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Themes: Tsundere, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly

Summary: Based on this gif and this gif. She was supposed to be the CEO of Hell, the big bad Lucifer Morningstar. And she was... until HE came into her life. All of the sudden, she's on Earth, being bribed with delicious chocolate pancakes and getting sexually harassed by the human man who ransacked her home plane of all the best demons, including herself. I-It's not like she likes him, or anything... 


“I can offer coffee, turn-based strategies, and chocolate pancakes.”

Scowling as That Man’s words play through her head, Lucifer angrily flips the pancakes in front of her, pouting dangerously all the while. When she’d originally claimed the Kitchen as her Domain within the mortal’s house, this was NOT what she’d had in mind. She’d only done so in order to assert her authority over the rest of the demons that the now-titled Helltaker had managed to draw out of Hell along with her.

She who controlled the Kitchen controlled the distribution of both coffee and chocolate pancakes. A worthy seat for the CEO of Hell and Mistress of the Damned, if ever there was one in this ramshackle mortal dwelling. Except, she couldn’t spend ALL of her time in the Kitchen, nor did she want to. But that was how That Man had gotten her, in the end. That was how the Helltaker had managed to turn the tables on her!

Lucifer growls, as she slides the finishes chocolate pancakes out of the pan and onto the stack she’s been making, before pouring more batter. They don’t look nearly as good as HIS do, but then if there was one thing that That Man was good at, it was cooking chocolate pancakes. He was also fairly good at brewing a decent pot of coffee… and as last night had shown, he was deceptively good at turn-based strategy games!

A lot of the video games that Malina and Helltaker played together didn’t draw much attention from the other female demons in the house. Personally, Lucifer found them to be overly wrought and needlessly complex most of the time. But last night, Malina had been feeling old school and That Man had brought out the original turn-based strategy boardgame (if one doesn’t count Chess, of course). 

More than half of the house had been drawn into the game of Risk that had followed, including Lucifer herself. After all, while she’d adapted with the times and happily titled herself as CEO of Hell when that became the new top dog position, she still remembered being Queen of Hades and Empress of the Abyss respectively at different periods in her immortal life.

Conquering was in her blood, so how could she possibly resist a good game of Risk? And she’d done quite well, too. She’d been winning, before That Man had managed to turn things around like he had. Lucifer had knocked most of the players out of the game personally, until it was ultimately down to just her and him.

And then, because she was Lucifer and tempting mortals was in her blood, she’d foolishly made him an offer. She’d bet him that if she won, he would wait on her hand and foot the next day, to the point of ignoring the rest of the demons in the house. Because, even though she was Lucifer, CEO of Hell, That Man INSISTED on giving all of his so-called harem attention equally.

No matter how much they punished him, no matter how many broken bones, no matter how much clawed flesh, he refused to play favorites and refused to give any of them, Lucifer included, any more time then he felt they were entitled to. It was infuriating, especially for the one who was supposed to be above it all!

So, Lucifer had made her bet. And of course, there’d been the caveat that if HE won, she would have to serve him hand and foot for the next day instead. She’d agreed unthinkingly… after all, it wasn’t like he had any chance in Hell, right?

Looking around the Kitchen, and then down at herself, Lucifer scowls mightily. She’d been beaten by That Man. She’d lost, and this was the beginning of her day of servitude. Forced to make the chocolate pancakes that the entire household tended to subsist on every morning so that That Man could sleep in for once. Really, it was such a waste of her many talents that she was almost insulted. He could have done anything he wanted with her! And he could have started right then and there when she’d ultimately lost, since they’d played well past midnight!

Instead, he’d said he was going to bed and that she was in charge of breakfast. That bastard! He hadn’t even tried to do anything lewd to her! Well, Lucifer would show him. A sly little smirk alit on the CEO of Hell’s face, as she flipped the pancake before her. Right now, she was pulling what the mortals referred to as a ‘Naked Apron’. Namely, she was wearing the familiar black apron that That Man always wore while cooking chocolate pancakes… and nothing else.

She certainly wasn’t breathing in his scent or anything like that or enjoying the feel of his apron pressed up against her naked flesh. But she was completely naked underneath, meaning that the first thing the Helltaker would see when he finally woke up and came into the kitchen would be her swaying, perfectly heart-shaped derriere, and her flicking, swishing spade tail.

