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The Arc Family Techniques Ch. 19 (RWBY)

  • Glynda stays put (Extend Jaune's time as a 'prisoner') 323
  • Glynda intervenes (Shorten Jaune's time as a 'prisoner') 140
  • 2020-05-06
  • 463 votes
{'title': 'The Arc Family Techniques Ch. 19 (RWBY)', 'choices': [{'text': "Glynda stays put (Extend Jaune's time as a 'prisoner')", 'votes': 323}, {'text': "Glynda intervenes (Shorten Jaune's time as a 'prisoner')", 'votes': 140}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 6, 17, 53, 57, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 463}


A/N: Full disclosure, I'm making up the technique names as I go along. Clearly Jaune's ancestors were kind of bad at naming things. Certainly, it doesn't reflect on me the author in any way, no sir! :P


He’s already used Eyes of Love on Neo. Its probably what made her so interested in him in the first place, causing her to feel all tingly and amorous after his smoldering gaze had met her own. But that was barely scratching the surface of what Jaune could do. The last time he’d even come close to going all out… had been with Camilla. It wasn’t like he wanted to or anything like that, but Winchester had been asking for it.

That was the thing about his family’s techniques. As his father had always told him, in the wrong hands, the Arc Family Techniques could be a weapon. Wasn’t that… wasn’t that the only way Jaune had ever used them? Were his hands in fact the wrong hands to be wielding these techniques? He was… ah, but he couldn’t allow himself to second guess things now. In truth, Jaune didn’t want to make use of his family techniques. Not after what a single bit of the Eyes of Love had done to his sister.

But first Camilla, and now Roma and Neo… these were women who wanted to hurt him, who wanted to hurt his friends. Jaune wouldn’t allow that. He couldn’t allow that. As the short-pint crawls over to him, completely naked and licking her lips with even more predatory intent than before… Jaune twitches his length and activates the Rod of Ecstasy, much as he did with Camilla. 

His cock draws Neo’s gaze at that, her eyes widening as she looks upon him in a new light. But that’s just a distraction, Jaune knows what he has to do. As Neo’s predatory attitude falters for just a moment, the young man takes full advantage, reaching out and grabbing the pint-sized mute thief’s multi-color hair in an Arc Family Technique he’s never used before… the Grip of Domination. 

Neo freezes up at that, her entire body locking up for a moment. But the Grip of Discipline, much like most of his family’s techniques, doesn’t actually force the woman to do anything she doesn’t want to do, necessarily. All it does is make it feel good to obey. For someone like Neo, Jaune can’t let up for even a moment. She’s not going to be completely struck speechless by the Rod of Ecstasy like for instance, Camilla was.

… That was a bad way of saying that. Suffice to say, this little thief that was currently looking to make him into her boy toy and share him along with Roma Torchwick wouldn’t just give up so easily. But that’s fine, because Jaune is using the Grip of Dominance to yank Neo up the length of his body, causing her cute little derriere to end up perched upon his cock as he brings her lips to his own and gives her a Kiss of Bliss.

Neo’s mismatched eyes, already as wide as dinner plates, glaze over as he puts his tongue to work. Jaune is already a skilled kisser, he’s well aware of that… but as his use of it on Camilla showed, the Kiss of Bliss is different. Neo’s eyes nearly roll back in her head as their tongues wrestle with one another for a moment before he gets hers under control, pressing it to the bottom of his mouth.

Finally, the piece de resistance… and undeniably the stupidest named technique of the lot. It was honestly embarrassing to even think it, and Jaune wouldn’t be caught dead speaking it or most of these techniques out loud. Still, it was what his forefathers, who Jaune had always secretly suspected were idiots, had named it. 

Pulling back his free hand, Jaune brings it down in just the right way upon Neo’s up-turned ass.


The Spanking if Discipline is not a normal slap to the bottom. That said, it’s effects won’t exactly work, much like the rest of his techniques, if there isn’t at least some part of the woman who wants him, who wants this. That’s… in the end, that’s what the Arc Family Techniques are for. Opening the way for a woman to let go of her inhibitions, to set aside the other things she might have cared about and focus solely on her attraction to the Arc Male that’s using them on her.

On top of that, they turned any sexual encounter they were used in, into a battlefield of sorts. Jaune had only had to use the Eyes of Love on Roma Torchwick for the Master Thief to want a piece of him. He’d then fucked her into a state of unconsciousness, relying on his sizable aura and somewhat insane endurance to see him through.

