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A/N: Part 3 here! Got one more chapter of this mini-series planned, then I'll probably start another. Feel free to submit ideas for short 3-5 chapter mini-series in the comments down below. Bonus points if you give me links to images or short comics like this one to adapt into a story. I reserve the right to ignore all suggestions and do what I want though :P

Bonus Exclusive

Themes: Exhibitionism, Public Sex, Anal Sex

Summary: Based on this comic. Raven and Garfield are out for a day at the beach, which probably should have been another big glaring warning sign that his girlfriend was planning something. Not that he minds much, once he finally realizes what the plan is. In fact, Garfield is more than happy to dive right in...


By this point, Garfield has a pretty good measure of his girlfriend. But even still, as he follows her out onto the beach, he can’t quite get over what he’s seeing. His eyes constantly glide over the half-demon’s body… his and practically every other person at the beach, he’s pretty sure. Logically, Garfield is well aware of just how… voluptuous his girlfriend is. 

If nothing else, their encounter in the movie theater had given him a chance to really explore her body with his hands. At the same time that he’d been groping her ass and bouncing her up and down on his big green cock, she’d been pressing her substantial bosom into his chest. It had been… amazing, to say the least.

And since then, well, he’d been spending most of his nights in her bed. Fucking, if that wasn’t abundantly clear. So yeah, Garfield had a pretty good idea of his girlfriend’s body at this point. That was all in the bedroom though (or one particularly fun movie theater). This was… this was the beach. Which meant Raven was wearing a swimsuit. And not just any swimsuit… Raven was wearing a black string bikini. 

It wasn’t that it was ill-fitted to her… but by it’s very nature, it didn’t contain much. It covered her crotch, and it covered her nipples. Beyond that… her breasts were practically popping out of her top, and her ass was busting out of her bottoms. She was showing off. Though if one were to look at her, they would be able to tell she wasn’t entirely comfortable about it. Or at least, she wasn’t sure how to react to all the attention.

As if sensing his eyes on her ass (because they were, he couldn’t help but stare as he lugged the small cooler and beach umbrella in his arms) Raven glances back at him, blushing furiously and glaring.

“This is a Public Beach. S-So n-no fooling around, got it?!”

Under normal circumstances, Garfield might have raised an eyebrow at her in silence, as if to ask, ‘Is it really ME we need to worry about here?’ Given how their last two dates had gone, he’d be right too at that. Raven had proven to be more than willing to engage in semi-public debauchery so far. And more than willing to drag him into it as well.

But that’s not what Garfield does, because for the first time, he feels like he just might be the one who starts something here. ‘I’m aimin’ to misbehave’ plays through the young shapeshifter’s head in a western drawl as he responds, his mouth feeling perplexingly dry at the moment.

“… Got it…”

He can feel his own blush on his cheeks, at the moment. Raven just looks so fucking delectable. He really could just eat her up. Fuck, if they were back at the Tower and she was dressed like this in the private indoor swimming pool they had there, he probably would start something. Even if it meant that one of their teammates might stumble across them.

But no, this was a public beach, like Raven had emphasized with her ‘capital letter speech’. So, Garfield wasn’t going to do anything, no matter how much he might want to. He was certainly grateful for the loose swim trunks he was wearing today, because they did an admirable job of hiding his growing erection, at least for the time being. If things got much worse, he wasn’t sure he could keep them from tenting.

Regardless, Raven leads him out to an empty, relatively decent looking spot on the sand and stops there, taking her purple towel out of her violet tote bag and laying it out, making it clear this was where she’d decided to set up. It wasn’t directly in the center of the semi-busy beach, it was more off to one side, but there were still quite a few people around them.

With the work of a few of his animal forms, Garfield makes quick work of the beach umbrella, easily digging out a nice hole for it and then packing it in again so that the thing wouldn’t end up going anywhere on them, not even if a particular powerful gust of wind came along. Though, it wasn’t really a windy day. It was actually perfect weather.

Even with that, he was a little surprised Raven wanted to go to the beach. Neither of them really tanned given their conditions, so sunburn wasn’t a problem, but all the same, this was definitely a step further outside of Raven’s comfort zone. Smiling a little at that, Garfield reaches out and slips his fingers through hers.

“Hey, Rae? I’m proud of you.”