Should be any moment now. She’d certainly been cooking chocolate pancakes for long enough. Pandemonica had already come in for her morning cup of coffee too. Her reaction had been amusing enough that Lucifer was half-tempted to serve the morning’s chocolate pancakes in this attire… but first and foremost, she was going to catch That Man off guard if it was the last thing she di-!


His big burly hand comes down on her ass mid-swing, completely surprising Hell’s CEO, on account of her being so lost in her own thoughts that she wasn’t paying attention to her surroundings, or even who was coming in and out of the Kitchen at this point. This had given the Helltaker the opportunity to sneak up on her after she’d completely missed his initial reaction. 

As her ass jiggles from the sudden impact, the sound of the spanking resounding through the room, Lucifer jumps, her entire body jolting involuntarily as she swings her head around, eyes wide in surprise and face flustered and flushed red from the tingling sensations running through her. Of course, as soon as she makes eye contact with That Man (albeit with his ever-present shades still in the way) she realizes just how badly she’s been had. 

Her surprise and shock immediately morph into a pouty scowl, even as he grins cheekily at her and steps right on past, aiming to pour himself a cup of coffee.

“I like the get-up.”

She’s not going to dignify that with an answer. She refuses!


Instead, Lucifer just lets out a totally-not-adorable noise of disgruntlement and gets back to work. So, what if she missed his reaction to her Naked Apron routine? It didn’t matter, she had a job to do. So, she keeps on making chocolate pancakes and pointedly ignores the way That Man leans against the counter, sipping from his mug of coffee and staring at her half-naked form.

It's only right that he would look. She knows she’s perfection made manifest. Though it speaks to how much of a wimp he is that he doesn’t do more than look. Sure, he spanked her… but he has her at his beck and call for the whole day! He can do whatever he wants to her, and he’s just standing there?!

When he steps up to her side, Lucifer tenses, prepared for him to have finally grown a backbone. But instead of reaching for HER, he just reaches around and grabs one of the chocolate pancakes she made, rolling it up and bringing it to his mouth one handed to munch down on. She definitely does NOT carefully peek in his direction to see his reaction to her cooking. She already KNOWS her pancakes aren’t going to be as good as his, she doesn’t need him to rub it in her fa-

“Huh, not bad.”

O-Oh. Lucifer keeps on scowling, of course, even as he continues to eat. It should be him cooking right now, and her doing the eating! The jerk! How dare he beat her! How dare he force her to cook for him! How dare he not slake his undoubtedly insatiable lusts on her voluptuous, curvaceous body!

Chewing and swallowing so as not to be rude by talking with his mouth full, That Man shrugs.

“Well, I would, but I figured if I tried to go too far, you’d suck my soul out of my body or something. I didn’t gather you girls from Hell into a Harem by being a dick, you know?”

Wait, had she said that last part out loud?

“Yeah, and that part too…”

Shoulders hunching in for a moment, Lucifer can almost feel the steam coming out of her ears. But then she stiffens up, her spine snapping straight, and her head held high as she remembers who and what she is. She doesn’t DO embarrassed. Lifting her nose, Lucifer looks down the end of it towards the Helltaker.

“I see. So even though you won and have every right to claim me as your spoils of war, you still seek permission?”

Let it not be said that the Helltaker was lacking in confidence just because he knew to ask for consent. Setting his coffee mug down on the counter, the big man leans in close and flashes a wicked grin.

“Why? You giving it?”

Blushing perhaps just a little bit, but still definitely fully in control of herself AND the situation, Lucifer sniffs haughtily.

“Perhaps just the once. To see if you’re worth anything more than coffee, turn-based strategies, and chocolate pancakes.”

The grin on his face unsettled her… but it also excited her, she had to admit. He really would make a good demon. And then he’s reaching for her and Lucifer’s eyes go wide as every thought in her mind is swiftly chased away by what happens next.


“Oh! Oh, oh, OH!”