But right now… right now he was going full tilt with Neo, and it showed. If the mute girl COULD scream, Jaune is fairly sure he’d be muffling the noise she’s making with his lips right now. As it is, he feels it as her entire body seizes up against his own, and she orgasms beautifully, squirting her pussy juices all over his abdomen and his crotch.

The combination of sexual attacks he’s levied against her are completely unfair… but he’s quite sure Neo started it by being a kidnapping, thieving bitch, so really, can anyone blame him? Regardless, now that he has her right where he wants her… he kind of has to follow through. All of this is all well and good, but it’s not like Neo is suddenly pacified and docile, it’s not like she’s suddenly just going to let him walk out of here.

If he tries to pull away now, the spell he’s woven will be broken, and she’ll likely react… poorly. Even if he’s made her cum, he can tell from looking into her adoring mismatched eyes that she still expects exactly what Roma got. So… fine. He’ll give it to her. Spinning them over, Jaune pins the half-pint thief beneath him, a silent exhalation of air escaping her lips as her back hits the bed.

She wiggles and writhes cutely under him, giving him a wicked little grin… but he can see right through it. She won’t fight him, not on this. She wants him to fuck her, she wants to see everything Jaune has to offer. So, that’s what Jaune’s going to give her. And maybe once he does, he can see about getting out of here…

Lining up his cock with Neo’s juicy, dripping wet pussy lips, Jaune slips back and forth against her cunt for a bit, just trying to find purchase. Neo whines in silence, making no noise but certainly making a face that makes it clear if he weren’t holding her by her wrists and pinning her down, she’d be able to help him get inside of her faster. Jaune just snorts at her and shakes his head.

“No, I don’t think so. This is my rodeo, now.”

Neo’s face turns petulant, and even with his techniques working their magic, Jaune is sure she’s about five seconds away from using her illusion semblance on him in some way so that she can regain the upper hand and take back control. Luckily for him, he finds purchase in her tight little entrance about three seconds after that, and Neo’s plans are subsequently derailed as Jaune thrusts the entirety of his thick erection up into her unbelievably tight, unbelievably slick cunt.

Watching the mute girl’s mismatched eyes roll up in her head and her tongue stick straight out of her mouth in silent ecstasy would make Jaune wonder if she wasn’t mocking him, if he didn’t know exactly how good he was. More than that, with the numerous techniques he’s employed here, he’s got Neo right where he wants her. Still, no need to let up any time soon, now is there?

He’d fucked Roma normally… but as he begins to piston in and out of Neopolitan, Jaune once again leans down and gives Neo another Kiss of Bliss, while at the same time switching up his grip on her wrists so he’s using Grip of Discipline on both, just like he did with her hair. There’s soon far less squirming and a lot more humping as Neo’s eyes stay rolled back in her head and she cums again and again around his cock.

Her legs lift up and wrap around his waist in the meantime, and Jaune realizes he’s taking her in a mating press of sorts in the same moment he finds himself stricken by another thought altogether. The girls at Beacon were all supposedly on birth control. That was what Jaune had read, anyways, that was what he’d been told. 

But would a criminal like Roma Torchwick be using the same sort of contraceptive? Surely, she had to be using protection of some sort, r-right? It wasn’t like he was the only booty call that a vivacious red head like Roma would be calling upon, and he highly doubted she had any desire to end up pregnant. Neo… Neo had to be the right way, right?

As Jaune looks down into Neo’s rolled back eyes, he realizes that the worst part is, he can’t even ask her. To ask her if she was using protection, to ask her whether he should cum inside or not… would be giving her back some of the control he’d just finished wresting away from the girl. If one compared his female teammates as well as the members of RWBY to house pets, while a girl like Camilla Winchester was a feral cat… then women like Roma and Neo were straight up lionesses, ready to tear Jaune’s head off if he showed even a hint of weakness.

… Alright so maybe that whole thing was sort of a bad analogy, but the point was still there. He couldn’t give Neo even an inch, but the sudden thought that he might cum inside of the girl and knock her up, that he might knock Roma up as well… it does not fill Jaune with satisfaction. Of course, as he has that realization, for the briefest moments, Jaune does consider using the Arc Family Technique he told Glynda about, all that time ago. The one that made pregnancy a certainty, instead of a possibility. The same technique that his father had no doubt used to give birth to so many damn children, over the years.