Blinking at him owlishly, Raven’s blush intensifies, and she quickly snatches her hand from his (though not before giving it a quick embarrassed squeeze, he notes), averting her gaze and scowling fiercely.

“S-Shut up. Just… just get out the lotion.”

Garfield nods and reaches into Raven’s tote bag, even as the gorgeous half-demon herself lays down on the towel and unties her bikini top, allowing it to rest beneath her and exposing her back. He can’t help the way his eyes trace along the outlines of her smooshed breasts as she does so though. His girlfriend is just too damn stacked… her tits are coming out on either side of her hourglass body, showing just how absolutely massive they are.

And then there’s her ass to be considered. Damn is it a fine ass. For a moment, Garfield is scrambling blindly for the tube of lotion in Raven’s tote, too busy staring to pay much attention. Eventually he finds it though and looks down for the instructions on how to apply it. Which is how he discovers, much to his mild embarrassment, that he somehow grabbed anal lubricant by mistake. 

Before Raven can turn around and notice what he’s holding, Garfield thrusts the lube back into the tote and opens it up more fully so he can look around for the actual lotion. Obviously, his girlfriend was currently working up the courage to introduce him to her third and final hole. Oral and vaginal they’d done plenty of by this point, but anal… the jury was still out on that. Garfield wasn’t going to push Raven on something like that, he’d wait for her to be ready.

Of course, it seemed he’d found out she was ready a bit earlier before intended. Or… had he? As he searches through the tote bag, Garfield’s brow furrows and the shapeshifter begins to frown in consternation. The only tube of any sort of cream or fluid that he can find in the tote… is the tube of anal lubricant.

“What’s taking so long?”

Blinking at his girlfriend’s irritated voice, Garfield lets out a shaky laugh.

“Ah, sorry… having trouble finding it. What’s the lotion look like again, Raven?”

He looks back, hoping that her answer will help him find the invisible lotion. Instead…

“It’s black. One of those ones with a round cap and base that narrows out to thin.”

She doesn’t even have her eyes open right now. Laying there with her arms crossed in front of her, Raven is waiting for him to get the lotion and begin applying it. Except… the lotion is the lubricant. The lubricant tube is exactly what Raven just described. That’s when it hits Garfield, but he has to admit, he’s still rather uncertain.

“… Raven…”

“Just put the lotion on, dweeb!”

… Alright, if that was how she wanted to play it… letting out a sigh, Garfield opens the tube of lubricant. He squirts some out onto his hand and places it on Raven’s back, right between her shoulderblades. She stiffens and shivers at the cool sensation, but otherwise doesn’t comment on it as he begins to rub it in. He stays high, at first, massaging the lube into her shoulders and back, like it’s not meant for a much lower area. 

The lowest Garfield goes in the beginning is the small of her back, refusing to go any lower as they both relax in the sun, Raven doing a bit more relaxing then him. At this point, he’s fully erect. How can he not be? His currently topless girlfriend is laid out before him, her ass barely covered by the string bikini bottoms she’s wearing. She looks fucking amazing, and Garfield… Garfield already knows what’s going to happen next.

“… You can go a little lower now…”

He can practically hear the throaty quality in Raven’s voice. Her own arousal is peaking. She wants him to go further. She wants him to take this to the next level. She’s putting the option in his hands because it makes her feel safer and more secure when he takes the choice away from her. Garfield really isn’t an idiot. He understands his girlfriend perfectly well at this point.

… Sometimes he just wishes Raven was a bit more normal. But that wasn’t fair, and Garfield knew it. So, he goes lower. He descends to her ass and rubs the ‘lotion’ into her buttocks for a few moments, allowing it to slip between her ass cheeks into her crack, past the thong-like bikini bottoms she’s wearing. 

He does this for a while, making sure that Raven is nice and lubed up without actually taking the next step quite yet. And then, as she lets out little mewling noises thanks to his ministrations, Garfield slips his cock out of his swim trunks. He slaps some of the lubricant onto his big green dick as well, sliding one hand up and down his shaft as quietly and subtly as possible, well aware that they ARE still on a public beach.

Then, once he’s sure he’s ready, he slides Raven’s bikini bottoms to the side and uses his thumbs to spread her ass cheeks as he levers the head of his cock in the direction of her tight, well-lubricated asshole. The moment that the bulbous head of his member touches her sphincter, Raven reacts, as he expects.

“A-Ah?! W-Wait, there are people arou-!”