That Man’s grunts fill the air right alongside the CEO of Hell’s gasping yelps and moans. Of all the ways that Lucifer had imagined the Helltaker… taking her, this was not one of them. And yet, that did not make it any less pleasurable. The apron she’d been wearing had been pulled off of her body and tossed aside, and then Lucifer herself had been lifted into the air.

Before the CEO of Hell had been able to even properly question what he thought he was doing, That Man had her in a full nelson, his big burly arms going up under her legs, and his hands coming up to grab at her curled white horns. She’d never been manhandled in such a way before, and she was about to say as much, she really was. She was about to ask him what the hell he was on about, she was about to order him to put her down… and then his erection had slapped up wetly against her mound.

With her legs folded up the way they were, her twat was fully unprotected, spread open and vulnerable to his predations. Staring down past her breasts at his admittedly sizable member, the Queen, Empress, CEO… whatever the fuck you wanted to term her, had been at a loss for words for the first time in… as long as she could remember.

He’d slid his cock up and down her slit a few times, getting his cockhead all nice and lubed up on her entrance, much to her embarrassment. And then, right as Lucifer was finding the words, right when she was about to admonish him for not just getting on with it already… he’d lifted her up and dropped her down. 

That was where they were now, with Lucifer getting fucked and That Man doing the fucking. The Helltaker was bouncing her up and down on his cock, standing there in the middle of the Kitchen with his thick, strong trunk-like legs spread and firmly planted in place. He was a large man, to be sure, so it wasn’t entirely impossible to believe him strong enough and big enough to manage this… but it was still something that the CEO of Hell had never in a million years expected.

As such, she really can’t combat the pleasure coursing through her as she’s manhandled and plowed senseless in such a… humiliating and embarrassing manner. His massive, thick cock spears up into her depths again and again as he holds her folded up body in place, and his hands around her horns make Lucifer feels so small, defenseless, and weak… in a good way. She’d never thought there was such thing as a ‘good way’ for those things, but it seemed she’d found it all the same.

The pleasure is overwhelming, and in no time at all, the Queen of Hell is reaching her tipping point.


It’s highly embarrassing, but she can’t help herself for whatever reason. With tears in the corner of her eyes from sheer over-sensation, Lucifer squeals as she cums on That Man’s cock, watching it happen too, the way his member continues to thrust up into her sopping twat, the way her pussy juices pour out around his pistoning prick.

And he doesn’t stop fucking her then either. He doesn’t immediately cum alongside her. That more than anything else impresses Lucifer, though she won’t admit it later. As he fucks her harder and faster, her face as red as a tomato and her pale tits bouncing and jiggling all over the place, the CEO of Hell can do nothing but yelp and squeak and squeal and moan and bear with it.

Until finally, he cums. He cums, exploding deep inside of her womb. She feels like she should be offended, but what right does she have to that? She’d given him carte blanche with her body, and he’d used it to give her the best sex she’d had in fucking years. When he pulls out of her creampied quim and slowly unfolds her, he sets her down in a chair next to the kitchen table and gives her a grin as she all but flops in it, panting heavily and slowly catching her breath.

“So. What’d ya think?”

Seeing his shit-eating grin and his hands on his hips and worst of all, his twitching, still-hard cock pointing directly at her… Lucifer freezes like a deer caught in headlights, blushing profusely, eyes widening… before she quickly beats a tactical retreat from the room. No… no, it’s not a retreat! She’s advancing in the other direction! She has to… she has to punish Malina! For ever bringing up that damn game of Risk in the first place and daring to tempt the Devil herself into playing!

Later, she’ll be a little embarrassed that she ran out on That Man like that, especially since the wager had been for the whole day. She’d feel guilty, like she cheated him out of his time, o-or something. Of course, he’d never bring it up. It wasn’t that he was scared, if he were a coward he wouldn’t have come down to Hell in the first place. His survival instincts though, those were top-fucking-notch.

… She’d have to find the time to pay him back later. One way or another.



This was honestly really fun to write, I enjoyed it a lot. Hopefully you guys like it xD


Awww.... That was absolutely adorable.

Nicodemus Archleone

Beware, for the devil always gets her due and always keeps her end of the bargain, one way or another. Lucky Man.

That black guy

minor error end of 2nd ful paragraph "Table son her" instead of "tables on her"