Except, just as quickly as he has the idea, he discards it. He’s not about to purposefully knock up Neopolitan just so that she’s taken out of play for a while. Getting her pregnant might mean she can’t commit as many crimes when she gets closer to popping, but then Jaune will suddenly have a baby, or even worse, she might try to spirit his son or daughter away, and… it was just a mess, waiting to happen. Jaune was NOT begetting his first child on a criminal, no sir!

He couldn’t exactly turn back now when it came to Roma, but with Neo at least… by the time he’s even close to release, she’s a twitching mess, barely even conscious. Breaking her extremely weak hold on his hips is child’s play as Jaune jerks himself back, pulling his cock, slick with her fluids, out of her cunt. Moving up the length of her body, Jaune doesn’t let his seed go to waste… he delivers the thick load of male Arc spunk all over Neo’s ahegaoing face, along with her pale, naked tits, coating her upper half in his jizz.

Panting heavily as he looks down at Neo, and then over at Roma, Jaune rolls off of the bed, swallowing thickly and moving to put on his clothes. It was time to get out of here, time to- half-dressed and hurrying for the door, Jaune yanks it open, fully intending to make a run for it… only to nearly run face first into the two Peeping Tammys standing on the other side.

As a pair of absolutely gorgeous twins, one in white and one in red, fall back on their asses, clearly not having been able to get away from the door fast enough to avoid him, Jaune stares down at them… and they stare up at him in return. Something… something tells him that getting out of here, wherever here is, won’t be as easy as it looks.


“… Dismissed.”

“B-But Professor! You’re going to go find Jaune, right? We can help! We have to help!”

Glynda Goodwitch whirls on the leader of Team RWBY, and not even Ruby’s age or her watery silver eyes are enough to make the disciplinarian think twice about exploding on her, exploding on them all.

“I think you’ve ‘helped’ enough Ms. Rose! All of you! You are not huntresses, you are students! And yet, like foolhardy, reckless imbeciles, you all went running into danger half-cocked and half-trained! Any one of you could have died tonight! And your fellow student, Mr. Arc, STILL might, thanks to you!”

Ruby hangs her head and sobs quietly, while Yang wraps her arm around her little sister. But the blonde isn’t looking at Glynda defiantly, as she might have under different rule-breaking circumstances. No, those purple eyes of hers are focused solely on the floor, as are Ms. Schnee’s and Ms. Belladonna’s. Not a single member of Team RWBY can bare to look at her… which is all well and good, because Glynda can barely bear to look at them in turn.

“As I said… dismissed. You all are confined to your dorms until this matter is resolved. The proper authorities have been contacted. Jaune Arc has been declared missing. There are people more qualified and certainly far more skilled than you four that are now out looking for him. There’s nothing any of you can do except make things worse. And I think you’ve already done enough of that, don’t you?”

Cruel? Perhaps. Mean? Almost certainly. But Glynda can’t bring herself to care, even as Team RWBY shuffles their way out of her office and heads back to their dorm. Or at least, they’d better. She’d have them expelled if they disobeyed her on this. She meant it when she said they’d done enough.

Gritting her teeth, Glynda considers what to do. It’s true that the proper authorities have been called. And, despite her fatalistic words, she doesn’t actually believe Jaune will be killed. She’d had Team RWBY recount their perspectives multiple times, and to one such as Glynda who knew what the young Arc was really capable of… it sounded like he’d defused the situation at great personal cost to himself.

But from what she understood of the Arc Family Techniques, they might not be enough to let him escape all on his own. And despite her words to the members of Team RWBY, Glynda wasn’t entirely sure she trusted the Vale PD enough to handle this in a timely manner. Yet… could she really interfere after telling Team RWBY to stay put. Was that not hypocritical?

… Maybe, where Jaune was concerned, she was a hypocrite. She could locate him within twenty-four hours if she put her all into it. But that would involve abandoning her post. It would involve going over the heads of law enforcement. It would involve getting her hands dirty. In the end… what should she do?



While I’m not crazy about extending the prisoner story... I don’t want Glynda to be a hypocrite and betray her principles. I guess I’d prefer Jaune being good for the various women in his life rather than bad for them. Besides, he’s doing okay.