious that his self-proclaimed High Priestess is fingering the Queen of Atlantis’ ass. And not just because Percy feels her exploratory digits through Kida’s body as he slams up into her drooling quim, again and again. With the two of them both penetrating the unprepared Queen between them, it’s certainly not long before Kida simply can’t contain herself any longer. And once she starts cumming, she just doesn’t stop.

In the end, she manages to milk Percy of his seed not once, not twice, but thrice before they’re done. He fills Kida with his cum again and again as Chel insists on helping the exhausted Queen ride him through orgasm after orgasm. And when all is said and done…

“Say it, Queen of Atlantis. SAY IT!”

“He is my God! I pledge myself to Percy Jackson, God of the Oceans and Sea! I will never worship another!”

It’s a little worrying that he FEELS the truth in Kida’s words, that her worship settles deep within him, in a place Percy can’t quite describe at this point. But it’s also deeply satisfying, having the Atlantean Queen submitting to him like this. In the end, Percy throws Chel a single reproachful look, but ultimately allows his High Priestess to do as she will, even as she pulls Kida off of his cock, laying the exhausted Queen down to rest.

Dropping to her knees and taking his messy prick in between her pillowy lips, Chel just grins up at him impishly with a mouthful of dick, giving him a simple wink before getting to work cleaning him up. Chuckling softly, Percy just shakes his head in response, ultimately leaning back to relax upon the Throne of Atlantis, already wondering what was in store for him next.



Such a good story, I've always been a fan of crossovers so this is a big plus for me


Love this version of percy jackson crossovers. Chel is always a plus.


Would love to see this story continued, but if your going to continue with crossovers then I have no idea who would be next.

Liev Reed

I’ve really loved this series so far

Collar Spider

I think next characters could be Moana or the always underrepresented Nani from Lilo and Stitch


I think both fall in line with the general motif we've had going. I also think Avatar is a logical step on this path.