But Garfield knows better. He thrusts forward, cutting his girlfriend off as she covers her own mouth to keep from crying out. Her ass is surprisingly accepting of his dick, more accepting even then the lubricant should have left her. It’s just one more sign that she’s been preparing for this moment for who knows how long?

Leaning over Raven, both because he wants to and to hide their coupling a bit better from all the people around them, Garfield reaches out and grabs his girlfriend by the ponytail she currently has her hair up in. He yanks her head back as he begins to thrust in and out of her back door, grunting into her ear as his thighs clap against her full ass cheeks.


“Just how long were you planning this, Raven? Just, hah, how long have you been preparing your ass for me?”

“Mmph! Nnnngh!!!”

She’s still covering her mouth with her hand, which is probably a pretty good idea, because Garfield isn’t letting up. He can’t stop now, her ass feels too fucking good around his cock, it’s the tightest hole he’s ever experienced. Raven can’t answer him properly right now, but that’s okay because Garfield knows already. He knows exactly what his girlfriend is like.

“Fuck, Raven. Fuck, I’m already getting close!”


Whatever she might have wanted to say, her desire not to get them both caught keeps her hand covering her mouth, even as he pumps a thick, hot load right into her rectum. Garfield groans quietly into his girlfriend’s ear as his seed spurts out of him and into her. With this, he’s finally deflowered and defiled every hole Raven has. Even if she might have difficulty expressing it, even if she might not know how to say it… Garfield knows his girlfriend loves him.

Grinning, he slowly slides out of Raven’s well-lubricated asshole with a pleased sigh on his lips, tucking his softening cock back into his swim trunks and sliding Raven’s bikini bottoms back into place, though they don’t do much to hide the slow disgorging of his cum from Raven’s slightly agape back door. Garfield can’t help but admire the sight, as his seed slowly slides down her crotch.

Raven herself remains laid out face down on the towel, panting and breathing heavily as she catches her breath. She doesn’t say a word, doesn’t so much as look back at him a single time… but Garfield knows he did well. They enjoy each other’s company in relative quiet after that, just having a bit of fun at the beach. No water, though Garfield is certainly tempted to go for a swim. But he doesn’t want to leave his girlfriend alone while she’s still recovering from her first time with anal. He doesn’t want anyone to try and prey on her either.

Eventually, Raven fixes her bikini top and they get up to leave. Garfield gathers up the big things while she packs her tote bag. He only stops when she hears her mutter something that’s not quite under her breath and is clearly meant to be heard.

“M-Must have… m-must have packed the wrong tube b-by mistake…”

This time, when she sneaks a glance in his direction, Garfield IS looking at her with a single lifted eyebrow. Raven’s blush comes back full force, and the half-demon quickly looks away again, trembling with embarrassment. But Garfield just can’t leave it at that. As they’re heading back to the Tower, he can’t help speaking up, grinning and shooting Raven a knowing look.

“No, no. I totally believe you! Switching the lotion for lube was an ‘accident’.”

Raven covers her face with her hand and doesn’t speak to him all the way back to the Tower, but when night arrives and he finds himself in Raven’s bed for a late night rendezvous, the love of his life is bent over her bed and spreading her ass cheeks wide with her own hands to offer him her already-lubricated back door.

As Garfield slides into Raven’s ass for the second time, this time fucking her on her bed where she can truly let her voice out and trust in the soundproofed walls of the Tower’s private quarters to prevent any noise from getting out… Garfield knows this is an absolute win.

Their relationship might not be ‘conventional’ by any definition found in any book anywhere… but Garfield doesn’t care. He wouldn’t trade it for the world.



Alexis going to her best friends, Mindy and Jasmine for advice about how to confess her feelings to Jaden.

Danny C

How about short little stories based on something like this? https://hypnohub.net//data/image/d08ec6186dc0f4bcb9c436af0d191da5.jpg


Sorry, can't have anything noncon/dubcon on Patreon, it goes against their guidelines!


Have you thought of doing Zillionaire’s other teen titans comic or adventure time comic, while they are a lot bigger than this comic that’s mainly due to filler and spread the story out. The adventure time, 14 pages, could easily been done in one post, whereas the teen titans comic, 40 pages, has two separate story plots which could be done in two separate posts if you feel like it (I would personally would say 4, as there are natural separation points in both plots to add a extra post).